Shukra beej mantra

  1. Shukra Beej Mantra, Shukra Graha Beej Mantra Meaning & Benefits
  2. Shukra Mantras and Meanings
  3. Shukra Grah Mantra In Hindi
  4. Beej Mantra for 9 Planets in Astrology
  5. Meaning of Beej Mantra
  6. आकर्षण, ऐश्वर्य का कारक शुक्र के बीज मंत्र को पढ़ कर मिल सकता है मनचाहा साथी
  7. Beej Mantras

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Shukra Beej Mantra, Shukra Graha Beej Mantra Meaning & Benefits

Introduction Venus in the galaxy is the second planet from the Sun, and hence it is one of the hottest planets. In Vedic astrology, the planet is related to Shukra or Shukracharya, one of the greatest sages of all time. He was the owner of immense wisdom; however, as he was the counselor and protector of Detyas or Asuras, some of his characteristics are material comforts and luxuries. It is said that the sage donated all his wealth to the demons and spent the life of a hermit. He then became inspired by Lord Brahma and decided to become a planet and protect all three worlds' beings. Thus, in astrology, whoever is served by Shukra or Venus's benefic effects gets all luxuries, wealth, beautiful personality, and a loving life partner. Those who have Venus in a weak position in their natal chart have to go through several life difficulties. These people don't cultivate material comforts that easily; they are not the owner of a beautiful face, and they might seek various obstructions in their love life as well. The malefic Venus also gives health problems related to the eyes, stomach, skin, and appetite. However, a person's interest in flowers and scents, wearing new clothes, staying hygienic are all related to the benefic position of Venus. Such a person also owns vehicles, does well in his marriage, gets served by sexual pleasures, and performs well in every life field. Shukra Mantras Om Klim Shum Shukraya Namah (The sound Klim is associated with love, delight, fulfillment, a...

Shukra Mantras and Meanings

Shukra or Venus is the second planet from the sun next to Mercury. Since it is near to Sun, it is one of the hottest planets of the solar system. Astrology equates this planet with Shukra or Shukracharya, the preceptor of the demons. Therefore, some of the characteristics of Venus or Shukra are luxury and materialistic comforts. In astrology, Venus is also the natural significator of spouse, happiness, sexual sciences, poetry, flowers, youth, ornaments, silver,vehicles, luxuries and different forms of emotions among other things. Venus primarily signifies beauty and hence it promotes beauty-related ventures. As based on the horoscope the malefic or benefic effect of the planet Venus is determined in relation to a person astrologically and not merely on the basis of exaltation or debilitation because under certain conditions even a debilitated Venus can give beneficial effects whereas based on its position and degrees in the horoscope even an exalted Venus can sometimes give malefic effects. Shukra Gayatri mantra “Om Rajadabaaya vidmahe, Brigusuthaya dhimahi, tanno sukrahprachodayat.” Meaning: I bow down in front of Lord Shukra who is the descendant of Sage Bhrigu and the one who is mounted on a white horse. Let his blessings illumine my consciousness and enlighten my being.  Shukra Beej mantra “Om Shum Shukraya Namah” Meaning: This Shukra beej mantra is made of seed sound representing planet Venus. Powerful Shukra beejmantra “Om Draamg Dreeng Droung Sah Shukr...

