
  1. Disting EX?
  2. Disting mk4 Quick Guide
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  5. Expert Sleepers Disting MK4

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Disting EX?

This module is fascinating and seems like a no brainer buy. Yet does it hurt your brain to use it? I’ve poured over the manual but it doesn’t provide any sense of what actual using the thing is like. I’m trying to keep menus to an absolute minimum in my system so I’m concerned here that despite all the features it may go unused if I find myself deep diving constantly to do simple things. Are their any good tutorials for it that show it’s usage in detail? Like any Swiss Army Knife type of tool, it will likely be more frustrating to use than any dedicated tool. That said, mine has survived many culls of my system. Os (Expert Sleepers) is super-responsive and is still actively developing the platform. I got happier with it with the recently released second display support. The built in display is quite small. Like any Swiss Army Knife type of tool, it will likely be more frustrating to use than any dedicated tool. That said, mine has survived many culls of my system. Os (Expert Sleepers) is super-responsive and is still actively developing the platform. I got happier with it with the recently released second display support. The built in display is quite small. I’ve been watching videos of both the Disting Ex and the various versions of OC to see which is more aggravating to use and so far the Disting is winning in both ease of use and features. I think I may just get one and give it a try. The only way to know for sure and if it doesn’t work for me there’s likely plenty of d...

Disting mk4 Quick Guide

Welcome to the Disting mk4 Quick Guide. This guide is a cheat sheet for the 97 algorithms included with the In addition to distilling the info to the basics, this guide is designed to be mobile-friendly, so you can view it without being tied to your computer. You can If you find any errors or have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to send them to Happy Bleeping! Damon Holzborn Web Bandcamp Social


Disting is a traditional Viking festival that marks the arrival of spring. It is a time for giving thanks for the blessings of the past year and making plans for the future. It is also a time to honor the dead and to make offerings to the gods. The festival is celebrated on the second full moon of the year (usually in February) and is associated with the god Freyr, who was the ruler of fertility, peace, and prosperity. Disting is a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the rich history and traditions of the Vikings, and to learn about the customs and symbolism associated with this ancient festival. Table of Content A. Pre-Christian origins B. Development of Disting as a religious holiday C. Disting in the Viking Age A. The god Freyr B. Greenery and decorating the home C. Food and feasting D. Exchange of gifts E. Candle-lighting F. Slaughtering of animals A. Disting in the Nordic countries B. Disting celebrations among people of Viking descent around the world C. Comparison to other spring festivals D. Impact of modern society on Disting celebrations A. Summary of the main points B. Significance of Disting C. Final thoughts I. The Origins of Disting Disting has its roots in pre-Christian times and is believed to have originated as a festival to celebrate the coming of spring. The festival was associated with the god Freyr, who was the ruler of fertility, peace, and prosperity. The festival was a time for giving thanks for the blessings of the past year and making plans fo...


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Expert Sleepers Disting MK4

Expert Sleepers Disting MK4 The Expert Sleepers Disting is a powerful multifunctional module in a compact 4HP. The module provides an array of audio and CV operations, with each of its algorithms corresponding to two inputs/outputs, with additional control and CV inputs. The module also now features a matrix screen on the front panel for easier navigation and ease-of-use. To afford even more flexibility, Expert Sleepers have made the Disting mk4 reprogrammable, meaning its functionality expands well beyond the aforementioned 16. This process is achieved via Micro SD card, which can be inserted into the module’s front panel. Upon power-up, if the module detects an SD card it opens another algorithm bank that utilize the SD card to playback sample and MIDI files. The audio sampling was inspired by Tom Whitwell’s Radio Music module and plays a continuous loop in accordance with various parameter settings. Micro SD card sold separately. Disting MK4 Features • MicroSD Slot on front panel • Dot Matrix Screen • X & Y inputs, A & B outputs • Precision Adder • Linear/Exponential Converter • Sample & Hold with noise source & slew rate • LFO with thru-zero freq control & waveshaping • Four Quadrant Multiplier • Quantizer with selectable scales • Slew Rate Limiter • Clockable LFO • Full-Wave Rectifier • Comparator • Pitch and Envelope Tracker • VCO with Linear FM • Minimum/Maximum • Dual Waveshaper • Clockable Delay/Echo • VCO with waveshaping • Tuner • Eurorack Module • 4HP Width • 4...