Throat infection symptoms

  1. Sore Throat: Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms & More
  2. Viral Throat Infection
  3. Throat Infection
  4. Strep throat
  5. hMPV: what is human metapneumovirus? Symptoms and treatment, explained
  6. White Spots on Tonsils: Causes and Treatment
  7. Sore throat
  8. Bacterial infection symptoms: Signs and treatment
  9. Throat Infection: Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, and More

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Sore Throat: Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms & More

A sore throat is a painful, dry, or scratchy feeling in the throat. Pain in the throat is one of the most common symptoms, which accounts for Most sore throats are caused by infections, or by environmental factors like dry air. Although a sore throat can be uncomfortable, it will usually go away on its own. Sore throats are divided into types, based on the part of the throat they affect: • • • The symptoms of a sore throat can vary depending on what caused it. A sore throat can feel: • scratchy • burning • raw • dry • tender • irritated It may hurt more when you swallow or talk. Your throat or tonsils might also look red. Sometimes, white patches or areas of pus will form on the tonsils. These white patches are more common in strep throat than in a sore throat caused by a virus. Along with the sore throat, you may also have symptoms like: • • runny nose • • cough • fever • • swollen glands in the neck • hoarse voice • body aches • • trouble swallowing • Strep throat vs. sore throat Sore throat may be a symptom of Streptococcus pyogenes, a type of bacteria. In addition to a sore throat, strep throat can also cause other symptoms, • • fever • • headache • stomach pain • red or • small red spots on the roof of the mouth • Unlike other conditions that can cause a sore throat, strep throat is not associated with coughing, runny nose, pink eye, or hoarseness. Additionally, while a sore throat usually improves on its own over time, strep throat requires treatment with an antibiot...

Viral Throat Infection

What is a viral throat infection? A viral throat infection is an infection of the throat, or pharynx, that is caused by viruses. Viruses are different from bacteria such as Streptococcus pyogenes (which causes "strep throat"). Viral infections are the most common cause of sore throats in children and adults. Symptoms include a sore throat, fever, fatigue, congestion, runny nose, cough, or others depending on the specific virus. Less common symptoms that sometimes present in children include fluid-filled bumps on the hands, feet, or mouth, or, in adults, painful mouth ulcers. Treatment focuses on rest, hydration, and over-the-counter methods to alleviate symptoms. Some cases require antiviral medications. Antibiotics are not useful for viral infections. You can gargle with salt water and use over the counter pain medication like Tylenol to treat your painful or sore throat. Symptoms of a viral throat infection Main symptoms The main symptoms of a viral throat infection are detailed below. • Sore throat: The most common symptom of a viral throat infection is a sore throat. Sore throat caused by a viral throat infection usually develops gradually and will typically last for two to seven days. A sudden onset sore throat suggests a different cause such as a bacterial throat infection. • Fever: Some people with a viral throat infection may develop a fever. The fever caused by a viral throat infection is usually low-grade but may be high when associated with Epstein-Barr virus (E...

Throat Infection

The tonsils contain Components of the Immune System The immune system is designed to defend the body against foreign or dangerous invaders. Such invaders include Microorganisms (commonly called germs, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi) Parasites... read more that is part of the body's immune defense system. Thus, the tonsils and nearby throat tissue frequently become infected by organisms that enter the nose and throat. Throat infections are usually caused by a virus. Most often, it is one of the viruses that cause the common cold, such as rhinovirus, adenovirus, influenza virus, or respiratory syncytial virus. Less often, another virus is involved, such as the Infectious Mononucleosis Epstein-Barr virus causes a number of diseases, including infectious mononucleosis. The virus is spread through kissing. Symptoms vary, but the most common are extreme fatigue, fever, sore throat... read more (which causes mononucleosis) or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection (HIV). In less than one third of people, throat infections are caused by a bacterial infection. Group A streptococcus ( Streptococcal Infections Streptococcal infections are caused by any one of several species of Streptococcus. These gram-positive, sphere-shaped (coccal) bacteria (see figure ) cause many disorders, including... read more ) is the most common bacterial cause and usually occurs in children between age 5 and age 15. Strep throat is less common in children under age 3 and in older adults. Untre...

Strep throat

Overview Strep throat is a bacterial infection that can make your throat feel sore and scratchy. Strep throat accounts for only a small portion of sore throats. If untreated, strep throat can cause complications, such as kidney inflammation or rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever can lead to painful and inflamed joints, a specific type of rash, or heart valve damage. Strep throat infection Strep throat usually causes throat pain and difficulty swallowing. This photo of strep throat shows inflammation and red spots, caused by the infection. Signs and symptoms of strep throat can include: • Throat pain that usually comes on quickly • Painful swallowing • Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white patches or streaks of pus • Tiny red spots on the area at the back of the roof of the mouth (soft or hard palate) • Swollen, tender lymph nodes in your neck • Fever • Headache • Rash • Nausea or vomiting, especially in younger children • Body aches It's possible for you or your child to have many of these signs and symptoms but not have strep throat. The cause of these signs and symptoms could be a viral infection or some other illness. That's why your doctor generally tests specifically for strep throat. It's also possible for you to be exposed to a person who carries strep but shows no symptoms. When to see a doctor Call your doctor if you or your child has any of these signs and symptoms: • A sore throat accompanied by tender, swollen lymph glands • A sore throat that lasts longer...

