Extra marital affairs

  1. Infidelity: Mending your marriage after an affair
  2. The 9 Truths About Lifelong Extramarital Affairs
  3. 6 Reasons Why Affairs Eventually Fall Apart
  4. Warning Signs of an Extramarital Affair
  5. Infidelity is raging in the 55+ crowd — but with a twist
  6. Tim Anderson Opens Up About Extramarital Affair
  7. 6 Reasons Why Affairs Eventually Fall Apart
  8. Warning Signs of an Extramarital Affair
  9. Infidelity is raging in the 55+ crowd — but with a twist
  10. Tim Anderson Opens Up About Extramarital Affair

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Infidelity: Mending your marriage after an affair

Infidelity isn't a single, clearly defined situation. What's considered infidelity can be different among couples and even between spouses. For example, is an emotional connection without sex considered infidelity? What about an online relationship or online sexual activity? Each person and each couple needs to define what infidelity means within a marriage. Infidelity can happen in all kinds of marriages. That includes marriages that seem happy, as well as those with many problems. Infidelity may happen due to a variety factors, including: • Lack of affection. • Loss of fondness, love and care for each other. • Weak commitment to the relationship. • Breakdown of communication about emotional and relationship needs. • Low self-esteem. • Physical health issues, such as chronic pain or disability. • Mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety. • Addiction, such as addiction to alcohol, sex, romance or drugs. • Problems that aren't addressed in a marriage, such as fear of intimacy or avoiding conflict. • Major life changes, such as becoming parents or children leaving home. • Stressful periods, such as when spouses must be apart for a long time. When an affair is revealed, it often triggers powerful emotions for both partners. The partner who has been cheated on might feel traumatized by the betrayal of trust and loss of emotional safety. The partner that had the affair might fear that they'll never be forgiven. When an affair is first discovered, it can be hard to th...

The 9 Truths About Lifelong Extramarital Affairs

• Menu Toggle • Affair and Cheating Menu Toggle • Extramarital Affairs • Infidelity • Office Affairs • Breakups and Scars Menu Toggle • Break up And Loss • Divorce • Single and Dating Menu Toggle • Dating experience • Friendship • Love and Romance • One -Sided Love • Online Dating • Single Life • Married Life Menu Toggle • Arranged Marriage • In-Laws • Loveless Marriage • Married Romance • New-Age Couples • Pregnancy and Kids • Second Marriage • Working On the Marriage • Sex and Passion Menu Toggle • Great Sex • Sexless Marriage • Spice It Up • Live-in and Open • LGBTQ • Spirituality and Mythology • Relationship Advice Menu Toggle • Emotional Stress • Suffering and Healing • Unhealthy Relationship • Menu Toggle • Book A Session • Live Chat with Experts Menu Toggle • Upcoming Sessions • Live Chat with Experts • My Questions and Answers • Ask our experts • Expert Speak • Menu Toggle • Readers’ Corner • Engage with us Menu Toggle • Submit Your Story • Menu Toggle • Quotes • Quiz • Trending • Zodiac • Visual Stories • Humor • Gift Ideas • • Menu Toggle • Login • Register The term “lifelong extramarital affairs” can be intriguing and confusing. After all, we’re conditioned to associate the idea of infidelity with a scintillating, short-lived romance that fizzles out as sporadically as it starts. Besides, one might wonder, if two people are emotionally invested in each other enough to keep cheating on their primary partner/s for life, why won’t they just end that relationship to...

6 Reasons Why Affairs Eventually Fall Apart

Source: pixabay While we can think of cases where affairs have eventually turned into healthy marriages—Duke of Windsor who abdicated the British throne and Frank Lloyd Wright, the famous American architect, each who seemed to have finally found their soulmates—most of us mere mortals don't fare so well. Look up the length of affairs on Google and apart from one-or-two-night stands, the consensus is that most run their course in six months to two years. Why? Here are some of the psychological underpinnings to affairs that sabotage their ability to become more than short or long exercises in acting out: 1. The 'affairing' couple is united around shared misery and excitement. Just as Romeo and Juliet were in part pushed together by being united against their feuding families, what often brings the affairing couple together is their shared unhappiness in their partners: This new person understands how I feel (as compared to my partner who doesn't). And like Romeo and Juliet, the beginning of the relationship brings excitement—of getting to know and feeling appreciated by a new person, of sharing your story to an interested listener, the excitement of breaking out—of the boxed-in life—of breaking rules, the excitement of new flesh and 2. Those involved in the affair really don't know each other. But not only do their shared misery and the excitement blind them to seeing each other more completely, so do their needs and frustrations with their partners. The new person is less a...

