Patiala to naina devi distance

  1. Distance between Naina Devi Temple and Patiala
  2. Patiala to Naina devi Outstation (Roundtrip) Cabs, Taxi Clear Car Rental
  3. Distance between Patiala and Naina Devi

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Round Trip Taxi From Patiala To Naina Devi cab, compare Car fares & check for online discounts & deals on Patiala To Naina Devi taxi Service. Clean Cars, No Extra Charges.8888807783. Patiala is a city in southeastern Punjab, northwestern India. It is the fourth largest city in the state and is the administrative capital of Patiala district. Patiala is located around the Qila Mubarak. About Naina Devi The Temple of Shri Naina Devi Ji is situated on a hilltop, base of which also has samadhi of bhagat Jatt Jeona Morh, in the Bilaspur District, Himachal Pradesh, India. The temple is connected with National Highway No. 21. The temple at the top of the hill can be reached via road (that curves round the hill up to a certain point) and then by concrete steps (that finally reach the top). There is also a cable car facility that moves pilgrims from the base of the hill all the way to the top. Distance and time for travel between Patiala To Naina Devi cab distance Distance between Patiala To Naina Devi is 141.8 km by Road along with an aerial distance. The Distance can be covered in about 03 hours 10 minutes by Patiala To Naina Devi cab. Your Naina Devi travel time may vary due to your bus speed, train speed or depending upon the vehicle you use. Best time for leasing a vehicle for Patiala To Naina Devi by car book When renting a car for rent car for Patiala To Naina Devi, its best to book at least 1-2 weeks ahead so you can get the best prices for a quality service. Last minute ren...

Distance between Naina Devi Temple and Patiala

It takes 2 hours, 49 minutes to travel from Naina Devi Temple to Patiala. Approximate driving distance between Naina Devi Temple and Patiala is 141 kms or 87.6 miles or 76.1 nautical miles . Travel time refers to the time taken if the distance is covered by a car. On the table above you can see driving distance in various units namely kilo metres, miles and nautical miles. 1 You can view the route map below. Click and zoom on the map to understand the route better and plan better for your trip. Route Map

Patiala to Naina devi Outstation (Roundtrip) Cabs, Taxi Clear Car Rental

Fare Breakup : Approx. Roundtrip distance : 273 Kms. Minimum charged distance : 250 Kms / Day Estimated Km charged 273 Km X 12.00 Rs/Km = Rs. 3276 /- Driver Allowance Rs.250 X 1 Days = Rs. 250 /- GST 5 % GST On Rs.3526 = Rs. 176.3 /- - Total Cost = Rs. 3702/- Extra Charges : If you will use car/cab more than 273 Kms , extra charges as follows: After 273 Kms : + Rs12.00 per km charges CCR Transparency :1. One day means one calendar day (12 midnight to 12 midnight). 2. Kilometers and Hours will be calculated from garage to garage. 3. Toll, Parking, State Border Charges etc. not include in the above cost, you have to pay extra as applicable. 4.AC will be switched off in hilly areas. 5.Driver would take care of his food and stay. 6.Pay 20% for confirmation of your booking. Fare Breakup : Approx. Roundtrip distance : 273 Kms. Minimum charged distance : 250 Kms / Day Estimated Km charged 273 Km X 13.00 Rs/Km = Rs. 3549 /- Driver Allowance Rs.260 X 1 Days = Rs. 260 /- GST 5 % GST On Rs.3809 = Rs. 190.45 /- - Total Cost = Rs. 3999/- Extra Charges : If you will use car/cab more than 273 Kms , extra charges as follows: After 273 Kms : + Rs13.00 per km charges CCR Transparency :1. One day means one calendar day (12 midnight to 12 midnight). 2. Kilometers and Hours will be calculated from garage to garage. 3. Toll, Parking, State Border Charges etc. not include in the above cost, you have to pay extra as applicable. 4.AC will be switched off in hilly areas. 5.Driver would take care of...

Distance between Patiala and Naina Devi

It takes 2 hours, 46 minutes to travel from Patiala to Naina Devi. Approximate driving distance between Patiala and Naina Devi is 139 kms or 86.4 miles or 75.1 nautical miles . Travel time refers to the time taken if the distance is covered by a car. On the table above you can see driving distance in various units namely kilo metres, miles and nautical miles. 1 You can view the route map below. Click and zoom on the map to understand the route better and plan better for your trip. Route Map