
What is a rambutan? This fruit is related to the lychee and longan but is a distinctly different species. The rambutan, whose scientific name is Nephelium lappaceum, grows in Southeast Asia on a tall evergreen tree. Only the female and hermaphroditic trees produce this single-seeded berry, which is encased in a red or yellow rind coated in hair.

Rambutan is a tropical fruit that originates from Southeast Asia. It’s also in the same family as lychee, but has a different appearance and taste. Rambutan fruits are small and round with a thin red shell that is covered in soft white hairs.

Rambutan is a fruit grown in tropical countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Australia. It grows on a medium-sized tree, Nephelium iappaceum, which is related to the lychee. The fruit grows in clusters on evergreen trees and are hairy-looking, colorful balls.