Dragon fruit

  1. Dragon Fruit Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
  2. 6 Benefits of Dragon Fruit, According to Registered Dietitians
  3. How to Eat Dragon Fruit: 7 Ways
  4. Dragon Fruit Benefits, Nutrition Facts and How to Eat
  5. What Is Dragon Fruit?
  6. Dragon Fruit Health Benefits & Nutrition
  7. 7 Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit (Plus How to Eat It)
  8. Dragon Fruit: 9 Health Benefits You Need To Know

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Dragon Fruit Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

It is grown primarily in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. While the fruit is popular throughout Asia and Central America, it is less commonly consumed in the United States. But dragon fruit can be a healthy and delicious addition to your diet, as it contains vitamins, fiber, and even iron and healthy fats (unusual for a fruit). Helps Manage Blood Sugar In a collection of four studies, dragon fruit appears to improve blood sugar in people with pre-diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, dragon fruit didn't appear to provide significant outcomes, but there was a trend in improving blood glucose with higher doses of dragon fruit. More studies are warranted to conclude dragon fruits effect on blood glucose. If you suspect an allergy to dragon fruit, speak to your health care provider to get a proper diagnosis. If you or someone near you experiences a severe reaction after consuming the fruit, experts recommend that you call 911. Anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction) can be life-threatening, so it is important to seek immediate medical attention. When It's Best Peak season for dragon fruit is summer to early fall. The hardest part about buying dragon fruit may be finding it in your local market. Some, but not all, major grocery stores will carry the fruit but most Asian markets will sell it. Some farmers markets may have them as well, depending on the part of the country where you live. Sometimes dragon fruit juice is more readily available than whole fruits. The juice con...

6 Benefits of Dragon Fruit, According to Registered Dietitians

Since dragon fruit is not abundant in the United States, nor is it as widely available in supermarkets as other produce, most Americans are unaware of its incredible flavor and potential health benefits. If you’re curious about what dragon fruit can do for your health, we've got answers. What is dragon fruit, exactly? Named for its artichoke-like features, pointy scales and all, dragon fruit is a sweet, tropical fruit with a lil crunch to it. Also commonly referred to as a cactus fruit or strawberry pear, “it tastes a little bit like a kiwi and you can eat it like a kiwi, where you spoon it out,” says Joan Salge Blake, Ed.D., R.D.N., a clinical professor at Boston University and host of the podcast Spot On!. One dragon fruit is about 60 calories and is a good source of magnesium and vitamin C, says Roxana Ehsani, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D., L.D.N., a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and a National Media Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “I often hear my clients say, I'm bored, I feel like I’m eating the same thing every day, so I point them to the tropical produce section of the grocery store and I encourage them to try one out,” she says. “It’s a great solution for anyone who wants to shake things up in the kitchen.” And even the seeds are healthy! “They add a dose of heart healthy omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids,” she adds. Dragon fruit also contains antioxidants like beta-carotene and lycopene, says Salge Blake. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin ...

How to Eat Dragon Fruit: 7 Ways

With its bright pink skin, green spikes and unique name, chances are dragon fruit has caught your attention in the grocery store at one point or another. And if you’ve felt intimidated by its flashy look, let us reassure you––it’s both easy and delicious to work dragon fruit (also called pitaya) into your cooking. Here are a few recipes to inspire stunning dragon fruit dishes. How to Pick and Prepare Dragon Fruit When you’re shopping for dragon fruit at the grocery store, you'll most likely see bright pink fruit with white inner flesh. You may also stumble across other other varieties: yellow-skinned dragon fruit with white flesh, or pink dragon fruit with fuchsia flesh to match. No matter which kind you choose, you’ll get a mellow fruit with a flavor that’s somewhere between watermelon, berries and kiwi. Look for a fruit with smooth, brightly colored skin that has just a little give to it. Overripe dragon fruit will look blotchy or dry, while under ripe fruit feels rock hard (but don’t worry, it will soften within a few days). Prepping your dragon fruit is easy. Simply slice it in half, then use a spoon or melon baller to scoop out the flesh. Top 7 Ways to Eat Dragon Fruit Need a little inspiration to bring more dragon fruit into your life? We've got you covered. 1. Blend Into Smoothies Looking for a fresh new way to start your day? Why not try a dragon fruit smoothie! Try adding a few chunks of dragon fruit to a strawberry coconut milk smoothie . Or use...

Dragon Fruit Benefits, Nutrition Facts and How to Eat

× This article is based on scientific evidence, written by Our team includes licensed nutritionists and dietitians, certified health education specialists, as well as certified strength and conditioning specialists, personal trainers and corrective exercise specialists. Our team aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also objective and unbiased. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Dragon Fruit Benefits, Including for Anti-Aging and Heart Health By Rachael Link, MS, RD November 3, 2022 Although it may sound like it belongs in a fairytale or story book rather than on your plate, dragon fruit is a versatile, vibrant and nutritious ingredient that’s brimming with health benefits. Also called dragon pearl fruit, cactus fruits, pitahaya or pitaya, dragon fruit is a tropical and delicious In recent years, this flavorful ingredient has continued gaining popularity among adventurous eaters and fruit-lovers alike. In fact, it has even inspired a Starbucks drink that pairs the fruit with So while dragons may not be real, the namesake fruit most certainly is. Let’s take a look at a few ways that pitaya can benefit the body. What Is Dragon Fruit? Originating in tropical regions throughout the Americas, pitaya is actually part of the cactus family, which makes sense given its spiky outer layer. It comes from a dragon fruit plant that looks like a...

