Tirupati to arunachalam

  1. Tirupathi
  2. Distance between Tirupati and Arunachalam Temple
  3. Arunachalam Temple
  4. Tirupati to Tiruvannamalai Bus Tickets Booking, Save upto 25%

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While you are coming from Tirupati to tiruvanamalai,depending on which route you take you can visit Tirruthani or Vellore. If you are taking vellore route to tiruvanamalai there is a Ganapathi temple about 10 kms detour from Chittior called Kanipakkam which you can think of visiting. While coming from Tiruvanamalai to Kumbakonam visit chidambaram nataraja temple(About 30-40 Kms extra ride will be there from Tiruvanamalai to kumbakonam if you are visiting Chidambaram).If you are visiting Chidambaram temple do visit Gankai Konda cholapuram also which is enroute Chidambaram Kumbakonam route. Swamimalai is about 10 kms from Kumbakonam and is one of six abodes of Lord Subramanya

Distance between Tirupati and Arunachalam Temple

It takes 2 hours, 40 minutes to travel from Tirupati to Arunachalam Temple. Approximate driving distance between Tirupati and Arunachalam Temple is 134 kms or 83.3 miles or 72.4 nautical miles . Travel time refers to the time taken if the distance is covered by a car. On the table above you can see driving distance in various units namely kilo metres, miles and nautical miles. 1 You can view the route map below. Click and zoom on the map to understand the route better and plan better for your trip. Route Map

Arunachalam Temple

Arunachalam Temple at Tiruvannamalai is one of the panchabhootha sthalams. Lord Siva was here known by Arunachaleswarar and is referred to as Agni Lingam. Karthigai deepam will be celebrated in a grand, temple will be decorated with colourful lightings. Arunachalam Temple Legends As per the legend, Goddess Parvathi closed Lord Siva’s eyes when they are in a cheerful mood, which leads the whole creation fellinto darkness. Goddess pleaded Lord for the mistake and reached Kanchipuram to perform a strict penance as directed by the Lord. Later Goddess moved toIruvannamalai hills nearThiruvannamalai and continued herpenance. It is said that during this time, Parvathi killed the demon Mahisasura and organised a big festival on the day of Karthigai. Impressed Siva, appeared as a cosmic flame on the summit of the hill and Goddess joined him there as his consort. As per the legends, Lingodbhava is associated with this temple. Siva wanted to prove his supremacy, he emerged in the form of a great flaming cosmic pillar fire and challenged Lord Vishnu andLord Brahma to find Origin and End. Lord Vishnu then took the form as boar and dug deep into the Earth and told Siva that he could not make it. Lord Brahma who took the form as a swan and set out to reach the top. On his way up, Brahma met Mogili flower (aromatic flower) and cow and requested to support his lie. Brahma with their support told Siva that he had reached the top. Angered by the claim, Lord Siva cursed Brahma that there will...

Tirupati to Tiruvannamalai Bus Tickets Booking, Save upto 25%

The journey from Tirupati to Tiruvannamalai is smoothly covered by a bus in 3 hours. The time to travel is dependent on India’s traffic, roads and climatic conditions. There are operators running their buses between Tirupati to Tiruvannamalai bringing necessary travel convenience for several people in India. All buses are driven by experienced drivers ensuring safety during journey. Operators Serving on this Route A number of prominent operators ply buses from Tirupati to Tiruvannamalai ensuring punctuality and safety for its passengers. Major operators offering various kinds of bus services are: • • • • Buses are the best modes of transportation for traveling from Tirupati to Tiruvannamalai . You can book a bus ticket from Tirupati to Tiruvannamalai from the comfort of your home by simply logging on to redBus website or app, entering Tirupati and Tiruvannamalai as your source and destination respectively, and selecting the most suitable bus available from the list. Yes, redBus makes cancelling or rescheduling the bus tickets extremely easy for passengers. You can reschedule your Tirupati to Tiruvannamalai bus ticket by entering the ticket details and choosing a future date of traveling. Confirm the rescheduled date of travel and pay the difference amount for the ticket. Disclaimer: Please note that rescheduling the tickets is subject to bus operator policy. One can check the availability of rescheduling the tickets of the respective bus operator while booking tickets onli...