
  1. How to use Google Maps
  2. Google Maps gains glanceable directions and an expanded Immersive View

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How to use Google Maps

By December 3, 2021 Share Google Maps has long served as the go-to navigation tool for millions of phones, tablets, cars, and smart wearables. While everyone is probably familiar with using Google Maps to get from point A to point B, there are a multitude of multitool-like extras hiding under the hood that are worth highlighting. Over the years, Google has added Related • • • • Access the Google Maps Settings from your picture ID icon at the top right of the Explore tab and tap Settings. • Under Settings, find and tap Navigation or Navigation Settings (Android). • Tap Music Playback Controls or switch on Show media playback controls (Android). For Android, Google Play Music is the default media app. • Under Connect Media to Google Maps, choose Apple Music or Spotify. Tapping Assistant default media provider on Android gives you a list of alternatives to the default including YouTube Music, Pandora, Spotify, Deezer, and others via Google Assistant. Just choose the one you are subscribed to. • Enter your destination into the app. • Tap Directions and select the public transportation icon. • Tap Options and under the Routes section, and choose Wheelchair accessible. • When you choose this option, Google Maps displays a list of routes that are wheelchair friendly, if available for that location. Not every location offers an indoor floor plan, but for those that do, you can use Google Maps to assist you in navigating around a large, complex venue like, for example, Penn Station...

Google Maps gains glanceable directions and an expanded Immersive View

Image Credits: Google Arriving alongside glanceable directions is updates to Recents on desktop, a shortcut that automatically organizes places you researched in Maps into a highlight on the side of the Maps screen. Soon, Google will save places in Recent highlights even after you’ve closed the Google Maps window, and adds tools to remove places you’ve viewed, create custom routes between destinations and share a selection of places with someone else. Lastly, Immersive View, Google’s AI-powered feature on the iOS and Android Maps app that fuses together images to create a multidimensional view of the world, is expanding to over 500 landmarks. Among the highlights are Prague Castle and Sydney Harbour Bridge.