Uganda ki kali ghati

  1. Delta Green: Kali Ghati – RPPR Actual Play
  2. फूलों की घाटी : उत्तराखंड की लोक
  3. Reddit
  4. Kalighat Kali Temple
  5. Reddit
  6. Delta Green: Kali Ghati – RPPR Actual Play
  7. फूलों की घाटी : उत्तराखंड की लोक
  8. Kalighat Kali Temple
  9. Kalighat Kali Temple
  10. Reddit

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Delta Green: Kali Ghati – RPPR Actual Play

Sponsor: This is a published scenario from Please consider buying Kali Ghati if you enjoy this AP. Synopsis: A mixed group of federal law enforcement and military agents find themselves in Afghanistan on a mission for Delta Green. A fellow Delta Green agent has gone missing from an Army base in a troubled province. It’s up to the agents to find him before the disappearance draws the kind of attention that Delta Green cannot afford. The missing agent went on a mission by himself into the heart of darkness. Even if the team survives the journey, can they gaze into the void and survive? Lines up with my read of the module. Weak start, and a prime example of how the way information is presented to us shapes how we present it to others. There was a very clear shift in Ross’ tone when he switched from the abstract skill-gated infodump in the early investigation to the freeform QnA in the midpoint. The final act is definitely the strongest; it takes some pretty obvious railroading to get there, but the roadside ambush can be scarily tense, and the encounter with the Sleeper, Ellis, and the cultists is CLASSIC CoC. If I were to run it, I’d probably rewrite the beginning to make the infodump flow better, but Ross did the best he could with an imperfect module. That is a pretty deadly/insanity inducing scenario to start a campaign(or mini-campaign) off. 😀 It was a pretty good listen! So many chances to die or go insane. Gunfire is a huge danger in DG. Can’t wait to see Shaun’s agent...

फूलों की घाटी : उत्तराखंड की लोक

बहुत पुरानी बात है। हिमालय पर्वत की घाटी में एक ऋषि रहते थे। वे गोरे-चिट्टेथे, उनकी श्वेत धवल दाढ़ी था और कंद, मूल, फल खाते थे । अपना अधिक समय वह तपस्या में व्यतीत करते थे। कभी-कभी बर्फ से ढके पहाड़ों के बीच अकेले वह उदास हो जाते। उदासी तोड़ने के लिए अक्सर वह जोर से बोलने लगते। उन्हीं की आवाज ऊंचे पर्वतों से टकराकर लौट आती। दूर-दूर तक नजर दौड़ाकर वह कुछ खोजने लगते। चारों ओर दूध-सी सफेद बर्फ ही दिखाई देती। उनका मन और उदास हो जाता। एक दिन उन्होंने ध्यान लगाकर भगवान से कहा, ‘प्रभु कभी-कभी मन नहीं लगता, सूने पहाड़ की उदासी काटने लगती है। कुछ कृपा करो।’ ऋषि अभी ध्यानमग्न ही थे, तभी उन्हें छम-छम करती पायल की झंकार सुनाई दी। उन्होंने आंखे खोलीं। देखा, हिम-सी एक बालिका श्वेत वस्त्रों से सजी सामने खड़ी थी। मंत्रमुग्ध ऋषि ने दौड़कर बच्ची को गोद में उठा लिया। उनका हृदय पुलकित हो उठा। खुशी में आंखों से आंसू बहने लगे। ऋषि के आंसू बहते देख, बच्ची मीठी वाणी में बोली, ‘बाबा रोते क्यों हो?’ ‘मैं रो नहीं रहा हूं। ये खुशी के आंसू हैं मेरी बच्ची। बताओ, तुम कहां से आई हो? तुम्हारा नाम क्या है? तुम किसकी बेटी हो?’ ऋषि ने पूछा। बच्ची बोली, ‘मैं नीचे की घाटियों से आई हूं। मेरी मां ने मुझे तुम्हारे पास भेजा है। मेरी मां का नाम प्रकृति है। मेरा नाम है सुषमा।’ ‘तुम कब तक मेरे पास रहोगी? मुझे लगता है, अब एक बार तुम्हें पा लिया तो मैं एक क्षण भी तुम्हारे बिना न रह सकूंगा। अब तुम मुझे छोड़कर कभी न जाना।’ कहते हुए वृद्ध ऋषि विभोर हो गए। ‘मैं तुम्हारे पास ही रहूंगी बाबा। मेरी मां ने कहा है, उदास ऋषि के चारों तरफ खुशी बिखेर देना, ताकि कभी किसी को भी भविष्य में हिमालय में उदासी न घेरे। मैं कभी भी तुम्हें छोड़कर न ज...


Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. For more information, please see our • Animals and Pets • Anime • Art • Cars and Motor Vehicles • Crafts and DIY • Culture, Race, and Ethnicity • Ethics and Philosophy • Fashion • Food and Drink • History • Hobbies • Law • Learning and Education • Military • Movies • Music • Place • Podcasts and Streamers • Politics • Programming • Reading, Writing, and Literature • Religion and Spirituality • Science • Tabletop Games • Technology • Travel • I'm taking a break from my long-running D&D campaign to run Kali Ghati as a one-shot for my players. I can't wait, Delta Green is by far my favourite system. One question I have though concerns the location of Kali Ghati itself, or more specifically how the Agents discover its location. The text of the scenario details a lot of dead ends in the camp and surrounding area, but never actually outlines where the trigger is for what should send the Agents off in the APCs into the desert. Am I missing something really obvious, or does the scenario fail to specify when the Agents are meant to disco...

Kalighat Kali Temple

22°31′12″N 88°20′31″E / 22.52000°N 88.34194°E / 22.52000; 88.34194 Architecture Type Completed 1809 Website .org /ind-700026-100001 / Kalighat Kali Temple is a Adi (original) Ganga. Legend [ ] Kalighat is regarded as one of the 51 Kalighat is also associated with the worship offered to Kali by a Dasanami Monk by name Chowranga Giri, and the Chowringee area of [ citation needed] History [ ] The Kalighat temple in its present form is only about 200 years old, although it has been referred to in Mansar Bhasan composed in the 15th century, and Kavi Kankan Chandi in the 17th century. The present structure of the temple was completed under the Sabarna Roy Chowdhury family's patronage in 1809. Santosh Roy Chowdhury, a Kali devotee himself, started the construction of the present-day temple in 1798. It took 11 years to complete the construction. Temple details [ ] This is a rectangular altar about three feet high bearing a small cactus plant. Beneath the tree, on an altar three stones are placed side by side - left to right representing the goddesses [ citation needed] Natmandir [ ] A large rectangular covered platform called Natmandir has been erected adjacent to the main temple, from where the face of the image can be seen. This was originally built by Zamindar Kasinath Roy in 1835. It has been subsequently renovated often. Jor Bangla [ ] The spacious verandah of the main temple facing the image is known as Jor Bangla. Rituals occurring inside the sanctum sanctorum are visible f...


Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. For more information, please see our I'm thinking of running Kali Ghati for my group next session, and looking for some advice. My PCs are an FSO & two former Army Infantry (Sutterberg, Clifton, and Vincenzo from Night Visions from Control Group), all in good physical & mental shape. They've only got half an operation under their belt (second half of Thermophilia), so I really don't want them to die on THIS operation (but if it happens, it happens). KG comes with 6 pre-gens, with a good deal of combat experience among them. Are my 3 PCs equipped to handle this scenario? It seems heavy in combat and mind-rending. The IED scene looks pretty dangerous, as does the sudden attack by a hundred villagers, and the temple escape. Do they stand a chance making it out alive? Are there any suggestions for toning it down a little bit? Or would I be better off running something else for them? Or is the scenario much more do-able than I'm thinking?

Delta Green: Kali Ghati – RPPR Actual Play

Sponsor: This is a published scenario from Please consider buying Kali Ghati if you enjoy this AP. Synopsis: A mixed group of federal law enforcement and military agents find themselves in Afghanistan on a mission for Delta Green. A fellow Delta Green agent has gone missing from an Army base in a troubled province. It’s up to the agents to find him before the disappearance draws the kind of attention that Delta Green cannot afford. The missing agent went on a mission by himself into the heart of darkness. Even if the team survives the journey, can they gaze into the void and survive? Lines up with my read of the module. Weak start, and a prime example of how the way information is presented to us shapes how we present it to others. There was a very clear shift in Ross’ tone when he switched from the abstract skill-gated infodump in the early investigation to the freeform QnA in the midpoint. The final act is definitely the strongest; it takes some pretty obvious railroading to get there, but the roadside ambush can be scarily tense, and the encounter with the Sleeper, Ellis, and the cultists is CLASSIC CoC. If I were to run it, I’d probably rewrite the beginning to make the infodump flow better, but Ross did the best he could with an imperfect module. That is a pretty deadly/insanity inducing scenario to start a campaign(or mini-campaign) off. 😀 It was a pretty good listen! So many chances to die or go insane. Gunfire is a huge danger in DG. Can’t wait to see Shaun’s agent...