Shukra Grah Mantra In Hindi

शुक्र मंत्र का जाप कब करें? शुक्र मंत्र का जाप कोई भी कर सकता है,किसी भी जातक की जन्म पत्रिका में शुक्र ग्रह की स्थिति अच्छी ना हो वह जातक अनेकों सुख-सुविधा वंचित व, पत्नी सुख में कमी, पुरुष के शुक्राणुओं में कमी, समाज में प्रतिष्ठा की कमी होती है|यदि किसी भी जातक की पत्रिका में शुक्र मारक होकर बैठा है, शत्रु राशि में है या त्रिक भावों (छठा भाव, आठवां भाव और बारहवां भाव)में बैठा है और कुंडली में किसी तरह का योग से अशुभ प्रभाव को काट नहीं कर रहा है तो ऐसी स्थिति में जातक शुक्र ग्रह के बीज मंत्र का जाप (ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रौं सः शुक्राय नमः ) कर के शुक्र ग्रह के शुभ प्रभाव को अत्ति शुभ में बदल सकते है। शुक्र ग्रह का बीज मंत्र व्यक्ति को सभी प्रकार के सुख देने में समक्ष होता है। शुक्र ग्रह की कृपा होने पर जातक को अपने जीवन साथी का सुख व प्रेम संबंधित बाधाओं से मुक्ति मिलती है। इससे आपको सुख साधनों में बढ़ोतरी होगी, समाज में आपकी प्रतिष्ठा बढ़ेगी, पत्नी का सुख मिलता है और शुक्र को ख्वाहिशों का ग्रह भी कहा गया है। इसके बीज मंत्र के जाप से आपकी ख्वाहिशें सम्पूर्ण होनी शुरू हो जाती है। Also Read- Shukra Beej Mantra Benefits in Hindi शुक्र ग्रह को सुख-सुविधाओं का ग्रह माना जाता है| प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की कुंडली में यदि शुक्र की स्थिति सही हो और बलशाली होकर किसी अच्छे भाव में बैठा हो तो व्यक्ति सर्वे-सुख साधनों से परिपूर्ण होता है| पुरुष के लिए पत्नी का कारक ग्रह शुक्र होता है| कुंडली में पत्नी सुख देखने के लिए सबसे पहले शुक्र की स्थिति देखी जाती है| समाज में व्यक्ति की प्रतिष्ठा का कारक भी शुक्र होता है, आपको कई ऐसे अभिनेता या नेता देखने को मिलेंगे, जिनकी कुंडली में शुक्र योग कारक और बल...

Beej Mantra for 9 Planets in Astrology

A very small introduction to astrology (jyotish) Jyotish Shastra (Astrology) is the vision of Vedas. It is one of the vedangas out of six vedangas. According to Hindu Astrology (Jyotish) there are 9 planets, 12 zodiac signs and 27 nakshatras(constellations) and each impacts the life on earth, on humans and on mundane life. Similarly the beej mantra of planets impacts us in positive manner. Theory of Karma As per hindu philosophy, we had many birth & life and we keep on taking birth and die again till we merge into the source, the parmatman. We come and go till all the karma cycle goes on. We are into the existence from the beginning and doing karmas. The karmas never end till we get the fruit of them, either bad or good. What we are doing in this life and what karmas are going to be fruitful in this life from the baggage of karmas can be known using Jyotish(Astrology). Planets and Karmas In astrology, birth chart or kundali (horoscope) is the blue print of our life we are carrying, which tells about which karmas from the past are going to give fruits in this life and what are the possibilities, deeds we can do in this life. Planets give results according to our own karma but then what is the purpose behind this planetary existence? What is the purpose of astrology if planets (graha) are going to give results only according to our karmas. These karma always give results which cannot be pacified. So how to lessen the suffering from the bad karmas we did in the past? When the...

Meaning of Beej Mantra

Mantras are sacred words in Sanskrit that have been used to invoke and honour Gods, Goddesses, and Planets since the early Vedic era. The Sanskrit language is claimed to have a tight relationship with the fifty primordial sounds, making it telepathic by nature. Through repetition or chanting/Japa, the vibration of the sound of the Mantras conveys our purpose to the Cosmic realm or God bodies, and also has a soothing impact on the mind, which may be transferred to a meditative state. It is true that Mantras cannot be personalized for a specific person. Gurus select Mantras from existing Mantras that they believe will best fit the individual during disciple initiation. Beej Mantras, also known as Vedic Seed Mantras, are the primary mantras or sounds endowed with enormous spiritual qualities in Hinduism. They are frequently referred to as the auditory seed version of all the Deities. Beejas are like mantra batteries since they are used in numerous mantra compositions. Beej mantras are said to fulfil the aspirations of devotees and operate as a protective barrier around them, shielding them from all dangers and foes when repeated with focus. Every Beej Mantra has a deep meaning; they are the basis, the germ, of a construction. It’s pointless to try to interpret these enigmatic Mantras. Understanding the physics behind these Mantras might take generations. They’ve always been there, decoded and passed down from Rishis or Gurus to their followers or pupils, and they’ve shown the...

