Function of heart class 10

  1. Structure and Function of the Heart
  2. Heart Diagram with Labels and Detailed Explanation
  3. What is the function of valves
  4. What is the function of valves present in the heart?

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Structure and Function of the Heart

By Gaea Marelle Miranda, M.Sc. Reviewed by As the central part of the circulatory system, the heart is responsible for pumping blood, supplying oxygen and nutrients, and removing metabolic waste such as carbon dioxide from all the tissues in the body. The heart and a network of arteries and veins comprise the cardiovascular system. The heart is a vital organ of the body; therefore, minute dysfunctions or abnormalities in the heart may have drastic consequences on human health. Typically, the heart is the size of an adult fist and is found enclosed in a pericardial sac at the chest's center, tilted to the left, and underneath the sternum in a thoracic compartment. Image Credit: Explode / How blood circulates in the heart The heart consists of four chambers, four one-way valves, and a set of arteries and veins that regulate the normal flow of blood within the body. The smooth functioning of the circulatory system is maintained by a complex network of blood vessels that circulate blood throughout the body and back to the heart. Whereas veins bring deoxygenated blood back into the heart, those that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to other tissues in the body are known as arteries. The two exceptions to these are the pulmonary arteries and pulmonary veins, as well as the umbilical artery and vein. The heart's two upper chambers are called the atria, with the atrial septum dividing the right and left atria. The superior and inferior vena cava are majo...

Heart Diagram with Labels and Detailed Explanation

Diagram of Heart The human heart is the most crucial organ of the human body. It pumps blood from the heart to different parts of the body and back to the heart. The most common The diagram of heart is beneficial for Class 10 and 12 and is frequently asked in the examinations. A detailed explanation of the heart along with a well-labelled diagram is given for reference. Well-Labelled Diagram of Heart • The heart is made up of four chambers: • The upper two chambers of the heart are called auricles. • The lower two chambers of the heart are called ventricles. • The heart wall is made up of three layers: • The outer layer of the heart wall is called epicardium. • The middle layer of the heart wall is called myocardium. • The inner layer of the heart wall is called endocardium. • The heart consists of four valves: • The aortic valve that prevents the backflow of blood when it is pumped from left ventricle to aorta. • The mitral valve that prevents the backflow of blood when pumped from left atrium to left ventricle. • The pulmonary valve that prevents backflow of blood when it flows from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery. • The tricuspid valve that prevents backflow of blood when it is pumped from the right atrium to right ventricle. • The arteries carry the blood rich in oxygen from the heart to different parts of the body. The pulmonary artery, being an exception, carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs for purification. • The veins carry impure blood from differ...

What is the function of valves

The heart consists of four chambers, two atria (upper chambers), and two ventricles (lower chambers). There is a valve through which blood passes before leaving each chamber of the heart. The valves prevent the backward flow of blood. These valves are actual flaps that are located on each end of the two ventricles (lower chambers of the heart). They act as one-way inlets of blood on one side of a ventricle and one-way outlets of blood on the other side of a ventricle. Each valve actually has three flaps, except the mitral valve, which has two flaps. The four heart valves include the following: • tricuspid valve: located between the right atrium and the right ventricle • pulmonary valve: located between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery • mitral valve: located between the left atrium and the left ventricle • aortic valve: located between the left ventricle and the aorta Function- As the heart muscle contracts and relaxes, the valves open and shut, letting blood flow into the ventricles and atria at alternate times. The following is a step-by-step illustration of how the valves function normally in the left ventricle: • After the left ventricle contracts, the aortic valve closes and the mitral valve opens, to allow blood to flow from the left atrium into the left ventricle. • As the left atrium contracts, more blood flows into the left ventricle. • When the left ventricle contracts again, the mitral valve closes and the aortic valve opens, so blood flows into the ...

What is the function of valves present in the heart?

Hint: The valves keep blood from flowing backwards. In fact, valves are flaps (leaflets) that serve as one-way blood inlets entering the ventricle and one-way blood outlets leaving the ventricle. Complete Answer: Four chambers, two upper chambers (the atrium) and two lower chambers are in the heart (ventricles). Prior to leaving the chamber of the heart, blood passes through the valve. 1. Tricuspid valve: This valve is positioned between the right atrium and the right atrium. 2. Pulmonary valve: Located between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery 3. Mitral valve: This valve is situated between the left atrium and the left atrium. It's got just two leaflets. 4. Aortic valve: Located between the left ventricle and the aorta. Function of valves: When the muscle of the heart contracts and relaxes, the valves open and close. This allows blood to flow to the ventricles and atria at alternate times. Here's a step-by-step description of how the valves normally work in the left ventricle: When the left ventricle is relaxed, the aortic valve is closed and the mitral valve is opened. This allows blood to flow from the left atrium to the left atrium. The left atrium contracts. This allows even more blood to flow into the left ventricle. The mitral valve closes when the left ventricle contracts and the aortic valve opens. This is so that blood flows in and out of the aorta to the rest of the body. While the left ventricle relaxes, it also relaxes the right ventricle. This caus...