Plant kingdom class 11 notes

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  2. CBSE Notes for Class 11 Biology
  3. Plant Kingdom – Notes, Topics, Formulas, Equations, Books, Question & Answers
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Plant Kingdom

Plant Kingdom – CBSE Notes for Class 11 Biology 1.Basis of Classification and Algae, Bryophytes & Pteridophytes Our understanding of the plant kingdom has changed over time. Fungi and members of the Monera and Protista having cell walls have not been separated form Plantae, the earlier classifications kept them in the same kingdom. The kingdom-Plantae has been described under algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms. The overview of this classification is demonstrated here in the flowchart. Types of Classification System These includes artificial system, natural system and phylogenetic system of classification. The various systems used in classification ofiplants are being discussed here 1. Artificial System of Classification This system is based on comparison of one or a few superficial characteristics, which are helpful in easy identification of organisms. This system remained in use for about two thousand years. Aristotle is known as father of Zoology. Carolus Linnaeus is known as father of Taxonomy. Advantages Advantages of artificial system as below (i) Artificial system is easy to remember as only one or few characters are used. (ii) The traits used are of interest to humans. Disadvantages Disadvantages of artificial system are given below (i) This system use only few superficial characters (i.e., habits, numbers, colours and shapes of leaves, etc) which leads to many orgarfisms grouped together, (ii) They considered mainly the vegetative charact...

CBSE Notes for Class 11 Biology

CBSE Notes for Class 11 Biology Unit 1 – Diversity of Living Organism 1. 2. 3. 4. Unit 2 – Structural Organisation ion Plants and Animals 5. 6. 7. Unit 3 – Cell Structure and Function 8. 9. 10. Unit 4 – Plant Physiology 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Unit 5 – Human Physiology (A) 16. 17. 18. Human Physiology (B) 19. 20. 21. 22.

Plant Kingdom – Notes, Topics, Formulas, Equations, Books, Question & Answers

Introduction Plantae is the plant kingdom. They are multicellular organisms known as eukaryotes. The existence of a stiff structure known as the cell wall that surrounds the cell membrane distinguishes them. Plants also have chlorophyll, a green pigment that is required for photosynthesis. They eat in an autotrophic manner as a result. The plant kingdom is separated into subgroups because it is such a huge group. Understanding how plants are categorized under the Kingdom Plantae is the simplest way to learn about them. It will be much easier to understand more about each plant in-depth once you've mastered the essentials. Plant and Animal kingdom All living organisms were later divided into two kingdoms by Linnaeus: Plantae and Animalia. Whittaker proposed a five-kingdom classification: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia (Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia). Plantae meaning. Land plants and green algae belong to the Plantae taxonomic category. According to Robert Whittaker, there are generally five kingdoms in the ancient taxonomy of organisms: Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, and Monera. Kingdom Multicellular, (mainly) autotrophic eukaryotes that (typically) undertake photosynthesis are classified as Plantae. Kingdom Plantae Characteristics The following are characteristics of the plant kingdom: • They haven't been able to move in a long time. • Autotrophic organisms are those that make their own food. • Vegetative propagation allows them to rep...

Plant Kingdom Class 11 Biology Notes and Questions

Please refer toPlant KingdomClass 11 Biology notes and questions with solutions below. These revision notes and important examination questions have been prepared based on the latest Biology books for Class 11 BiologyPlant KingdomNotes and Questions Pointsto Remember Classification: Artificial System of Classification • By Carolus Linnaeus, based on androecium structure and vegetative characters. Natural System of Classification • Based on natural affinities among organisms • Included external as well as internal features • By Geroge Bentham and J.D. Hooker Phylogenetic System of Classfication • Based on evolutionary relationships between the various organisms • By Engler and Prantl • Later on By Hutchinson Numerical Taxonomy: • Carried out using computers • Based on all observable characteristics • Data processed after assigning number and codes to all the characters. Advantages: Each character gets equal importance and a number of characters can be considered. Cytotaxonomy: • Based on cytological informations. • Gives importance to chromosome number, structure and behaviour. Chemotaxonomy: • Based on Chemical constitutents of the plants. Algae: • Chlorophyll bearing, simple, thalloid, autotrophic and largely aquatic orgamsms. Importanceof Algae: • Help in carbon dioxide fixation by carrying out photosynthesis and have immense economic importance. • At least half of the total carbon dioxide fixation on earth carried out by them. • Increases dissolved oxygen level in their...