
This emergency change refers to information on pages 6 and 13 in the 2023 Utah Big Game Application Guidebook. This change will remain in effect until April 30, 2023. Except for other emergency changes made since January 1, 2023, all other rules established in the Utah Big Game Application Guidebook have not changed and remain in effect.

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Answer 1 person found it helpful moonstar16098 The deer drink the milk from Jody's hands. When Jody gave milk to the fawn in a gourd it butted it suddenly smelling the milk and not knowing what to do with the milk in the gourd.

Animal census was conducted on March 2015 in Mkomazi National Park to determine wildlife population densities. The Park is known for its unique habitats composed of a mosaic of vegetation and landforms that are crucial for supporting a range of remarkable and unique species of wildlife.

Scientific Name. Cervidae is the scientific name for all species of deer. It derives from the Latin word Cervus, which simply means stag or deer. The Cervidae family belongs to the order Artiodactyla, which represents all even-toed ungulates or hoofed animals with a certain kind of foot.