Ropar to hoshiarpur distance

  1. Distance between Ropar and Hoshiarpur Bus Stand
  2. Distance between Hoshiarpur and Ropar
  3. Toll Tax between Ropar and Hoshiarpur

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Distance between Ropar and Hoshiarpur Bus Stand

It takes 1 hours, 54 minutes to travel from Ropar to Hoshiarpur Bus Stand. Approximate driving distance between Ropar and Hoshiarpur Bus Stand is 95 kms or 59 miles or 51.3 nautical miles . Travel time refers to the time taken if the distance is covered by a car. On the table above you can see driving distance in various units namely kilo metres, miles and nautical miles. 1 You can view the route map below. Click and zoom on the map to understand the route better and plan better for your trip. Route Map

Distance between Hoshiarpur and Ropar

It takes 1 hours, 49 minutes to travel from Hoshiarpur to Ropar. Approximate driving distance between Hoshiarpur and Ropar is 91 kms or 56.5 miles or 49.1 nautical miles . Travel time refers to the time taken if the distance is covered by a car. On the table above you can see driving distance in various units namely kilo metres, miles and nautical miles. 1 You can view the route map below. Click and zoom on the map to understand the route better and plan better for your trip. Route Map

Toll Tax between Ropar and Hoshiarpur

Toll Tax between Ropar and Hoshiarpur | Ropar to Hoshiarpur Road Trip by Car | Distance between Ropar and Hoshiarpur | Toll Charges from Ropar to Hoshiarpur | Driving distance between two cities | road distance calculator : Toll Charges between Cities, Driving Cost between Cities, Toll Rates on Indian Highways, Petrol Rate in India, Diesel Rate in India Find how many toll plazas/toll gates you will encounter for travel from Ropar to Hoshiarpur by car, bus, truck or LCV. Find out what is the total toll charges/toll cost you will be paying for this road trip. You can also find the total distance, duration and trip cost of your journey. Also find the lowest fuel price for Petrol and Diesel in Ropar and Hoshiarpur. Scroll down below and wait for the map to download fully to see the toll cost and route details. For another route you can use our "Toll Calculator" option in Menu. or Click here: "Toll Calculator" Summary of your trip: Distance from Ropar to Hoshiarpur by road is 94 KM; travel duration /time required is 1 hour 48 mins. There are total 1 number of Toll Gates/Plaza between Ropar to Hoshiarpur and total toll cost will be Rs 0. Use our To plan your trip, you can use our road distance between calculators to find the distance between two cities/places by road/car. For more details see our Google distance India road transport map for your driving directions. When going for long journey on highways we need to be prepared for any vehicle breakdown on highway...