
GOF is being flogged to OnPassive and GoFounders affiliates for $1 each. In an email sent out to Onpassive and GoFounders affiliates, Ken Russo, a membership of the scam’s “leadership council”, detailed GOF token packages spanning $100 to $20,000 USD. Minimum purchase and bonuses in $GOF tokens: 100 USD = 100 GOF 1000 USD = 1100 GOF

Subscribe Ash Mufareh still stalling OnPassive launch after 2.5 years Dec.10, 2020 in companies, OnPassive OnPassive has been in prelaunch now for roughly two and a half years. To this day, gullible “founders” who shelled $97 for positions still have nothing to show for it.

Dec.10, 2020 in companies, OnPassive OnPassive has been in prelaunch now for roughly two and a half years. To this day, gullible “founders” who shelled $97 for positions still have nothing to show for it. A reader comment from late October prompted me to flag OnPassive for an update check in a few months.