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  5. Translate documents & websites
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  7. ‎Google Translate on the App Store
  8. Picture Translation in Urdu » Picture Meaning in Urdu
  9. آپ کے جاری رکھنے سے پہلے

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Picture Translation in Urdu » Picture Meaning in Urdu

Picture Translation in Urdu تصویر کھینچنا، نقش و نگار کرنا، شبیہ اتارنا، چترام بنانا، تصویر کشی کرنا Urdu Translation, Definition and Meaning of English Word Picture. You are seeing Picture translation in Urdu. You can find other words matching your search Picture also. "Picture" Meaning in Urdu is "تصویر کھینچنا، نقش و نگار کرنا، شبیہ اتارنا، چترام بنانا، تصویر کشی کرنا" We are showing all the meanings of word " Picture" even if it is noun, verb or adjective. If you want sentence or paragraph translation online then please visit If word you searched is not found in our dictionary, please check your spellings, search again, you can also find it in the given belwo matching words. Words matching your search are: Urdu to English Dictionary | English to Urdu Translation | English to Urdu Dictionary Sponsored Links

Translate documents & websites

When you open a translated website, you can switch between the original and translated versions. On medium to large screens • Option 1: At the top left, click the language tabs. • Option 2: At the top right, click the Down arrow to open the dropdown menu. Select Translation or Original. On small screens • Option 1: At the top left, click the language tabs. • Option 2: At the top right, click More . In the expanded menu, next to “Show originalpage,” click the switch to change between the original and translated website. Change the language of a translated website After you open a translated website, you can change the translation language. • Check that you’re on the translated website. • At the top, in the translation language tab, click the Down arrow . Tip: If you think the original language of the website is incorrect, click the the original language tab Down arrow . Website translation widget If you’re an academic institution or government, nonprofit, or non-commercial website, you may be eligible to sign up for the Google Translate Website Translator shortcut. This tool translates web content into over 100 languages. To get the Website Translator shortcut, sign up on our Translate documents You can translate documents up to 10 MB in any of these formats: .docx, .pdf, .pptx, .xlsx. PDF files must be 300 pages or less. To translate more documents or larger documents, • In your browser, go to • At the top, click Documents. • Choose the languages to translate to an...

Translate images

To translate text with your camera: • On your Android phone or tablet, open the Translate app . • Choose the languages that you want to translate to and from. • From: Choose a language or tap Detect language . • To: Select the language that you want the translation in. • On the app home screen, tap Camera . • To translate text from an image that you’ve already captured: tap All images . • To translate what you find through your camera: • Point your camera at the text that you want to translate. • Tap Shutter button . Tip: To freeze the translated text in camera view, tap Shutter . Translate part of text You can select sections of an image to translate. • On your Android phone or tablet, open the Translate app . • Choose the languages that you want to translate to and from. • From: Choose a language or tap Detect language . • To: Select the language that you want the translation in. • Tap Camera and use the shutter button . • To view Translate options, tap Expand . • Toggle to turn on S how original text,below the language picker. • Select text • Tap any word to select it, then drag the selection anchors to adjust the selected text. The translated text will appear in the card. • If you turn on Show original textit will show the captured text untranslated. Tip: If the text is too long to view in the card, drag the card up. Work with translated text Once the text in an image is translated, you can do things like copy the text, get it read aloud, or send it to Translate Home...

‎Google Translate on the App Store

Translate between up to 133 languages. Feature support varies by language: • Text: Translate between languages by typing • Offline: Translate with no Internet connection • Instant camera translation: Translate text in images instantly by just pointing your camera • Photos: Translate text in taken or imported photos • Conversations: Translate bilingual conversations on the fly • Handwriting: Draw text characters instead of typing • Phrasebook: Star and save translated words and phrases for future reference Permissions notice: • Microphone for speech translation • Camera for translating text via the camera • Photos for importing photos from your library Translations between the following languages are supported: Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Aymara, Azerbaijani, Bambara, Basque, Belarusian, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cebuano, Chichewa, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Corsican, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dhivehi, Dogri, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Ewe, Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Guarani, Gujarati, Haitian Creole, Hausa, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Ilocano, Indonesian, Irish Gaelic, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Konkani, Korean, Krio, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Kurdish (Sorani), Kyrgyz, Lao, Latin, Latvian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Luganda, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Maithili, Malagasy, Mal...

Translate documents & websites

When you open a translated website, you can switch between the original and translated versions. On medium to large screens • Option 1: At the top left, click the language tabs. • Option 2: At the top right, click the Down arrow to open the dropdown menu. Select Translation or Original. On small screens • Option 1: At the top left, click the language tabs. • Option 2: At the top right, click More . In the expanded menu, next to “Show originalpage,” click the switch to change between the original and translated website. Change the language of a translated website After you open a translated website, you can change the translation language. • Check that you’re on the translated website. • At the top, in the translation language tab, click the Down arrow . Tip: If you think the original language of the website is incorrect, click the the original language tab Down arrow . Website translation widget If you’re an academic institution or government, nonprofit, or non-commercial website, you may be eligible to sign up for the Google Translate Website Translator shortcut. This tool translates web content into over 100 languages. To get the Website Translator shortcut, sign up on our Translate documents You can translate documents up to 10 MB in any of these formats: .docx, .pdf, .pptx, .xlsx. PDF files must be 300 pages or less. To translate more documents or larger documents, • In your browser, go to • At the top, click Documents. • Choose the languages to translate to an...

