Which cell organelle is called as the headquarters of cell

  1. What Is an Organelle?

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What Is an Organelle?

• Organelles are structures within a cell that perform specific functions like controlling cell growth and producing energy. • Plant and animal cells can contain similar types of organelles. However, certain organelles can only be found in plant cells and certain organelles can only be found in animal cells. • Examples of organelles found in eukaryotic cells include: the endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough ER), the Golgi complex, lysosomes, mitochondria, peroxisomes, and ribosomes. • Prokaryotic cells do not have membrane-based organelles. These cells can contain some non-membranous organelles like flagella, ribosomes and circular DNA structures called plasmids. Cellular Organelles in a Human Cell. SCIEPRO/Science Photo Library/Getty Images Eukaryotic cells are cells with a nucleus. The nucleus is an organelle that is surrounded by a double membrane called the nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope separates the contents of the nucleus from the rest of the cell. Eukaryotic cells also have a • • • • • • • • • • • • Bailey, Regina. "What Is an Organelle?" ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, thoughtco.com/organelles-meaning-373368. Bailey, Regina. (2023, April 5). What Is an Organelle? Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/organelles-meaning-373368 Bailey, Regina. "What Is an Organelle?" ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/organelles-meaning-373368 (accessed June 15, 2023).