Surya aditya stotra

  1. Surya Aditya Stotra (सूर्य आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र)
  2. How to Read Aditya Hridaya Stotra: Surya Mantra for Success
  3. Aditya Hrudayam: Lyrics, Meaning, and Benefits of this Stotram
  4. surya
  5. ramayana
  6. Surya Stotram
  7. Aditya Hridaya Stotra: Mantra for Lord Sun
  8. Aditya Hrudayam Stotram in Sanskrit free PDF Download

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Surya Aditya Stotra (सूर्य आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र)

सूर्य आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र/ Surya Aditya Stotra सूर्य आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र के लाभ/ सूर्य आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र (Surya Aditya Stotra) एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण स्तोत्र है, इसका यदि नित्य पाठ किया जाए तो, सभी शत्रु नष्ट होते है, सभी नवग्रहों का बुरा प्रभाव कम हो जाता है, यदि कोई जन्मकुंडली में बुरा दोष है, तो वह शीघ्र ही नष्ट हो कर राजयोग बनाता है, इसके अलावा नेत्र दोष, ऋण दोष, मांगलिक दोष, दरिद्र दोष, पितृ दोष, सूर्य ग्रहण के साथ नेत्र आँखों के रोग, ह्रदय के रोग, और रक्त सम्बन्धी रोग दूर होने लगते है। सूर्य आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र कैसे करे/Surya Aditya Stotra? सूर्य आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र (Surya Aditya Stotra) का पाठ किसी भी रविवार को या किसी भी रविवार से 27 दोनों तक पाठ करना चाहियें, इसके लिए सुबह 5 बजे से 7 बजे जे बीच, लाल ऊनि आसन पर बैठ कर, पूर्व दिशा मुख करकें, सबसे पहले सूर्य देव का ध्यान करे, निम्न मन्त्र का 12 बार पाठ करे, फिर विनियोग का पाठ कर, ऋष्यादि न्यास, कर न्यास, हृदयादि अंग न्यास का पाठ करे, यदि न्यास नही करे, तो विनियोग करके सीधे ही, गायत्री मन्त्र का पाठ करके, सूर्य आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र का पाठ कर सकते है। यदि सूर्य आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र (Surya Aditya Stotra) संस्कृत में न कर सके तो हिंदी में पाठ करना चाहियें। “ॐ घृणि: सूर्याय आदित्या नम्:” विनियोग: सीधे हाथ में जल लेकर विनियोग करे, फिर जल भूमि पर छोड़ दे। ॐ अस्य आदित्य हृदयस्तोत्रस्यागस्त्यऋषिरनुष्टुपछन्दः, आदित्येहृदयभूतो, भगवान ब्रह्मा देवता निरस्ताशेषविघ्नतया ब्रह्मविद्यासिद्धौ सर्वत्र जयसिद्धौ च विनियोगः। ऋष्यादि न्यास/Surya Aditya Stotra : ॐ अगस्त्यऋषये नमः, शिरसि। अनुष्टुपछन्दसे नमः, मुखे। आदित्यहृदयभूतब्रह्मदेवतायै नमः...

How to Read Aditya Hridaya Stotra: Surya Mantra for Success

Aditya Hridaya Stotra The Aditya Hridayam Stotram is dedicated to Surya Dev (Hindu Sun God). It is one of the most powerful mantras in Hinduism for acheiving fame and success. It is also powerful in conditions when one needs to get rid of chronic diseases and troublesome government or legal matters. As per Hindu scriptures, the sacred verses of Aditya Hridaya Stotra was first mentioned in the Yuddha Kanda of Sage Valmiki’s Ramayana. It is said that the Aditya Hridaya Stotra was recited by Sage Agastya to Shri Ram. just before the war against King Ravana. It is because of this mantra (Aditya Hridaya Stotra) that Lord Ram was able to defeat Ravana as it granted the much needed mental and physical strength in the battlefield. Who Should Read Aditya Hridaya Stotra • People whose sun is in the second, third, fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth or twelfth of the horoscope. It gives quick auspicious results for such people. • Aries people should definitely read this for education. • Leo zodiac for health and Sagittarius people for luck. • Taurus people should read it for property. • Virgo people for jobs. • Capricorn people for age. • People of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius should recite it for marital life and health. • Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces people should recite it to attain high position. • If there is some legal or administrative or police cases (ongoing). • Have been suffering from constant diseases, especially diseases of bones or eyes. Benefits of Aditya Hridaya Stotra The mos...

