
answer answered You can convert existing Excel worksheet data and charts to HTML document by using the ? A. Internet Assistant Wizard B. Intranet Wizard C. Import Wizard D. Export Wizard Answer No one rated this answer yet — why not be the first? 😎 profile Brainly User ︻︼︻︼︻ ︻︼︻︼︻ ︻︼︻︼︻

SaintMort Updated April 6, 2018 44.2K views10 items A list of medieval wizards, including both real and legendary wizards and sorcerers. Wizards from the middle ages are the course of our modern concept of wizards. Merlin was a medieval wizard.

Because of this, the most influential figures in the Dungeons & Dragons universe are wizards. How To Make An Overpowered Wizard in D&D If you've at any point played a spellcaster in D&D, odds are you're at least familiar with the names of some iconic wizards.

Morgan Le Fay Half-sister to King Arthur, in the Arthurian sagas Morgan does not wish to see Arthur on the throne and uses magic to try and thwart his work. She was a powerful enchantress, and her name implies that she is related to some kind of fairy creature.

The Secret Behind the Sparkle. Take a look behind the scenes to see how the Smithsonian keeps the ruby slippers sparkling in the spotlight. Inside the Conservation Lab: Conserving Dorothy's Ruby Slippers. Dorothy's Ruby Slippers from "The Wizard of Oz" are nearly 80 years old.