
There is no direct transport mode connectivity between Dhupguri and Samastipur. The cheapest way to reach from Dhupguri to Samastipur is cab to Siliguri, then bus to Khagaria, then train to Samastipur Jn and takes 16h 2m. The fastest way to reach from Dhupguri to Samastipur is cab to Katihar, then train to Samastipur Jn and takes 10h 29m.

It takes 1 hours, 31 minutes to travel from Siliguri to Dhupguri. Approximate driving distance between Siliguri and Dhupguri is 76 kms or 47.2 miles or 41 nautical miles . Travel time refers to the time taken if the distance is covered by a car. On the table above you can see driving distance in various units namely kilo metres, miles and.