Aditya Hrudayam: Lyrics, Meaning, and Benefits of this Stotram

Aditya Hrudayam is a devotional hymn composed on Hindu God Surya. The lyrics of this stotram have an indepth meaning. While chanting the Aditya hrudayam lyrics, a devotee comes across various names of the Lord Surya that praise his glory and divine attributes. Apart from that, Aditya Hrudayam meaning describes the various divine aspects of Sun God and how he sheds light on our lives bestowing good health, courage, and warding off the darkness. It is said that Great Sage Agasthya himself had preached this powerful stotram to Lord Rama to uplift him from the deep thoughts of sorrow during his war with Ravana. Which further helped Lord Rama to defeat the mighty Ravana. The phalastuti part of this stotram explains the benefits of reciting this divine hymn. Aditya Hrudayam Lyrics and Meaning Tatho yuddha parisrantham samare chinthaya sthitham Ravanam chagratho drusthva yuddhaya samupasthitham (1) After getting exhausted in the battle and on seeing Ravana, who was duly prepared and reached the battleground Rama stood in the war with a deep thought Daivataischa samagamya drashtama bhagyatho ranam Upagamyaa bravidramam Agasthyo bhagavan rushihi (2) (Seeing this) Bhagavan Sage Agastya, who came along with the Gods to see the battle Approached Rama and spoke to him. Rama Rama mahabaaho srunu guhyam sanatanam Yena sarva nareen vastsaha samara vijayishyasi (3) Rama, O Rama, the elegant one with great shoulders, listen to this eternal secret By which, you, my child, can be victorious o...


It is written in Walmiki Ramayana that Lord Rama recited Aditya Hridayam Stotra thrice before attacking Ravana in battlefield. The time domain was Tretayuga and Rama was a very pious human being.So, I personally think that it is the only reason that he got success by reading the Stotra thrice only. Ordinary people like us might not get the full benefit just by reading it thrice. So, how many times one should chant the Stotra? Please answer with proper explanation. The number of times a Mantra or Stotra is to be recited does not depend on who is reciting it. It depends on that particular Mantra or Stotra itself. For example, for a Mantra, the number of times it should be recited to gain mastery (the Purascharana count) depends usually on the number of letters the Mantra is made of. Also, it is said to depend on the age we live in. And, currently we are living in Kali. One well-known instruction from the Tantras is that the count must be quadrupled in Kali Yuga. SankhyAsh-chaturguna-japah kalau || The SankhyA or Japa count must be quadrupled in Kali Yuga. (This is quoted in But it appears that this injunction is not entirely Tantric in nature. Because the same rule is mentioned in the book Those who are always engaged in Hari-Hara bhajana, Guru-Maata-Pita Sev ana;and Go,Vishnu-Shiva Bhakta Seva are exempt fr om the blemishes of Kali Yuga). It is essential to quadruple the prescribed number of Japa and Puja in the context of Kali Yuga. The fruits of virtuou s deeds executed i...


It is mentioned, in the Ramayana, that Maharishi Agastya gave the "all powerful and eternal" Adithya Hridhyam Strotra to Sri Rama, immediately before his final encounter with Ravana. राम राम महाबाहो शृणु गुह्यं सनातनम् | येन सर्वानरीन्वत्स समरे विजयिष्यसे || O Rama, the mighty-armed one! Hear the following eternal secret, by which you can conquer all the enemies in battle, my child! What is the Adithya Hridhyam Strotra ? During what times of the day, can it be chanted? What is the procedure, for chanting the Strotra? Rama has chanted this continuously for 9 times before encountering Ravana and attained success. Aditya = the Sun God; Hridayam = that which is especially nourishing and healing for the heart. It should be chanted in the day time. Morning after sunrise by facing the sun God. Do not chant after 12/30 pm. On sundays after chanting this sloka offer curd as naivedya to Sun God. Sankalpa should be done and start the Aditya Hrudya Stotra -- pronounce each akshara clearly. Sage Agasthya Muni gave this powerful Mantra to Sri Rama when Rama was perplexed, while fighting with Ravana. After chanting this Hymn nine times Sri Rama defeated Ravana. The Aditya Hridayam, is a hymn in glorification of the Sun or Surya and was recited by the great sage Agastya to Lord Rama on the battlefield before fighting with Ravana. This historic hymn starts at the beginning of the Battle with Ravana, when Lord Rama is fatigued and getting ready to fight....

Surya Stotram

The Shri Surya Pratah Smarana Stotram , also known as Surya Stotram, is a Sanskrit hymn to Lord Surya, deity of the sun. This hymn honors Surya for bringing about new beginnings, for supporting the creation of resolutions, and for begetting good health and happiness. In India, it is typically recited at dawn. For me, the verses of the Surya Stotram provide comfort and remind me of the abiding presence of the source and force of light: our sun. This prayer evokes my faith in that which I can rely on. Thinking of the dharma of the sun—to be effulgent and shine on—inspires my contemplation of my dharma. Massachusetts, United States This morning I recited the Surya Stotram aloud. I feel a special affinity for this stotram, as my spiritual name relates to the sun. Throughout the day, I found myself entering deeply into silence. At first, my attention seemed unfocused, but as I allowed myself to be with my experience, I realized that I was effortlessly engaging with silence itself. The silence was comforting and majestic. When I brought myself out of these deep silences to perform my daily actions, I noticed that my mind and body were quite relaxed. I enjoy spending a lot of time alone. The chants, hymns, and scriptural texts I have learned through Siddha Yoga, like this stotram, have given me a way to be with myself that I realize is rare and precious. I am very grateful for this gift. New Jersey, United States

