
Function Functions of these four cranial nerves (V-VIII) include regulation of respiration, control of involuntary actions, sensory roles in hearing, equilibrium, and taste, and in facial sensations such as touch and pain, as well as motor roles in eye movement, facial expressions, chewing, swallowing, and the secretion of saliva and tears.

[Brainstem tectum and tegmentum] is the roof of the cavity while the tegmentum forms the ventral covering. The central cavity of the neural tube becomes the aqueduct of Sylvius, the fourth ventricle, and the central canal of the spinal cord.

The pons is one of three parts of the brainstem. Its functions include sensation and motor function, especially in the head and neck. Four of the 12 cranial nerves are present in the pons, as well as the reticular activating system. Injuries or strokes affecting the pons may lead to problems with facial sensation, motor function, vision.

It is a group of nerves that function as a connection between the cerebrum and cerebellum (pons is Latin for bridge). The pons develops from the embryonic metencephalon (part of the hindbrain, developed from the rhombencephalon), alongside the cerebellum.

The pons is the largest part of the brainstem, located above the medulla and below the midbrain. It is a group of nerves that function as a connection between the cerebrum and cerebellum ( pons is Latin for bridge ). The pons develops from the embryonic metencephalon (part of the hindbrain, developed from the rhombencephalon), alongside the.