आकर्षण, ऐश्वर्य का कारक शुक्र के बीज मंत्र को पढ़ कर मिल सकता है मनचाहा साथी

मानव जीवन में शुक्र ग्रह का बहुत बड़ा योगदान व जीवन को सफल व सुंदर बनाने में पूर्ण सहयोग होता है। शुक्र ग्रह को भौतिक जीवन का कारक ग्रह भी माना जाता है। शुक्र ग्रह चराचर जगत में सुख-समृद्धि व हर प्रकार के भौतिक सुखों की प्राप्ति में पूर्ण सहयोग और योगदान होता है। शुक्र ग्रह वैभवशाली स्वरूप व सुंदरता, मध्यम शरीर, सुंदर विशाल नेत्रों वाला, जल तत्व प्रधान, दक्षिण पूर्व दिशा का स्वामी, श्वेत वर्ण, युवा किशोर अवस्था का प्रतीक है। चर प्रकृति, रजोगुणी, विलासी भोगी, मधुरता वाले स्वभाव के साथ चालबाज, तेजस्वी स्वरूप, श्याम वर्ण केश और स्त्रीकारक ग्रह है। इसके देवता भगवान इंद्र हैं। इसका वाहन अश्व है। यदि किसी भी जातक की जन्म कुंडली में शुक्र ग्रह मजबूत व शुभ स्थिति में हो तो ऐसा जातक सदैव सुख-समृद्धि व अनेकों प्रकार की भौतिक सुखों से निपुण हुआ संपन्न रहता है। इंद्र की सभा में अप्सराओं के अधिकाधिक प्रसंग शुक्र की वजह से ही मिलते हैं। ऐसा जातक सदैव स्त्री पक्ष व प्रेम प्यार के बंधनों में बंधा रहता है। एस्ट्रोसेज वार्ता से दुनियाभर के विद्वान ज्योतिषियों से करें फ़ोन पर बात बृहद पराशर होरा शास्त्र के अनुसार सुखीकान्त व पुः श्रेष्ठः सुलोचना भृगु सुतः। काब्यकर्ता कफाधिक्या निलात्मा वक्रमूर्धजः। भारतीय ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार शुक्र ग्रह को प्रेम का ग्रह माना जाता है। शुक्र ग्रह मंत्र जाप व पूजा करने से प्रेम विवाह संबंधित परेशानियों में भी पूर्ण सफलता मिलती है। प्रेम संबंधित समस्याएं शुक्र ग्रह पर निर्भर करती हैं। शुक्र ग्रह मजबूत हो तो रिश्ते अच्छे बनेंगे। वैसे बहुत कुछ बाकी ग्रहों के शुक्र से मिलने पर भी निर्भर करता है। जातक के जीवन में मुख्य रूप से शुक्र ग्रह प्रेम की भावनाओं को प्रद...

Beej Mantras

The beej mantras or Beeja mantra are very powerful words that are used in the invocation of gods and goddesses in Hinduism. These small mantras are believed to have been born from the sound waves that were created during the creation of the universe. Every one of these mantras is associated with a divine being, and the sound frequency that forms during the chanting of each beej mantra works in invoking the God or goddess and helps their cosmic energy to flow through the body. Recitation of these mantras consistently works wonders if someone is intending to entreat the powers of the divine figures, as chanting the mantras dedicated to each deity and adding the beej mantras to them please the gods and goddesses the most. These beej mantras have healing power to them as they heal both the body and mind. Beej mantras are single or compound words, where the power lies in the sound of the word. Beej Mantra: How do they help Beej mantras and each word that is uttered during the chanting has an important meaning, as they are like the foundation of the mantra, the seed. But to break down the words or the sound and convert them into simple and understandable language is useless. Understanding the science behind these mantras can take ages, even then it might not get completely clear. They appeared naturally, and were passed down from Rishi’s to their students, and finally to the rest of the world and have made their place over time. There are many different beej mantras, which are a...