Aditya Hridaya Stotra: Mantra for Lord Sun

Did you ever imagine what if there’s no Sun? What would happen? No life! Right? Even in Vedic astrology, Lord Surya is the Lord of enlightenment and strength. Also, there are several names of the Lord of light. One of the most uncommon ones is Aditya because of being a son of Aditi. And so does the derivation of the name of the Aditya Hridaya Stotra, a perfect chant for those who have an afflicting Sun in their kundalis. It is also believed that chanting this Surya Hridaya Stotra on Sundays could double the effect. So, keep reading to know more about Aditya Stotra power and effects. Also, for such interesting astrology-related content, check out the InstaAstro official page. How to correctly manifest Aditya Hridaya benefits? Every stotra or gods. Moreover, astrologically every week of the day is also dedicated to a particular god. Chanting these Vedic mantras is one of the best ways to manifest good things and positivity in your life. But if you follow a few tips, the manifestation could be done much faster. Let’s check what should be done. • Early morning practices Practising your chants or stotras early in the morning increases the manifestation energy to almost double. The best timing is between 3 to 6 A.M. During this time our bodies are also in sync with nature’s frequencies. As a result, this is recommended as one of the most beneficial times to practise chants or reading. Additionally, you could easily concentrate during this time as your surroundings are very calm ...

Aditya Hrudayam Stotram in Sanskrit free PDF Download

Aditya Hrudayam Stotra in Sanskrit आदित्यहृदयम् – ततो युद्धपरिश्रान्तं समरे चिन्तया स्थितम् ततो युद्धपरिश्रान्तं समरे चिन्तया स्थितम् । रावणं चाग्रतो दृष्ट्वा युद्धाय समुपस्थितम् ॥१॥ दैवतैश्च समागम्य द्रष्टुमभ्यागतो रणम् । उपागम्याब्रवीद्राममगस्त्यो भगवानृषिः ॥२॥ राम राम महाबाहो शृणु गुह्यं सनातनम् । येन सर्वानरीन्वत्स समरे विजयिष्यसि ॥३॥ आदित्यहृदयं पुण्यं सर्वशत्रुविनाशनम् । जयावहं जपेन्नित्यमक्षय्यं परमं शिवम् ॥४॥ सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्यं सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् । चिन्ताशोकप्रशमनमायुर्वर्धनमुत्तमम् ॥५॥ रश्मिमन्तं समुद्यन्तं देवासुरनमस्कृतम् । पूजयस्व विवस्वन्तं भास्करं भुवनेश्वरम् ॥६॥ सर्वदेवात्मको ह्येषः तेजस्वी रश्मिभावनः । एष देवासुरगणान् लोकान् पाति गभस्तिभिः ॥७॥ एष ब्रह्मा च विष्णुश्च शिवः स्कन्दः प्रजापतिः । माहेन्द्रो धनदः कालो यमस्सोमो ह्यपां पतिः ॥८॥ पितरो वसवस्साध्याः ह्यश्विनौ मरुतो मनुः । वायुर्वह्निः प्रजाप्राणा ऋतुकर्ता प्रभाकरः ॥९॥ आदित्यः सविता सूर्यः खगः पूषा गभस्तिमान् । सुवर्णसदृशो भानुर्हिरण्यरेतो दिवाकरः ॥१०॥ हरिदश्वस्सहस्रार्चिस्सप्तसप्तिर्मरीचिमान् । तिमिरोन्मथनश्शम्भुस्त्वष्टा मार्ताण्ड अंशुमान् ॥११॥ हिरण्यगर्भश्शिशिरस्तपनो भास्करो रविः । अग्निगर्भोऽदितेः पुत्रः शङ्खश्शिशिरनाशनः ॥१२॥ व्योमनाथस्तमोभेदी ऋग्यजुस्सामपारगः । घनवृष्टिरपां मित्रो विन्ध्यवीथीप्लवङ्गमः ॥१३॥ आतपी मण्डली मृत्युः पिङ्गलस्सर्वतापनः । कविर्विश्वो महातेजाः रक्तस्सर्वभवोद्भवः ॥१४॥ नक्षत्रग्रहताराणामधिपो विश्वभावनः । तेजसामपि तेजस्वी द्वादशात्मन्नमोऽस्तु ते ॥१५॥ नमः पूर्वाय गिरये पश्चिमायाद्रये नमः । ज्योतिर्गणानां पतये दिनाधिपतये नमः ॥१६॥ जयाय जयभद्राय हर्यश्वाय नमो नमः । नमो नमस्सहस्रांशो आ...