hMPV: what is human metapneumovirus? Symptoms and treatment, explained

Buzz60, Buzz60 All eyes were on viruses like influenza and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week reported an “There’s a much greater attention to identifying the cause of (infections) than we’ve ever had before,” said Dr. Rick Malley, an infectious disease specialist at Boston Children’s Hospital. He attributed that increased attention to the COVID-19 pandemic. “The importance of other viruses and the diseases they cause has come to the floor and that’s why I think you’re hearing more about this virus," he said. Here's everything to know about the respiratory virus that flew under everyone's radar this season, including symptoms, transmission and treatment. What is human metapneumovirus, hMPV? Human metapneumovirus, or hMPV, is an infection that affects the upper and respiratory tract, HMPV was first discovered in 2001 and belongs to the Pneumoviridae family, which also includes respiratory syncytial virus, the CDC said. New COVID variant: More: Is human metapneumovirus just a cold? What are hMPV symptoms? People with hMPV typically experience mild symptoms similar to a cold, The CDC says common symptoms include: • Cough • Fever • Nasal congestion • Shortness of breath Young children, older adults and those with weakened immune systems are at higher risk for developing more severe disease and can experience wheezing, difficulty breathing and asthma flare-ups. The American Lung Association said secondary infections – like bronchiolitis, bronchitis and pne...

White Spots on Tonsils: Causes and Treatment

Chevron icon It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options. Chevron icon It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options. Chevron icon It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options. What those white spots on your tonsils mean and how to get rid of them Facebook Icon The letter F. Facebook Email icon An envelope. It indicates the ability to send an email. Email Twitter icon A stylized bird with an open mouth, tweeting. Twitter Snapchat icon A ghost. Snapchat Fliboard icon A stylized letter F. Flipboard Pinterest icon The letter "P" styled to look like a thumbtack pin. Pinterest Link icon An image of a chain link. It symobilizes a website link url. Copy Link Read in app Imagine waking up with a sore throat. Maybe it hurts to swallow, or maybe your throat feels a little "off." You go to the mirror and open wide. There, way in the back of your throat, you see white spots on your tonsils. They may be small and pimple-like, or they could be lumpy patches or streaks. These tonsil spots typically don't hurt, but they can definitely look concerning. They're part of your body's immune response. They often appear during an infection or as a reaction to a foreign object lodged in your tonsils. "White spots on tonsils are most likely to disappear on their own after a few days," says Learn more about the various reasons why these white spots appear and ...

Sore throat

Overview A sore throat is pain, scratchiness or irritation of the throat that often worsens when you swallow. The most common cause of a sore throat (pharyngitis) is a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu. A sore throat caused by a virus resolves on its own. Strep throat (streptococcal infection), a less common type of sore throat caused by bacteria, requires treatment with antibiotics to prevent complications. Other less common causes of sore throat might require more complex treatment. Throat anatomy The throat includes the esophagus; windpipe, also known as the trachea; voice box, also known as the larynx; tonsils; and epiglottis. Symptoms of a sore throat can vary depending on the cause. Signs and symptoms might include: • Pain or a scratchy sensation in the throat • Pain that worsens with swallowing or talking • Difficulty swallowing • Sore, swollen glands in your neck or jaw • Swollen, red tonsils • White patches or pus on your tonsils • A hoarse or muffled voice Infections causing a sore throat might result in other signs and symptoms, including: • Fever • Cough • Runny nose • Sneezing • Body aches • Headache • Nausea or vomiting When to see a doctor Take your child to a doctor if your child's sore throat doesn't go away with the first drink in the morning, recommends the American Academy of Pediatrics. Get immediate care if your child has severe signs and symptoms such as: • Difficulty breathing • Difficulty swallowing • Unusual drooling, which might indicate...

Bacterial infection symptoms: Signs and treatment

Certain disease-causing bacteria can sometimes enter the body. Once inside, they may multiply and cause an infection. The symptoms that occur will often depend on the location of the infection in the body. This article will outline some of the signs and symptoms of bacterial infections according to where they occur in the body. It will also provide information on treating and preventing bacterial infections and offer advice on when to see a doctor. Share on Pinterest General symptoms of a bacterial infection include fever, chills, exhaustion, and headache. The signs and symptoms of a bacterial infection typically depend on where in the body the infection occurs. However, some of the most common general signs and symptoms of infection include: • • • • new or sudden worsening of pain • unexplained exhaustion • • skin flushing, swelling, or soreness • gastrointestinal symptoms, such as: • nausea • vomiting • • Bacterial infections can develop anywhere in the body, but they often occur near sites where bacteria can enter the body. The sections below will outline some of the most common signs and symptoms associated with bacterial infections in different parts of the body. Gastrointestinal infections Although different species of bacteria cause slightly different symptoms, most tend to cause several of the following: • pain and tenderness in the stomach • • • frequent bowel movements • diarrhea that can be loose, watery, or bloody • feeling the need to go to the bathroom even w...

Throat Infection: Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, and More

A throat infection, sometimes called Symptoms of throat infection most commonly include pain and a sensation of heat in the throat. The infection may also affect other structures within the throat, particularly the tonsils. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and may include fever, If the infection is focused on the tonsils, some clinicians may refer to the infection as tonsillitis. Sean Locke/Stocksy United Throat infections with different causes Trusted Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Governmental authority • body • • • • enlarged lymph nodes or tonsils • fever and • • • You may or may not experience all of these symptoms, depending on the cause or extent of the infection. At times, any of these symptoms can become severe. Emergency medical attention Seek immediate medical care by calling 911for serious symptoms, such as: • • rapid heart rate • sudden swelling of the tongue or throat structures • change in the level of consciousness or alertness, such as: • passing out • unresponsiveness • sudden change in mental status or behavior, such as: • • delirium • • • delusions How do doctors treat a throat infection? The most important step in treating a throat infection is to practice prevention. However, even with the most conscientious efforts, infections can still occur. Many throat infections resolve by themselves over time or are If your doctor suspects a throat infection, you will Can I help improve my throat infection symptoms at home? In addi...