Translate images

To translate text with your camera: • On your Android phone or tablet, open the Translate app . • Choose the languages that you want to translate to and from. • From: Choose a language or tap Detect language . • To: Select the language that you want the translation in. • On the app home screen, tap Camera . • To translate text from an image that you’ve already captured: tap All images . • To translate what you find through your camera: • Point your camera at the text that you want to translate. • Tap Shutter button . Tip: To freeze the translated text in camera view, tap Shutter . Translate part of text You can select sections of an image to translate. • On your Android phone or tablet, open the Translate app . • Choose the languages that you want to translate to and from. • From: Choose a language or tap Detect language . • To: Select the language that you want the translation in. • Tap Camera and use the shutter button . • To view Translate options, tap Expand . • Toggle to turn on S how original text,below the language picker. • Select text • Tap any word to select it, then drag the selection anchors to adjust the selected text. The translated text will appear in the card. • If you turn on Show original textit will show the captured text untranslated. Tip: If the text is too long to view in the card, drag the card up. Work with translated text Once the text in an image is translated, you can do things like copy the text, get it read aloud, or send it to Translate Home...

‎Google Translate on the App Store

Translate between up to 133 languages. Feature support varies by language: • Text: Translate between languages by typing • Offline: Translate with no Internet connection • Instant camera translation: Translate text in images instantly by just pointing your camera • Photos: Translate text in taken or imported photos • Conversations: Translate bilingual conversations on the fly • Handwriting: Draw text characters instead of typing • Phrasebook: Star and save translated words and phrases for future reference Permissions notice: • Microphone for speech translation • Camera for translating text via the camera • Photos for importing photos from your library Translations between the following languages are supported: Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Aymara, Azerbaijani, Bambara, Basque, Belarusian, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cebuano, Chichewa, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Corsican, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dhivehi, Dogri, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Ewe, Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Guarani, Gujarati, Haitian Creole, Hausa, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Ilocano, Indonesian, Irish Gaelic, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Konkani, Korean, Krio, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Kurdish (Sorani), Kyrgyz, Lao, Latin, Latvian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Luganda, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Maithili, Malagasy, Mal...

Picture Translation in Urdu » Picture Meaning in Urdu

Picture Translation in Urdu تصویر کھینچنا، نقش و نگار کرنا، شبیہ اتارنا، چترام بنانا، تصویر کشی کرنا Urdu Translation, Definition and Meaning of English Word Picture. You are seeing Picture translation in Urdu. You can find other words matching your search Picture also. "Picture" Meaning in Urdu is "تصویر کھینچنا، نقش و نگار کرنا، شبیہ اتارنا، چترام بنانا، تصویر کشی کرنا" We are showing all the meanings of word " Picture" even if it is noun, verb or adjective. If you want sentence or paragraph translation online then please visit If word you searched is not found in our dictionary, please check your spellings, search again, you can also find it in the given belwo matching words. Words matching your search are: Urdu to English Dictionary | English to Urdu Translation | English to Urdu Dictionary Sponsored Links

آپ کے جاری رکھنے سے پہلے

ہم • Google سروسز کو ڈیلیور کرنے اور انہیں برقرار رکھنے کے لیے • آؤٹیجز کو ٹریک کرنے اور اسپام، دھوکہ اور بیجا استعمال سے حفاظت کرنے کے لیے • ہماری سروسز کے استعمال کے طریقے کو سمجھنے کے لیے آڈئینس کی مشغولیت اور سائٹ کے اعداد و شمار کی پیمائش کرنے اور ان سروسز کے معیار کو بہتر بنانے کے لیے اگر آپ "سبھی قبول کریں" کا انتخاب کرتے ہیں تو ہم درج ذیل کے لیے کوکیز اور ڈیٹا کا بھی استعمال کریں گے • نئی سروسز کو ڈویلپ کرنے اور انہیں بہتر بنانے کے لیے • اشتہارات کی تاثیر کو ڈیلیور کرنے اور اس کی پیمائش کرنے کے لیے • آپ کی ترتیبات پر مبنی ذاتی نوعیت کے مواد کو دکھانے کے لیے • آپ کی ترتیبات پر مبنی ذاتی نوعیت کے اشتہارات کو دکھانے کے لیے غیر ذاتی نوعیت کا مواد آپ فی الحال جو دیکھ رہے ہیں اس مواد، آپ کی تلاش کے فعال سیشن میں سرگرمی اور آپ کے مقام جیسی چیزوں سے متاثر ہوتا ہے۔ غیر ذاتی نوعیت کے اشتہارات آپ فی الحال جو دیکھ رہے ہیں اس مواد اور آپ کے عام مقام سے متاثر ہوتے ہیں۔ ذاتی نوعیت کے مواد اور اشتہارات میں مزید متعلقہ نتائج، تجاویز اور اس براؤزر سے ماضی کی سرگرمی جیسے گزشتہ Google تلاشیں کی بنیاد پر مطابق اشتہارات بھی شامل ہو سکتے ہیں۔ اگر متعلقہ ہو تو ہم تجربے کو عمر کے لحاظ سے مناسب بنانے کے لیے کوکیز اور ڈیٹا کا بھی استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ اپنی رازداری کی ترتیبات کا نظم کرنے سے متعلق تفصیلات سمیت اضافی معلومات دیکھنے کے لیے "مزید اختیارات" کو منتخب کریں۔ آپ کسی بھی وقت بھی ملاحظہ کر سکتے ہیں۔