Benefits of guava

  1. Guava Benefits: Top 10 Benefits Of Eating Guava You Should Know
  2. 12 Proven Health Benefits Of Guava Leaves For Skin Backed By Study
  3. What Is a Guava?
  4. 15 Important Benefits Of Guava Fruit + Guava Nutrition Facts

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Guava Benefits: Top 10 Benefits Of Eating Guava You Should Know

Call it Guava, Koya, or Amrud, the fruit with multiple names has multiple health benefits. The scientific name of guava is Psidium Guajava. Nature has been kind to us by providing this powerhouse of nutrients, called guava. With a unique flavor and soothing fragrance, guava is a fruit that helps to keep you healthy. The endless list of guava benefits will astonish you. Every part of this incredible fruit is edible, be it the seeds, flesh, or rind. Experts have also found some useful compounds in the guava leaves. Let us help you understand why we call guava a superfood? Nutritional Value of Guava Guava is no wonder a superfood. Let us see what makes it a superfood? Here is a list of nutrients found in 100 grams of guava serving: • Calories: 67 kcal • Sodium: 2 mg • Potassium: 415 mg • Fat: 0.94 g • Protein: 2.50 g • Fibre: 5.5 g • Sugar: 8.95 g • Carbohydrates: 14.30 g Besides, guava comes loaded with antioxidants, Vitamin A, B3, B6, and C. It also boasts the presence of minerals like folates, iron, calcium, and magnesium. 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Guava Here is a list of amazing guava benefits that you should be aware of: 1. Guava is a Superfood for your Immunity Loaded with Vitamin C, guava is a superfood for our body’s immunity. Vitamin C is known to protect our body against infections by strengthening our immune system. Eating guava helps fight against several serious diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and heart diseases. 2. Stay Looking Young with Guava...

12 Proven Health Benefits Of Guava Leaves For Skin Backed By Study

Short answer: guava leaves have many health benefits for the skin and include the treatment of acne, skin wound, and infection, removing black spots on the face, and treatment of stretch marks and rashes. Keep reading to find more information on the benefits of guava leaves for the skin. Overview This plant (guava) is well known for its juicy, fleshy, and delicious fruits. Guava also possesses leaves that are more nutritious than fruits in terms of medicinal value. This wonder leaf was shown to be used by the ancient people of Asia and tropical Americas. The leaves are widely employed in folk medicine for the treatment of infection, hair growth, cancers, and diabetes. But, is this ancient herb has any health benefits for the skin? Keep on reading to find out. guava leaves for skin Guava leaves Improve Skin Inflammation The leaves of guava are high in antioxidants which prevent and control inflammation. To use guava leaves for the treatment of inflammation, add two tablespoons of both chamomile flower and guava leaf in a clean bowl. Add one tablespoon of honey or one egg white into the bawl. Mix the mixture thoroughly into a paste-like consistency. Then, apply the paste to the affected area. Guava Leaves May also Help Improve Wound Healing Guava leaves were also shown to contain vitamin C and folate. These vitamins are very important for the synthesis of white blood cells. And white blood cells are required for wound healing. You can combine ground guava leaves and eucalypt...

What Is a Guava?

What Is Guava? Guava is a tropical fruit native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America. Its skin is typically yellow or light green, while its flesh is usually deep red or a vibrant shade of pink. The fruit — which has edible seeds and is rounded in shape — grows on the Psidium guajava tree, a member of the myrtle family. When ripe, a guava smells strong, sweet, and musky. • Lemon Guava has (surprise, surprise) a lemony flavor. Quite sweet and small, this type of guava has a very strong scent and flavor. Also known as Apple Guava, this is the most common variety. • Tropical Pink has bright yellow skin and pink flesh. It's mildly sweet with a strong scent. • Tropical White has whitish skin and is yellow on the inside. Because it's very sweet, it's great for desserts. • Tropical Yellow (or Mexican Cream) has creamy white skin and orange-y flesh. This guava, which is moderately sweet, contains much more liquid than other varieties. • Red Malaysian is sweet with red skin and pink flesh. This type is sometimes used as a decoration. • Some studies have shown that consuming guava may help lower blood sugar levels. • High in antioxidants and potassium, guava can promote heart health. • High amounts of fiber (12% of the recommended daily intake) can aid in digestion. • Since they're rich in vitamin C, eating guavas can boost your immune system.

15 Important Benefits Of Guava Fruit + Guava Nutrition Facts

Guava fruit (Psidium guajava) is loved for its unique taste. It is loaded with many beneficial nutrients, and guava fruit benefits can be attributed to its nutrient profile. It is loaded with vitamin C, lycopene, fiber, and antioxidants. These nutrients can effectively manage diabetes, promote digestive health, and protect the heart. What Is It? A green tropical fruit with a pink, fleshy inside that has a sweet taste and musky aroma. What Are Its Benefits? It helps lower blood pressure, improve skin complexion, and reduce menstrual cramps. Who Can Consume It? Anyone can eat this nutritious fruit except people with irritable bowel syndrome or diabetes. How Often? You can eat 1 to 3 guavas daily. Caution Excess consumption may cause gas, bloating, cramps, and loose stools. In This Article • • • • • What Are The Benefits Of Guava? Guava benefits stem from its rich dietary fiber and vitamin C content. Dietary fiber boosts digestion while vitamin C reduces free radicals in the body. Learn more about the health benefits of this tropical fruit here. 1. May Help You Manage Diabetes An Indian study states that guava (without the peel) can help in lowering blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels. This cuts the risk of diabetes ( antihyperglycemic i The property that helps keep glucose levels near the lower range to reduce the risk of diabetes and other heart diseases. effects against type 2 diabetes ( 2. May Protect Your Heart The fiber in guava lowers bad cholesterol, which may ot...