Which is enabled by default while creating a storage account?

  1. Create a storage account
  2. Azure Blob Storage: detect and prevent public accesses – Hacknowledge
  3. Change Access Tiers of a blob and Azure storage account
  4. Configure customer
  5. Specifying which AWS Regions your account can use

Download: Which is enabled by default while creating a storage account?
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Create a storage account

In this article An Azure storage account contains all of your Azure Storage data objects: blobs, files, queues, and tables. The storage account provides a unique namespace for your Azure Storage data that is accessible from anywhere in the world over HTTP or HTTPS. For more information about Azure storage accounts, see In this how-to article, you learn to create a storage account using the Prerequisites If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a • • • • • None. To create an Azure storage account with PowerShell, make sure you have installed the latest You can sign in to Azure and run Azure CLI commands in one of two ways: • You can run CLI commands from within the Azure portal, in Azure Cloud Shell. • You can install the CLI and run CLI commands locally. Use Azure Cloud Shell Azure Cloud Shell is a free Bash shell that you can run directly within the Azure portal. The Azure CLI is pre-installed and configured to use with your account. Click the Cloud Shell button on the menu in the upper-right section of the Azure portal: The button launches an interactive shell that you can use to run the steps outlined in this how-to article: Install the CLI locally You can also install and use the Azure CLI locally. If you plan to use Azure CLI locally, make sure you have installed the latest version of the Azure CLI. See None. None. Next, sign in to Azure. • • • • • Sign in to the Sign in to your Azure subscription with the Connect-AzAccount command and follow the on-screen dire...

Azure Blob Storage: detect and prevent public accesses – Hacknowledge

Introduction Azure StorageAccount is Microsoft solution to regroup its offerings for storage solution in the cloud. There are four types of solutions: • Blob : objects storage, similar to AWS s3 • File : file share in the cloud • Table : NoSQL in the cloud • Queue : messages queue “Wait, similar to AWS s3? Do I need to worry about the infamous public bucket then?!?”. Yes, you should. Attackers have been crawling for public containers using tools such as Microsoft recently published its Blob Storage access control Access level Blob storage access level can be defined to three values: • Private: well, private • Blob: anonymous access but requires the attacker to know the full path of the file, not only the container name (URLs in the format https://.blob.core.windows.net//) • Container: anonymous and you can list the content of a container Microsoft introduced a guard at the Storage Account level a while ago. You can prevent that all blobs created within a given Storage Account are allowed to be set as public. Unfortunately, the default when creating a Storage Account is to Allow public access : enabled… Yet, when you create blob within Storage Account where public access is allowed, the default is to create them as private. Shared Access Signature (SAS) Another control using SAS can be put in place to provide public access to a private container. The following set of signed variables are then appended to the URI of the container to provide a set of privileges while accessin...

Change Access Tiers of a blob and Azure storage account

This article will explain the Access Tier property of Azure storage. I will also explain how to change access tiers of an Azure storage account and for a specific blob object in this article. We have explored the basics of Azure storage in my last articles below which I would suggest you read to understand Azure blob storage. • Getting started with Azure Storage • Understanding Azure BLOB storage and its uses in SQL Server Azure blob storage is a type of Azure storage that can be used to store a huge set of unstructured data. We can also use this storage type for Azure data lake analytics solutions. The first step towards creating blob storage is to create a storage account. Below are high-level steps you must follow to create blob storage and store the unstructured data in that blob container. • Log in to the Azure portal • Create a storage account • Create a container • Upload blob data Read the above-mentioned articles to learn the step-by-step process to create a storage account, container, and steps to upload a blob object. When we create a storage account, it will use the default access tier i.e., Hot tier. Sometimes you don’t need a hot tier as your requirement has very limited data access like the SQL Server backup files kept under short-term or long-term retention policy etc. If you use hot tier for these backup files which will be kept as part of retention, then it will cost you more. A better option to save storage cost on such requirements is to change the acce...

Configure customer

In this article Azure Storage encrypts all data in a storage account at rest. By default, data is encrypted with Microsoft-managed keys. For additional control over encryption keys, you can manage your own keys. Customer-managed keys must be stored in an Azure Key Vault or in an Azure Key Vault Managed Hardware Security Model (HSM). This article shows how to configure encryption with customer-managed keys at the time that you create a new storage account. The customer-managed keys are stored in a key vault. To learn how to configure customer-managed keys for an existing storage account, see Note Azure Key Vault and Azure Key Vault Managed HSM support the same APIs and management interfaces for configuration of customer-managed keys. Any action that is supported for Azure Key Vault is also supported for Azure Key Vault Managed HSM. Configure the key vault You can use a new or existing key vault to store customer-managed keys. The storage account and key vault may be in different regions or subscriptions in the same tenant. To learn more about Azure Key Vault, see Using customer-managed keys with Azure Storage encryption requires that both soft delete and purge protection be enabled for the key vault. Soft delete is enabled by default when you create a new key vault and cannot be disabled. You can enable purge protection either when you create the key vault or after it is created. Azure Key Vault supports authorization with Azure RBAC via an Azure RBAC permission model. Micr...

Specifying which AWS Regions your account can use

The following AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) actions will reach the end of standard support on July 2023: aws-portal:ModifyAccount and aws-portal:ViewAccount. See the If you created your AWS account or AWS Organizations Management account before March 6, 2023, the fine-grained actions will be effective starting July 2023. We recommend you to add the fine-grained actions, but not remove your existing permissions with aws-portal or purchase-orders prefixes. If you created your AWS account or AWS Organizations Management account on or after March 6, 2023, the fine-grained actions are effective immediately. AWS originally enabled all new AWS Regions by default, which enabled your users to create resources in any Region. Now, when AWS adds a Region, the new Region is disabled by default. If you want your users to be able to create resources in a new Region, you enable the Region. AWS recommends that you use regional AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) endpoints instead of the global endpoint to reduce latency. Session tokens from regional AWS STS endpoints are valid in all AWS Regions. If you use regional AWS STS endpoints, you don't need to make any changes. However, session tokens from the global AWS STS endpoint (https://sts.amazonaws.com) are valid only in AWS Regions that you enable, or that are enabled by default. If you intend to enable a new Region for your account, you can either use session tokens from regional AWS STS endpoints or activate the global AWS S...