What Is Dragon Fruit?

Dragon fruit,also known as pitaya or the strawberry pear, is a beautiful tropical fruit that is sweet and crunchy. The plant the fruit comes from is actually a type of Hylocereus, which includes about 20 different species. Originally popular in Southeast Asia and Latin America, dragon fruit is now grown and enjoyed all over the world. Though it may look intimidating with its pinkish red skin and light green scales, preparing this unusual fruit is easy. You can enjoy eating it in fruit salads, itcan be used to create tastydrinks and desserts, and it is a wonderful, healthy snack on its own. The fruit comes in four varieties; three are pink-skinned, one with white flesh, one with red flesh, and the third with purple flesh. The fourth variety has yellow skin with white flesh. All have tiny black seeds that are edible, just like kiwifruit. Its unique appearance lends to serving as is, but this tropical fruit is also wonderfully blended into cocktails. The fruit is quite simple to prepare—just cut it down the middle and remove the flesh with a spoon. Depending on the variety and where it was grown, dragon fruit can be a bit pricy. Varieties Technically, the types of dragon fruit can be broken down by genus/species/hybrid. The genus Hylocereus has three different species of dragon fruit, while Selenicereus has one, and each species features several hybrids. However, it is much simpler to categorize dragon fruit by their skin and flesh color. The Spruce / Leah Maroney Dragon frui...

Dragon Fruit Health Benefits & Nutrition

What Is Dragon Fruit? Dragon fruit is a food that grows on a climbing cactus called hylocereus, which you'll find in tropical regions around the world. The plant’s name comes from the Greek word "hyle," which means "woody," and the Latin word "cereus," which means "waxen." On the outside, the fruit has the appearance of a hot pink or yellow bulb with spike-like green leaves shooting up like flames around it. Cut it open, and you'll find fleshy white stuff inside dotted with black seeds that are OK to eat. This fruit comes in red- and yellow-skinned varieties. The cactus originally grew in southern Mexico and South and Central America. The French brought it to Southeast Asia in the early 19th century. Central Americans call it "pitaya." In Asia, it's a "strawberry pear." Today, you can buy dragon fruit throughout the U.S. Dragon fruit is juicy with a slightly sweet taste that some describe as a cross between a kiwi, a pear, and a watermelon. The seeds have a nutty flavor. Dragon Fruit Nutrition In one 6-ounce serving of dragon fruit cubes, you'll get: • Calories: 102 • • • Carbohydrates: 22 grams • Fiber: 5 grams • Sugars: 13 grams You'll also get these • • • • Iron: 0.1 milligram • Dragon Fruit Health Benefits Dragon fruit has many potential health benefits, including: • It’s rich in • It’s naturally fat-free and high in fiber. It makes for a good snack because it can help keep you full for longer between meals. • It may help lower your • It contains prebiotics, which are ...

7 Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit (Plus How to Eat It)

Dragon fruit, also known as pitahaya or strawberry pear, is a low calorie tropical fruit known for its vibrant red skin and sweet, seed-speckled pulp. It contains nutrients, prebiotic fibers, and other healthy substances. Its unique look and acclaimed superfood powers have made it popular among foodies and the health-conscious. Luckily, you don’t have to live in the tropics to enjoy the many benefits of dragon fruit. In fact, you can find it fresh or frozen in supermarkets worldwide. Here are 7 health benefits of dragon fruit, all based on evidence. Share on Pinterest Dragon fruit is low in calories but packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It also contains a substantial amount of dietary fiber. Here’s a rundown of the main nutrients in a one-cup serving (227 grams) ( • Calories: 136 • Protein: 3 grams • Fat: 0 grams • Carbohydrates: 29 grams • Fiber: 7 grams • Iron: 8% of the RDI • Magnesium: 18% of the RDI • Vitamin C: 9% of the RDI • Vitamin E: 4% of the RDI Beyond essential nutrients, dragon fruit supplies beneficial plant compounds like polyphenols, carotenoids and betacyanins ( Summary Dragon fruit is low in calories but rich in vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds such as polyphenols, carotenoids and betacyanins. Free radicals are unstable molecules that cause cell damage, which may lead to inflammation and disease. One way to combat this is by eating Antioxidants work by neutralizing free radicals, thus preventing cell damage and inflammation. S...

Dragon Fruit: 9 Health Benefits You Need To Know

Summary Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is a growing food trend, but is it a passing fad or a food worth adding to your diet? Can we take seriously a food that sounds and looks more like a conversation piece? Here’s a look into this exotic fruit and what the research says about what it has to offer. When you think of a dragon, you might think of a brightly colored, fire-breathing creature with green scales. If you’ve ever seen a dragon fruit, the description kind of fits — minus the fire-breathing part, of course. But do surprising health benefits lurk behind that unique, scaly, and admittedly weird appearance? Dragon fruit is growing in popularity, but is it good for you, and should you be eating it? And if so, where can you find it? And how do you use it? What Is Dragon Fruit? iStock.com/Klahan Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit that grows on the Hylocereus cactus, otherwise known as the Honolulu Queen. This plant is pretty exotic-looking, as you might expect from a Honolulu Queen. It’s a sprawling According to ancient Chinese Other common pitaya and strawberry pear. I might say that while the latter two names are pleasant-sounding, they’re just not quite as enticing as dragon fruit! Also, there are no ancient Chinese legends about strawberry pears. So, case closed. It will always be dragon fruit to me. The vivid and leathery skin isn’t the only part of the dragon fruit that’s unique. The inside is also something you won’t find anywhere else. The first time you cut a d...