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May 4, 2022 iam.awslagi 0 Notes: Hi all, Google Associate Cloud Engineer Practice Exam Part 4 will familiarize you with types of questions you may encounter on the certification exam and help you determine your readiness or if you need more preparation and/or experience.

Question In MS-Excel one want to track the progress of the stock market on a daily basis. Which type of chart should one use? A Pie chart B Row chart C Line chart D Both (2)& (3) Medium Solution Verified by Toppr Correct option is C) Was this answer helpful? 0 0 Similar questions

How to set goals for your internship. The following are steps you may take when creating goals for an internship: 1. Think about your main interests. You may set goals for an internship that help you explore areas of interest or those where you have little experience or knowledge. For example, your interests in college or university may include.

1 Decide to whom you will donate. You can choose to donate a kidney directly to someone you know, but only if you are a compatible match.

"your application needs to store data with strong transactional consistency, and you want seamless scaling up. which storage option is the best choice for your application?", Advertisement niteshrajputs995 Answer: Cloud storage is the best choice for your application. Explanation:

What did Ambedkar want to achieve through the temple entry movement? Answer: Ambedkar, through the temple entry movement, wanted to achieve his aim to make everyone see the power of caste prejudices within the society. Question 10. Why were Jyotirao Phule and Ramaswamy Naicker critical of the national movement?

What did Ambedkar want to achieve through the temple entry movement? Answer: Ambedkar was born into a Mahar family. In childhood, he experienced various forms of caste prejudices in his everyday life. Ambedkar led three such movements for temple entry between 1927 and 1935. His aim was to make everyone see the power of caste prejudices within.

Western education, Mahatma Gandhi said, focused on reading and writing rather than oral knowledge; it valued textbooks rather than lived experience and practical knowledge. He argued that education ought to develop a person’s mind and soul. Literacy – or simply learning to read and write – by itself did not count as education.

Literacy – or simply learning to read and write – by itself did not count as education. People had to work with their hands, learn a craft, and know how different things operated. This would develop their mind and their capacity to understand. Thus, Gandhiji wanted to teach children handicraft.

Why did Mahatma Gandhi want to teach children handicrafts? Answer: According to him, this would develop a person’s mind and soul. Simply, learning to read and write by itself does not count as education. So, people had to work with their hands, learn a craft, and know-how different things operated.