Conduction system of heart diagram

  1. Diagram of Cardiac Conduction System
  2. Electrical Conduction System of the Heart Explained
  3. Cardiovascular System Anatomy and Physiology: Study Guide for Nurses
  4. Heart Conduction: What Is It & How It Works

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Diagram of Cardiac Conduction System

I could go on and do my best to scientifically explain the cardiac conduction system illustration above. However, it’s the Internet age. So, I’m going to let the American Heart Association do that for me. Here is a link to an article all about the It’s actually a very, very, very interesting article! Keep on tickin! Adam

Electrical Conduction System of the Heart Explained

The electrical conduction system of the heart is responsible for the EKG tracing you see on a patient. In order to be able to analyze a rhythm strip, you must first learn how the electrical system of the heart works. As I’ve said many times before, this was my least favorite thing learning in nursing school. I found the heart to be too complicated, but I finally found out that I was the one being complicated and the heart is actually easy to learn. In this article, I want to share with you my knowledge on how the electrical system of the heart works and give you some study tips to help guide you for when you are preparing for your lecture exams or NCLEX. The electrical system of the heart is just as easy to learn as the First, I think to learn the electrical system of the heart, you have to be able to visualize it. Here is a drawing on how to the electrical system is set-up in the heart. Let’s go through the order of how the electric impulses flow through the heart muscle to make the 1.) Impulse starts in the SA NODE (Sinoatrial node) Study Tip: On exams, you will most likely be asked what is the “ pacemaker” of the electrical system and the answer is the SA node. The SA node beats at 60-100 bpm. Furthermore, the SA node represents the P-wave (atrial contraction) on the EKG tracing. 2.) Travels down through the internodal pathways to the AV NODE (Atrioventricular node) Study Tip: For exams, know that the AV node is known as the “ gatekeeper“. The AV node is known for causi...

Cardiovascular System Anatomy and Physiology: Study Guide for Nurses

The almost continuous traffic into and out of a busy factory at rush hour occurs at a snails’ pace compared to the endless activity going on within our bodies. Like the bustling factory, the body must have a transportation system to carry its various cargos back and forth, and this is where the cardiovascular system steps in. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Functions of the Heart The functions of the heart are as follows: • Managing • Producing blood pressure. Contractions of the heart produce blood pressure, which is needed for blood flow through the blood vessels. • Securing one-way blood flow. The valves of the heart secure a one-way blood flow through the heart and blood vessels. • Transmitting blood. The heart separates the pulmonary and systemic circulations, which ensures the flow of oxygenated blood to tissues. Anatomy of the Heart The cardiovascular system can be compared to a muscular pump equipped with one-way valves and a system of large and small plumbing tubes within which the blood travels. Heart Structure and Functions The modest size and weight of the heart give few hints of its incredible strength. • Weight. Approximately the size of a person’s fist, the hollow, cone-shaped heart weighs less than a pound. • Mediastinum. Snugly enclosed within the inferior mediastinum, the medial cavity of the thorax, the heart is flanked on each side by the lungs. • Apex. It’s more pointed apex is directed toward the left hip and rests on the diaphragm, approx...

Heart Conduction: What Is It & How It Works

The heart conduction system is the network of nodes, cells and signals that controls your heartbeat. Each time your heart beats, electrical signals travel through your heart. These signals cause different parts of your heart to expand and contract. The expansion and contraction control blood flow through your heart and body. Overview What is the conduction system of the heart? Your heart’s conduction system is the network of nodes (groups of cells that can be either nerve or muscle tissue), specialized cells and electrical signals that keep your heart beating. Two types of cells control your heartbeat: • Conducting cells carry the electric signals. • Muscle cells control your heart’s contractions. Your heart (cardiac) conduction system sends the signal to start a Function What are the steps of the heart conduction pathway? Your heart is a pump that sends blood through your body. For each heartbeat, electrical signals travel through the conduction pathway of your heart. It starts when your sinoatrial (SA) node creates an excitation signal. This electrical signal is like electricity traveling through wires to an appliance in your home. The excitation signal travels to: • Your atria (top heart chambers), telling them to contract. • The atrioventricular (AV) node, delaying the signal until your atria are empty of blood. • The bundle of His (center bundle of nerve fibers), carrying the signal to the Purkinje fibers. • The Purkinje fibers to your ventricles (bottom heart chamber...