
The medulla oblongata is the brain section responsible for conscious thought and the regulation of involuntary action. It lies on the brain stem edge, in the front of the cerebellum. This article.

The medulla oblongata is a small yet vital structure that plays a key role in controlling involuntary functions, including breathing, digestion, heart rate, and body temperature regulation. Exiting through the medulla oblongata are four pairs of cranial nerves, which — unlike other nerves — emerge directly from the brain instead of the.

According to an older 2012 article, the main function of the medulla is to regulate the concentration of urine. As fluid passes through the medulla, the loop of Henle and the collecting ducts.

It helps in regulating autonomic operations including respiration and heartbeat. Injury problems or disease of the medulla can result in diseases such as lateral medullary syndrome, Dejerine syndrome, Bilateral medial medullary syndrome and Reinhold syndrome. Location: