
Operation Kahuta- When RAW Agents Almost Reached The Pakistan Nuclear Reactor Charan Sahitya December 07, 2019 After operation Smiling Buddha, there was a continuous race of creation of nuclear reactors between India and Pakistan.

Known as AQ Khan, the scientist was instrumental in setting up Pakistan's first nuclear enrichment plant at Kahuta near Islamabad. By 1998, the country had conducted its first nuclear.

Known as AQ Khan, the scientist was instrumental in setting up Pakistan's first nuclear enrichment plant at Kahuta near Islamabad. By 1998, the country had conducted its first nuclear.

Kahuta is a city in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. It is here that the Khan Research Laboratories was founded which was the home to the ‘Kahuta Project’, officially known as Project-706, a project meant to develop Pakistan’s first atomic bomb. The project ran from 1972 to 1983. What was Operation Kahuta?