1. Create a YouTube studio in your home
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Create a YouTube studio in your home

If you want to make it onto YouTube, your video quality needs to have a level of professionalism that a YouTube studio brings to the table. Shooting video has become almost totally automated. Once the camera has been turned on, it can take over doing many chores a human once had to. Things like focusing the image or adjusting the color balance are automatically set. This has led to the misconception that when So does that mean you have to build a home studio in a big room to shoot YouTube videos? Do you have to spend a lot of money to build your YouTube studio? Does the room have to be devoted entirely to shooting? No, to all three questions. But it does mean that the Advertisement Location In a small room, the ability to shoot full length body shots may not be possible. Half-length may be the norm, for example, a TV newscaster-like setup where the talent is seated behind a table. So the next step is to create a “dead zone” in the room. It’s both for what the Light Control Let’s look at light control first. Any external lighting must be eliminated. For example, windows must have blinds, curtains or masks that prevent any light from entering. This might require using black velour on a curtain rod. That way it can go in front of the window shades to further cut off light. You might need to apply black fabric directly to the windows with tape to seal around the edges. (Painter’s tape, for example, is a temporary tape that won’t pull up paint or damage the material it has been...


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