Warning Signs of an Extramarital Affair

Most extramarital affairs do not start out with the candid revelations: “my husband is out of town” or “my wife won’t suspect a thing.” Most times, something has gone awry in a marriage before a dissatisfied spouse utters these lines. Factors That Can Lead to an Extramarital Affair • Looking for ego boosts outside your marriage. Men turn to extramarital affairs to build up their self-image or sexual self-esteem. Women turn to extramarital affairs to satisfy their longing for love, appreciation and tenderness. Beware of leaning on others outside of your marriage as primary sources for love, value and respect. • Neglecting to talk openly with each other. If you only talk to your spouse about the bills and household chores, you may head into trouble. Holding in your thoughts and feelings does not enhance transparency in your relationship. Practice the art of small talk that can open the door to deeper sharing. • Resisting conflict resolution. Every couple runs into communication rough spots. It’s important not to build walls between you and your spouse. Some people mask their hurt while others spew their emotions. Neither method is constructive. Both ways create relational roadblocks. Unresolved conflict leads to isolation and leaves you vulnerable to fleeing your marriage. • Discounting fun and relaxation together. Think of the last time you and your spouse enjoyed a date or a weekend getaway together. As the adage says, “Couples that play together, stay together.” If career...

Infidelity is raging in the 55+ crowd — but with a twist

My friend has been married to the same man she met in college and fell in love with more than 45 years ago. Together, they raised a passel of children who are all adults now. And together they have enough grandkids to field a family soccer team. Their home, as The Highwomen song goes, has “a crowded table where there’s a place by the fire for everyone.” Open, inclusive, warm.Safe and lasting. If you had asked me last month whether they were happy, my answer would have been a resounding “yes.” But then my friend called with some shocking news. Her 69-year-old husband told her that a few weeks earlier he had met another woman on Facebook. The online relationship led to coffee, a walk on the beach, and intense deep conversation. He said that this new woman, who is the same age as his wife lest you think that’s where this is going, excites him in a way he had never felt — or at least could no longer remember. He said the quandary was that he also deeply valued my friend and the life they had built together. And so he had a proposal: He wanted an open marriage, one where he would spend half the week with his wife doing the regular things they always had, and then he would spend the balance of his time with this new woman, getting to know her better and seeing if she was, in fact, the person he was meant to spend the rest of his life with. No, my friend didn’t murder him on the spot. Instead she called her lawyer and then her therapist — in that order. Emotional fidelity My frie...

Tim Anderson Opens Up About Extramarital Affair

Anderson got real on The Pivot Podcast when asked about his extramarital affair and how he is trying to move forward after a private situation became public. Anderson has not looked right on the field ever since rumors began to surface that he was having an extramarital affair with Lanee. Lanee posted multiple photos and videos exposing Anderson for cheating on his wife, Bria. The first piece of evidence came in June 2022 when she posted a video showing Anderson with the text “BabyFather.” Another batch of photos from Lanee showed Anderson kissing her while she was pregnant and one of Tim in the delivery room with her. In the midst of all the rumors, Anderson posted a photo of his son on Instagram along with a caption that read: “Everybody ain’t gotta know everything. Nobody ain’t gotta know shit, really.” On Tuesday, Anderson confirmed the birth of his son, Sevn, telling The Pivot Podcast, “This is my son, for sure. I never once denied it. I’m going to step up to the plate with what’s mine.” Anderson, who has two daughters with his wife Bria said the two have worked tirelessly to repair the relationship. After Lanee began posting that Anderson was only with Bria for his public image he was seen on May 27th wearing a glove during a game with Bria’s name on the ring finger. Anderson has had the custom made glove for a long time but it seemed especially appropriate in the moment. Bria also posted photos on Instagram with the caption, “Mrs. Anderson has entered the chat,” as ...