फूलों की घाटी : उत्तराखंड की लोक

बहुत पुरानी बात है। हिमालय पर्वत की घाटी में एक ऋषि रहते थे। वे गोरे-चिट्टेथे, उनकी श्वेत धवल दाढ़ी था और कंद, मूल, फल खाते थे । अपना अधिक समय वह तपस्या में व्यतीत करते थे। कभी-कभी बर्फ से ढके पहाड़ों के बीच अकेले वह उदास हो जाते। उदासी तोड़ने के लिए अक्सर वह जोर से बोलने लगते। उन्हीं की आवाज ऊंचे पर्वतों से टकराकर लौट आती। दूर-दूर तक नजर दौड़ाकर वह कुछ खोजने लगते। चारों ओर दूध-सी सफेद बर्फ ही दिखाई देती। उनका मन और उदास हो जाता। एक दिन उन्होंने ध्यान लगाकर भगवान से कहा, ‘प्रभु कभी-कभी मन नहीं लगता, सूने पहाड़ की उदासी काटने लगती है। कुछ कृपा करो।’ ऋषि अभी ध्यानमग्न ही थे, तभी उन्हें छम-छम करती पायल की झंकार सुनाई दी। उन्होंने आंखे खोलीं। देखा, हिम-सी एक बालिका श्वेत वस्त्रों से सजी सामने खड़ी थी। मंत्रमुग्ध ऋषि ने दौड़कर बच्ची को गोद में उठा लिया। उनका हृदय पुलकित हो उठा। खुशी में आंखों से आंसू बहने लगे। ऋषि के आंसू बहते देख, बच्ची मीठी वाणी में बोली, ‘बाबा रोते क्यों हो?’ ‘मैं रो नहीं रहा हूं। ये खुशी के आंसू हैं मेरी बच्ची। बताओ, तुम कहां से आई हो? तुम्हारा नाम क्या है? तुम किसकी बेटी हो?’ ऋषि ने पूछा। बच्ची बोली, ‘मैं नीचे की घाटियों से आई हूं। मेरी मां ने मुझे तुम्हारे पास भेजा है। मेरी मां का नाम प्रकृति है। मेरा नाम है सुषमा।’ ‘तुम कब तक मेरे पास रहोगी? मुझे लगता है, अब एक बार तुम्हें पा लिया तो मैं एक क्षण भी तुम्हारे बिना न रह सकूंगा। अब तुम मुझे छोड़कर कभी न जाना।’ कहते हुए वृद्ध ऋषि विभोर हो गए। ‘मैं तुम्हारे पास ही रहूंगी बाबा। मेरी मां ने कहा है, उदास ऋषि के चारों तरफ खुशी बिखेर देना, ताकि कभी किसी को भी भविष्य में हिमालय में उदासी न घेरे। मैं कभी भी तुम्हें छोड़कर न ज...

Kalighat Kali Temple

22°31′12″N 88°20′31″E / 22.52000°N 88.34194°E / 22.52000; 88.34194 Architecture Type Completed 1809 Website .org /ind-700026-100001 / Kalighat Kali Temple is a Adi (original) Ganga. Legend [ ] Kalighat is regarded as one of the 51 Kalighat is also associated with the worship offered to Kali by a Dasanami Monk by name Chowranga Giri, and the Chowringee area of [ citation needed] History [ ] The Kalighat temple in its present form is only about 200 years old, although it has been referred to in Mansar Bhasan composed in the 15th century, and Kavi Kankan Chandi in the 17th century. The present structure of the temple was completed under the Sabarna Roy Chowdhury family's patronage in 1809. Santosh Roy Chowdhury, a Kali devotee himself, started the construction of the present-day temple in 1798. It took 11 years to complete the construction. Temple details [ ] This is a rectangular altar about three feet high bearing a small cactus plant. Beneath the tree, on an altar three stones are placed side by side - left to right representing the goddesses [ citation needed] Natmandir [ ] A large rectangular covered platform called Natmandir has been erected adjacent to the main temple, from where the face of the image can be seen. This was originally built by Zamindar Kasinath Roy in 1835. It has been subsequently renovated often. Jor Bangla [ ] The spacious verandah of the main temple facing the image is known as Jor Bangla. Rituals occurring inside the sanctum sanctorum are visible f...

Kalighat Kali Temple

22°31′12″N 88°20′31″E / 22.52000°N 88.34194°E / 22.52000; 88.34194 Architecture Type Completed 1809 Website .org /ind-700026-100001 / Kalighat Kali Temple is a Adi (original) Ganga. Legend [ ] Kalighat is regarded as one of the 51 Kalighat is also associated with the worship offered to Kali by a Dasanami Monk by name Chowranga Giri, and the Chowringee area of [ citation needed] History [ ] The Kalighat temple in its present form is only about 200 years old, although it has been referred to in Mansar Bhasan composed in the 15th century, and Kavi Kankan Chandi in the 17th century. The present structure of the temple was completed under the Sabarna Roy Chowdhury family's patronage in 1809. Santosh Roy Chowdhury, a Kali devotee himself, started the construction of the present-day temple in 1798. It took 11 years to complete the construction. Temple details [ ] This is a rectangular altar about three feet high bearing a small cactus plant. Beneath the tree, on an altar three stones are placed side by side - left to right representing the goddesses [ citation needed] Natmandir [ ] A large rectangular covered platform called Natmandir has been erected adjacent to the main temple, from where the face of the image can be seen. This was originally built by Zamindar Kasinath Roy in 1835. It has been subsequently renovated often. Jor Bangla [ ] The spacious verandah of the main temple facing the image is known as Jor Bangla. Rituals occurring inside the sanctum sanctorum are visible f...


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Tags: Uganda ki kali