
Harsh Ramesh Sanghvi, Constituency : Check the complete details of Harsh Ramesh Sanghvi who is contesting from constituency in Gujarat election 2022. And also get other information like last year.

Vir Sanghvi is an Indian journalist, TV anchor, author, and food and wine critic. He is known for his travelogues and food and wine columns. Sanghvi’s unconventional profile also includes “Counterpoint,” once an extensively read column in the Hindustan Times, and a hugely popular column “Rude Food” in Brunch, Sunday magazine.

Vir Sanghvi is the best-known Indian journalist of his generation. His career straddles print, television, books and now, new media. Vir Sanghvi was born in London in 1956 and educated at Mayo College, Ajmer and Mill Hill School, London. He won an Open Scholarship to read Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Brasenose College, Oxford.