
It might be a silly question for non-latin speakers, but it's odd to hear about a post-mortem meeting for a successful project since this expression means 'after death'.. I know that this can be also called Lessons Learned meeting, but I'd like to know if that's correct to conduct a post-mortem (and calling it like this) for successful projects.

postmortem [ pohst- mawr-t uhm ] See synonyms for postmortem on adjective of, relating to, or occurring in the time following death. of or relating to examination of the body after death. occurring after the end of something; after the event: a postmortem criticism of a television show. adverb

Post-mortem Meaning in Tamil. Find what's the translation meaning for word post-mortem in tamil?Here's a list of translations.

Ante-mortem injuries occur before death whereas post-mortem injuries occur after death. Therefore, ante-mortem refers to events occurring prior to death. Comparison of Ante-mortem and Post-mortem Injuries Ordinarily, the nature of injuries is used as the principal factor for differentiating ante-mortem injuries from post-mortem injuries.

Many people find photos of the dead creepy or morbid. No question, postmortem photographs are sorrowful images. They capture the ravages of illness. They depict grieving parents.

In a massive Super Exclusive, Republic TV puts the focus back on how not only was there a botch-up in the Sunanda Pushkar murder probe, but also an attempt to present false evidence and mislead the investigating authorities in the case. The case has been pursued by Republic TV with a series of stings and exposes.