
NEW DELHI, Dec 14 (Reuters) - Russia's flagship Urals crude has been sold at deeper discounts this month following a European ban on Russian oil imports, and dominant buyer India has bought.

Performing a barrel roll x200 is not as difficult as it may seem. First, point up with your index finger, and then, move your finger in an arc. Next, move your body in alignment with your finger while maintaining constant pressure on the joystick. In order to improve your barrel roll x100 skills, practice with your friends or partners.

To try do a barrel roll trick – Go to the Google homepage. Type ‘Do a barrel roll’ and hit enter. Watch your screen go tumble down dee! If you’re in the mood for some extra fun, type ‘do a barel roll 10 times’, ‘do a barrel roll 20 times’, ‘do a barrel roll 100 times’, and watch your screen go bonkers! ADVERTISEMENT.

In the Nintendo game, Star Fox team member Peppy Hare instructs protagonist pilot Fox McCloud to “do a barrel roll,” which the player achieves by pressing “Z” or “R” twice. The catchphrase.