Which organ is known as the powerhouse of the cell and why

  1. Which organelle is known as the powerhouse of the cell? Why?
  2. What Are Mitochondria? The Powerhouse of the Cell

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Which organelle is known as the powerhouse of the cell? Why?

Mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of cells. It is because the mitochondrion is the site of cellular respiration where energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is generated as a result of oxidation of food constituents. This energy is required for various chemical activities needed for life.

What Are Mitochondria? The Powerhouse of the Cell

What Are Mitochondria? The Powerhouse of the Cell Mitochondria are bean-shaped organelles that float freely inside almost every cell in our body. They are the site of many life-sustaining biochemical reactions. To function at our best, we need energy. Mitochondria - you might remember them from high school biology class. They are bean-shaped organelles that float freely inside almost every one of our 37 trillion cells and they're responsible for generating the energy our cells, organs and tissues need to function effectively. Essentially, mitochondria are tiny power plants, that combine the food we eat with the oxygen we breathe and turn this into the fuel our cells need to work - and we need to live. Mitochondrial DNA is the separate DNA in mitochondria which is responsible for containing the instructions needed for making different components of the mitochondria. The mitochondrial membrane consists of a double membrane, which is a unique feature that enables them to perform a number of special biochemical reactions - such as oxidative phosphorylation and cellular respiration, which is the name given to the body's energy production process. Through a process called respiration, mitochondria produce energy for cells by oxidizing substances that are synthesized in the cytosol of the cell, a process known as the citric acid cycle. The fuel that is then produced is called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is considered by scientists to be the energy currency of life. Energy f...