
  1. Skateboard Tricks: 200+ Skateboards Tricks with Videos
  2. Skateboard Tricks: 200+ Skateboards Tricks with Videos
  3. Skateboard Tricks: 200+ Skateboards Tricks with Videos
  4. Skateboard Tricks: 200+ Skateboards Tricks with Videos

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Skateboard Tricks: 200+ Skateboards Tricks with Videos

Table of Contents • • • • • • • What skateboard tricks should I learn first? Before getting ahead of yourself, you should focus on what are some easy skateboard tricks for beginners, such as the These basic beginner skateboard tricks will stand you in good stead to learn some of the more advanced tricks below, as most of them are just combinations of the above. If you’re asking yourself “what is an ollie on a skateboard?” then you definitely need to do a little more research and practice before tackling some of these advanced skateboard tricks. While there are certainly tricks that anyone can do, there are some tricks to learn that will take years of practice. But don’t be put off! The cool skateboard tricks aren’t always the most difficult ones, and whilst learning some advanced skateboard tricks might seem daunting, with some practice you’ll soon be landing skateboard tricks you never thought you’d be able to. Flip Tricks and Tech Alpha Flip An alpha flip is just a hospital flip with a backside 180 body varial. They look and feel very similar to bigspins. Start the trick by doing a backside 180 ollie with a half kickflip. Leave the front foot in place to catch the board on the grip side, and throw it around the rest of the way to complete the 360 board spin. Anti Casper Flip The anti casper is high tech, but it’s not that tough to learn. To do one, you’ll need to do a half kickflip first. While in the air, catch the grip side of the deck with the top of your back foot an...

Skateboard Tricks: 200+ Skateboards Tricks with Videos

Table of Contents • • • • • • • What skateboard tricks should I learn first? Before getting ahead of yourself, you should focus on what are some easy skateboard tricks for beginners, such as the These basic beginner skateboard tricks will stand you in good stead to learn some of the more advanced tricks below, as most of them are just combinations of the above. If you’re asking yourself “what is an ollie on a skateboard?” then you definitely need to do a little more research and practice before tackling some of these advanced skateboard tricks. While there are certainly tricks that anyone can do, there are some tricks to learn that will take years of practice. But don’t be put off! The cool skateboard tricks aren’t always the most difficult ones, and whilst learning some advanced skateboard tricks might seem daunting, with some practice you’ll soon be landing skateboard tricks you never thought you’d be able to. Flip Tricks and Tech Alpha Flip An alpha flip is just a hospital flip with a backside 180 body varial. They look and feel very similar to bigspins. Start the trick by doing a backside 180 ollie with a half kickflip. Leave the front foot in place to catch the board on the grip side, and throw it around the rest of the way to complete the 360 board spin. Anti Casper Flip The anti casper is high tech, but it’s not that tough to learn. To do one, you’ll need to do a half kickflip first. While in the air, catch the grip side of the deck with the top of your back foot an...

Skateboard Tricks: 200+ Skateboards Tricks with Videos

Table of Contents • • • • • • • What skateboard tricks should I learn first? Before getting ahead of yourself, you should focus on what are some easy skateboard tricks for beginners, such as the These basic beginner skateboard tricks will stand you in good stead to learn some of the more advanced tricks below, as most of them are just combinations of the above. If you’re asking yourself “what is an ollie on a skateboard?” then you definitely need to do a little more research and practice before tackling some of these advanced skateboard tricks. While there are certainly tricks that anyone can do, there are some tricks to learn that will take years of practice. But don’t be put off! The cool skateboard tricks aren’t always the most difficult ones, and whilst learning some advanced skateboard tricks might seem daunting, with some practice you’ll soon be landing skateboard tricks you never thought you’d be able to. Flip Tricks and Tech Alpha Flip An alpha flip is just a hospital flip with a backside 180 body varial. They look and feel very similar to bigspins. Start the trick by doing a backside 180 ollie with a half kickflip. Leave the front foot in place to catch the board on the grip side, and throw it around the rest of the way to complete the 360 board spin. Anti Casper Flip The anti casper is high tech, but it’s not that tough to learn. To do one, you’ll need to do a half kickflip first. While in the air, catch the grip side of the deck with the top of your back foot an...

Skateboard Tricks: 200+ Skateboards Tricks with Videos

What skateboard tricks should I learn first? Before getting ahead of yourself, you should focus on what are some easy skateboard tricks for beginners, such as the These basic beginner skateboard tricks will stand you in good stead to learn some of the more advanced tricks below, as most of them are just combinations of the above. If you’re asking yourself “what is an ollie on a skateboard?” then you definitely need to do a little more research and practice before tackling some of these advanced skateboard tricks. While there are certainly tricks that anyone can do, there are some tricks to learn that will take years of practice. But don’t be put off! The cool skateboard tricks aren’t always the most difficult ones, and whilst learning some advanced skateboard tricks might seem daunting, with some practice you’ll soon be landing skateboard tricks you never thought you’d be able to. Flip Tricks and Tech Alpha Flip An alpha flip is just a hospital flip with a backside 180 body varial. They look and feel very similar to bigspins. Start the trick by doing a backside 180 ollie with a half kickflip. Leave the front foot in place to catch the board on the grip side, and throw it around the rest of the way to complete the 360 board spin. Anti Casper Flip The anti casper is high tech, but it’s not that tough to learn. To do one, you’ll need to do a half kickflip first. While in the air, catch the grip side of the deck with the top of your back foot and use the leverage to do a shuvi...