
Plan you week with the help of our 10-day weather forecasts and weekend weather predictions for Solan, Himachal Pradesh, IN

Distance between Solan to Chandigarh by Road is: 67 Kms: Distance between Solan to Chandigarh by Flight is: 36 Kms: Travel Time from Solan to Chandigarh by Road is: 1:26 hrs: Nearest Airport in Solan: Shimla Airport (30.9, 77.1) Nearest Airport in Chandigarh: Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport (30.73, 76.78)

Solan Tourism. Located on the Punjab-Himachal Border, Solan is an industrial town that lies on the lower ranges of the Himalayas. Solan is a more low-key hill station ideal for travellers looking just some time away from the city rush. The town has ancient temples and monasteries that attract hundreds of tourists and devotees every year.

5/5. 62° Hi. RealFeel® Sun 73°. RealFeel Shade™ 62°. Partly sunny and cool. Max UV Index 12 Extreme. Wind N 7 mph. Wind Gusts 21 mph. Probability of Precipitation 2%.