
The pons is part of a highway-like structure between the brain and the body known as the brainstem. The brainstem is made up of three sections, and carries vital information to the body. The pons relays information about motor function, sensation, eye movement, hearing, taste, and more.

The named parts, from cranial to caudal, comprise the midbrain (mesencephalon), pons (metencephalon), and medulla oblongata (myelencephalon). Functions include regulation of the cardiac, respi-ratory, and central nervous systems including consciousness and the sleep cycle.

The pons, as part of the brainstem, is involved in many important functions, such as the.

It is a group of nerves that function as a connection between the cerebrum and cerebellum (pons is Latin for bridge). The pons develops from the embryonic metencephalon (part of the hindbrain, developed from the rhombencephalon), alongside the cerebellum.

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