6 Reasons Why Affairs Eventually Fall Apart

Source: pixabay While we can think of cases where affairs have eventually turned into healthy marriages—Duke of Windsor who abdicated the British throne and Frank Lloyd Wright, the famous American architect, each who seemed to have finally found their soulmates—most of us mere mortals don't fare so well. Look up the length of affairs on Google and apart from one-or-two-night stands, the consensus is that most run their course in six months to two years. Why? Here are some of the psychological underpinnings to affairs that sabotage their ability to become more than short or long exercises in acting out: 1. The 'affairing' couple is united around shared misery and excitement. Just as Romeo and Juliet were in part pushed together by being united against their feuding families, what often brings the affairing couple together is their shared unhappiness in their partners: This new person understands how I feel (as compared to my partner who doesn't). And like Romeo and Juliet, the beginning of the relationship brings excitement—of getting to know and feeling appreciated by a new person, of sharing your story to an interested listener, the excitement of breaking out—of the boxed-in life—of breaking rules, the excitement of new flesh and 2. Those involved in the affair really don't know each other. But not only do their shared misery and the excitement blind them to seeing each other more completely, so do their needs and frustrations with their partners. The new person is less a...

Warning Signs of an Extramarital Affair

Most extramarital affairs do not start out with the candid revelations: “my husband is out of town” or “my wife won’t suspect a thing.” Most times, something has gone awry in a marriage before a dissatisfied spouse utters these lines. Factors That Can Lead to an Extramarital Affair • Looking for ego boosts outside your marriage. Men turn to extramarital affairs to build up their self-image or sexual self-esteem. Women turn to extramarital affairs to satisfy their longing for love, appreciation and tenderness. Beware of leaning on others outside of your marriage as primary sources for love, value and respect. • Neglecting to talk openly with each other. If you only talk to your spouse about the bills and household chores, you may head into trouble. Holding in your thoughts and feelings does not enhance transparency in your relationship. Practice the art of small talk that can open the door to deeper sharing. • Resisting conflict resolution. Every couple runs into communication rough spots. It’s important not to build walls between you and your spouse. Some people mask their hurt while others spew their emotions. Neither method is constructive. Both ways create relational roadblocks. Unresolved conflict leads to isolation and leaves you vulnerable to fleeing your marriage. • Discounting fun and relaxation together. Think of the last time you and your spouse enjoyed a date or a weekend getaway together. As the adage says, “Couples that play together, stay together.” If career...

Infidelity is raging in the 55+ crowd — but with a twist

My friend has been married to the same man she met in college and fell in love with more than 45 years ago. Together, they raised a passel of children who are all adults now. And together they have enough grandkids to field a family soccer team. Their home, as The Highwomen song goes, has “a crowded table where there’s a place by the fire for everyone.” Open, inclusive, warm.Safe and lasting. If you had asked me last month whether they were happy, my answer would have been a resounding “yes.” But then my friend called with some shocking news. Her 69-year-old husband told her that a few weeks earlier he had met another woman on Facebook. The online relationship led to coffee, a walk on the beach, and intense deep conversation. He said that this new woman, who is the same age as his wife lest you think that’s where this is going, excites him in a way he had never felt — or at least could no longer remember. He said the quandary was that he also deeply valued my friend and the life they had built together. And so he had a proposal: He wanted an open marriage, one where he would spend half the week with his wife doing the regular things they always had, and then he would spend the balance of his time with this new woman, getting to know her better and seeing if she was, in fact, the person he was meant to spend the rest of his life with. No, my friend didn’t murder him on the spot. Instead she called her lawyer and then her therapist — in that order. Emotional fidelity My frie...

Tim Anderson Opens Up About Extramarital Affair

Anderson got real on The Pivot Podcast when asked about his extramarital affair and how he is trying to move forward after a private situation became public. Anderson has not looked right on the field ever since rumors began to surface that he was having an extramarital affair with Lanee. Lanee posted multiple photos and videos exposing Anderson for cheating on his wife, Bria. The first piece of evidence came in June 2022 when she posted a video showing Anderson with the text “BabyFather.” Another batch of photos from Lanee showed Anderson kissing her while she was pregnant and one of Tim in the delivery room with her. In the midst of all the rumors, Anderson posted a photo of his son on Instagram along with a caption that read: “Everybody ain’t gotta know everything. Nobody ain’t gotta know shit, really.” On Tuesday, Anderson confirmed the birth of his son, Sevn, telling The Pivot Podcast, “This is my son, for sure. I never once denied it. I’m going to step up to the plate with what’s mine.” Anderson, who has two daughters with his wife Bria said the two have worked tirelessly to repair the relationship. After Lanee began posting that Anderson was only with Bria for his public image he was seen on May 27th wearing a glove during a game with Bria’s name on the ring finger. Anderson has had the custom made glove for a long time but it seemed especially appropriate in the moment. Bria also posted photos on Instagram with the caption, “Mrs. Anderson has entered the chat,” as ...