World mental health day

  1. World Mental Health Day 2021: Campaign materials
  2. World Mental Health Day – World Mental Health Day
  3. World Mental Health Day 2022
  4. How to Take a Mental Health Day

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World Mental Health Day 2021: Campaign materials

Depression and suicide: what you need to know and what you can do Depression is a common mental health condition. For some people depression is mild and short-lived; for others, it is more severe and longer-term. Some people are affected only once; others more than once. At worst, depression can lead to suicide. There is a lot that can be done, however, to prevent and treat depression and to help people who are thinking about suicide. The short documents posted on this page provide information about depression and suicide and guidance on prevention and treatment.

World Mental Health Day – World Mental Health Day

What is World Mental Health Day? Each year, World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October to raise awareness around mental health issues worldwide and mobilize efforts in support of mental health. The day offers an opportunity to talk openly about mental health and the work that needs to be done to ensure people worldwide have access to adequate and affordable treatment and care. World Mental Health Day 2019 is focused on raising awareness around suicide prevention. What is 40 Seconds of Action and how can you take part? Every 40 seconds, someone around the world takes their own life. That’s why, in addition to events and activities taking place on or around 10 October, the World Health Organization and partners are encouraging everyone to take “40 seconds of action” to shed light on and reduce stigma around this important issue. 40 Seconds of Action is a chance to let people who are suffering know that they are not alone. Activities you can take part in to honor the 40 Seconds of Action include: • Initiating a conversation with someone you are worried about • Sharing a message of hope with someone who is struggling • Posting a video message for local or national authorities about the action you would like them to take • Signing Speak Your Mind ’s What is the World Mental Health Day Guide? WMHD Guide 2019 is a crowdsourced listing of events in honor of World Mental Health Day, an awareness day organized by the World Federation for Mental Health and supported by the Int...

World Mental Health Day 2022

The The theme of 2022's World Mental Health Day, set by the Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority'. For over 70 years, the Foundation has been working to make sure that mental health is treated equally with physical health. Mental health problems exist in our lives, families, workplaces and communities, affecting everyone. We must do as much as possible to prevent mental ill-health – as individuals and as a society. We will continue to call on national and local governments to prioritise reducing the factors known to pose a risk to people’s mental health, enhancing those known to protect it and creating the conditions needed for people to thrive. World Mental Health Day is also a chance to talk about mental health in general, how we need to look after it, and how important it is to talk about things and get help if you are struggling.

How to Take a Mental Health Day

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission offers certain protections for workers' mental health rights. While it doesn't specifically say that it's okay to take a day off work for mental health, it does allow for "reasonable accommodations," which include altered work schedules. If you face disciplinary action for taking a mental health day off work, you may wish to consult with an attorney to discuss whether your legal rights have been violated. World Mental Health Day World Mental Health Day was first celebrated in 1992 by an organization called the World Federation for Mental Health. Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) supports World Mental Health Day as well. • Call in sick. You can say, "I'd like to use my remaining sick day this month," and not specify why you're using it. Or you can say, "I am not feeling well today and I need to take the day off," without adding anything further. In this case, your mental health day is taken as a sick day. • Plan to use some of your time off. You can say, "I will be using my PTO," without giving a reason why. Your employer or fellow employees don't need to know what you'll be doing. • Schedule your mental health day for a day you already have off. If anyone asks what you'll be doing, you don't have to share that you're taking a mental health day unless you feel comfortable doing so. You can simply say, "I'll be seeing family," or "I'll just be relaxing at home." If you or your child need to take time away from school ...