
A data science roadmap is a strategic plan that outlines the essential steps, skills, and knowledge required for aspiring data scientists to succeed in the vast and multidisciplinary field of data science.

Computer Science Computer systems Revise Video New Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Utility software Utility software helps maintain the system. Utility software is used for: compression.

What is Data Science? Data science continues to evolve as one of the most promising and in-demand career paths for skilled professionals. Today, successful data professionals understand that they must advance past the traditional skills of analyzing large amounts of data, data mining, and programming skills.

Abstract- Present era is of technology and among the technology Information Communication Technology (ICT) is the most important. It is a power and playing critical and vital role in all aspect of human life. It has integrated the world and changed the entire global economic, social, political and educational scenario.

Computer scientist or computer science researcher. Data scientist. Database administrator. Engineering manager. Full-stack developer. Information security analyst. Information technology.

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Science have been provided here to help the students in laying a strong foundation for the subject. The answers to the questions related to the topics present in NCERT Class 7 textbooks are explained in a simple and descriptive manner.

Science is continually refining and expanding our knowledge of the universe, and as it does, it leads to new questions for future investigation. Science will never be “finished.” Science is a global human endeavor. People all over the world participate in the process of science. And you can too! This section describes what makes science.

The date sheet has been released for all the streams on the official website, Central Board of Secondary Education has declared that the class 12 exams will begin on February 15 and the exams will end on April 5, 2023. The examinations would begin at 10.30 AM. As of now, the dates and guidelines for the practical exams of class.

The major subjects covered under Science stream are: 1. Mathematics 2. English 3. Biology 4. Physics 5. Chemistry 6. Computer Science. The major career options under Science stream are: 1. Engineering 2. Doctor 3. Scientist 4. Astronauts 5. Pharmacists 6. Software Programmers 7. Web Developers and lot more… Students should choose the subjects.

Different subject combinations available in Science, Commerce and Humanities at +2 level in our school for the academic session 2023-24 are: OPTION -1 : English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. OPTION -2 : English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Psychology. OPTION -3 : English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science.

The CBSE board will release the CBSE Class 12 Toppers List 2023 along with CBSE Result 2023. Central Board of Secondary Education will release the toppers list of class 10 on the official website of CBSE at The CBSE class 12 Board Exam was conducted by CBSE Board from 15 February 2023 to 5 April 2023 through Pen Paper Mode.

MCQ Questions for Class 12-science: Get MCQ's with answers for subjects like Chemistry, Maths, etc at TopperLearning. Visit our website to get full access to CBSE Class 12-science Multiple Choice Questions!