Income tax filing last date 2022

  1. When Are Taxes Due for 2022? Tax Year Dates You Need To Know
  2. Yahoo is part of the Yahoo family of brands
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  4. Yahoo is part of the Yahoo family of brands
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When Are Taxes Due for 2022? Tax Year Dates You Need To Know

kate_sept2004 / Getty Images Learn: Explore: You might not like paying taxes, but you certainly won’t like paying interest, late filing fees and late payment fees if you miss the deadline to file taxes for tax year 2021 . The Internal Revenue Service has several deadlines to file taxes and pay your taxes due, so it’s important you are aware of all applicable dates. When Are Taxes Due? For most taxpayers, the main income tax return deadline for 2021 tax returns is April 18 — aka IRS Tax Day 2022 . The deadline was changed from the usual April 15 because that’s the date of Emancipation Day, which is treated like a federal holiday for tax filing purposes, in Washington, D.C. Most state deadlines also fall on April 18 this yea r, but you should check with your state to confirm. The deadlines differ for individuals versus businesses, and it depends in part on whether you use a calendar year or a fiscal year. If you’ve already missed a deadline, file and pay your taxes as soon as possible to stop additional interest and penalties from accruing . Estimated Tax Payments If you have taxable income from being self-employed or you have a business, you will need to make estimated tax payments throughout the year because you’re required to pay income taxes as you earn your income. Note that generally, you should only expect to pay estimated tax if you think you’ll owe at least $1,000 in tax for tax year 2022 . The following table shows the quarterly 2022 tax year dates fo...

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