Influenza a symptoms

  1. Influenza A vs. B: Differences, symptoms, treatment, and more
  2. Flu (Influenza): Causes, Symptoms, Types & Treatment
  3. Influenza A: Symptoms, treatment, and prevention
  4. Influenza (Seasonal)

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Influenza A vs. B: Differences, symptoms, treatment, and more

There are four types of influenza virus. Influenza A is the most common, followed by influenza B. Both are highly contagious, and their symptoms are similar. Influenza, also known as the The flu is different from the common cold. It can cause severe illness and worsen some chronic medical conditions, such as Read this article to learn more about the types of flu and their symptoms and treatments. Share on Pinterest by Alfian Widiantono/Getty Images There are influenza virus. Influenza A Influenza A viruses cause seasonal flu epidemics practically every year in the United States. They can infect humans and animals. Influenza A is the only type that can cause a pandemic, which is a global spread of disease. influenza A viruses. An influenza A virus has two surface proteins: hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. These help doctors with classification. Influenza B Influenza B viruses can also cause seasonal epidemics that typically only affect humans. There are two lineages of influenza B: Victoria and Yamagata. Influenza B viruses mutate more slowly than influenza A viruses. Influenza C Influenza C viruses cause mild illnesses — they do not appear to cause epidemics. Influenza D Influenza D viruses mainly affect cattle and do not seem to infect humans. Flu symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they vary from person to person. Common symptoms of the flu include: • • nasal congestion • a cough • • a • body aches • chills • a • vomiting or Some people experience severe symptoms...

Flu (Influenza): Causes, Symptoms, Types & Treatment

The flu is a common respiratory illness you get from the influenza virus. Symptoms often include fever, head and body aches, coughing and a stuffy or runny nose. You’re at risk for serious complications if you have an underlying health condition or are pregnant. Getting vaccinated every year is the best way to avoid getting sick with the flu. Overview The flu, common cold and COVID-19 have similar symptoms. The flu and COVID-19 can be severe, but colds rarely are. What is the flu (influenza)? The flu is an illness you get from the influenza virus. It causes symptoms like head and body aches, sore throat, fever and respiratory symptoms, which can be severe. Flu is most common in winter months, when many people can get sick at once (an epidemic). When is flu season? Flu season — when cases of the flu go up dramatically — in the Northern Hemisphere (which includes the U.S.) is October through May. The highest number of cases (peak) usually happen between December and February. How common is the flu? The flu is one of the most common What is the difference between the flu and the common cold? The flu and the common cold can have similar symptoms, like runny nose and cough. But cold symptoms are usually mild and flu symptoms can be severe and lead to serious complications. Different viruses cause colds and the flu. How do I know if I have the flu or COVID-19? Since they have similar symptoms, the only way to know for sure if you have the flu or COVID-19 is to get tested. They b...

Influenza A: Symptoms, treatment, and prevention

Share on Pinterest Elpidio Juan/EyeEm/Getty Images The four types of influenza are A, B, C, and D. Types A and B are Scientists divide influenza A into two further subtypes based on the proteins that live on the surface of the There are 18 different H subtypes in influenza A that run from influenza H1 to H18. There are 11 N subtypes, ranging from N1 to N11. Each subtype also has different strains that influence the virus further. The symptoms of flu will usually come on suddenly. They include: • a cough • • runny or stuffy nose • muscle or body aches • • In more severe cases, some people experience vomiting and In most cases, the body’s Examples of possible complications from the flu include: • • • sinus infections • ear infections Flu can also worsen existing health conditions, such as Most cases of flu are mild and will go away on their own It is crucial to stay at home for the first few days after getting the infection to avoid spreading the virus to others. During this time, drink plenty of fluids and rest as much as possible. A range of over-the-counter medications can help ease symptoms. For example, decongestants help to clear a blocked nose, and cough suppressants can ease throat pain from coughing. These medications do not treat the virus itself and cannot shorten illness duration. People at risk of complications may need antiviral drugs to fight the virus. Examples of these medications include oseltamivir ( A doctor will prescribe antiviral drugs to most people w...

Influenza (Seasonal)

Overview Seasonal influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses which circulate in all parts of the world.There are 4 types of influenza viruses, types A, B, C and D. Influenza A and B viruses circulate and cause seasonal epidemics of disease. • Influenza A viruses are further classified into subtypes according to the combinations of the hemagglutinin (HA) and the neuraminidase (NA), the proteins on the surface of the virus. Currently circulating in humans are subtype A(H1N1) and A(H3N2) influenza viruses. The A(H1N1) is also written as A(H1N1)pdm09 as it caused the pandemic in 2009 and subsequently replaced the seasonal influenza A(H1N1) virus which had circulated prior to 2009. Only influenza type A viruses are known to have caused pandemics. • Influenza B viruses are not classified into subtypes, but can be broken down into lineages. Currently circulating influenza type B viruses belong to either B/Yamagata or B/Victoria lineage. • Influenza C virus is detected less frequently and usually causes mild infections, thus does not present public health importance. • Influenza D viruses primarily affect cattle and are not known to infect or cause illness in people. Signs and symptoms Seasonal influenza is characterized by a sudden onset of fever, cough (usually dry), headache, muscle and joint pain, severe malaise (feeling unwell), sore throat and a runny nose. The cough can be severe and can last 2 or more weeks. Most people recover from fever and o...