Benefits of eating dragon fruit

  1. Is Dragon Fruit Healthy?
  2. Is Yellow Dragon Fruit a Laxative? Benefits and Side Effects
  3. How to Cut and Eat Dragon Fruit {+Health Benefits}

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Is Dragon Fruit Healthy?

Jessica Migala is a health and fitness writer. Her work has appeared in more than 40 outlets. She focuses on a variety of topics such as diabetes prevention, vision care, nutrition, skincare, sleep health, pregnancy and post-partum care, among others. A graduate of Syracuse University, Jessica now lives in the Chicago suburbs with her two young sons, rescue beagle, and husband. You eat with your eyes first-and that's never been truer than when it comes to dragon fruit. On the outside, it looks almost like a spiky dragon egg. It commands attention with its shockingly bright purple-pink hue. Smoothie-bowl lovers have helped this fruit grow in popularity. Don't worry if you haven't heard of dragon fruit, also called pitaya or strawberry pear. Here we break down what it is, the nutrition and health benefits, what it tastes like and how to use it. While it's popular in Southeast Asia and some people consider it an exotic fruit, dragon fruit is native to Central America. However, you can buy pitaya fresh at some grocery stores (summer is the peak season). However, to enjoy it year-round, the most accessible way to eat it is as frozen cubes, powder, or as a smoothie pack. ( Dragon fruit nutrition and health benefits Tempted to order one of those trendy pitaya smoothie bowls? Go for it. There are many benefits of dragon fruit with all its vitamins and minerals: "It's a great source of magnesium and fiber, and the fruit has small amounts of iron and vitamin C," says Shapiro. For in...

Is Yellow Dragon Fruit a Laxative? Benefits and Side Effects

The hashtag #yellowdragonfruit has racked up over 110 million views on TikTok, with users claiming it works wonders on their internal plumbing. One user shared her experience trying yellow dragon fruit in a TikTok with over 300,000 views and a caption reading, “yellow dragon fruit should come with a warning.” “The minute that you eat these, it’s the point of no return,” she says. “I must have been in the bathroom at least seven times within two hours. And when I tell you I sprinted to the bathroom and barely made it the second time... yeah, it was intense.” But despite this unpleasant description, she raves about the results, claiming that yellow dragon fruit “empties anything that’s trapped in your small or large intestine.” Meet the experts • • Bonnie Taub-Dix, registered dietitian nutritionist, creator of What is yellow dragon fruit? Yellow dragon fruit, or Selenicereus megalanthus, is a tropical fruit from the cactus family that's native to Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, according to the Its exterior is bright yellow with smooth spines. The interior has translucent white flesh and small edible black seeds. Some TikTok users have reported it tastes like a cross between a kiwi and a pear, with others saying it tastes more like a mix of pear and pineapple. It’s similar to other dragon fruit varieties, such as the red and white kind, but it’s slightly sweeter, Frances Largeman-Roth, registered dietitian nutritionist and author of “ Yellow dragon fruit is rich in antioxidants,...

How to Cut and Eat Dragon Fruit {+Health Benefits}

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read the Learn how to cut dragon fruit quickly and easily with this step-by-step guide. The sweet flesh is delicious and packed full of nutrients. You can eat dragon fruit on its own as a simple and refreshing snack or add it to fruit salads, smoothies, Dragon fruit can seem a bit intimidating at first with its unique look and bright colors. Learning how to prepare it is actually quite easy, and the more you eat it, the more you’ll love it! This tropical fruit makes a delicious snack that’s slightly sweet with an interesting texture. It’s low in calories with only 60 calories per dragon fruit! How to Cut Dragon Fruit What is Dragon Fruit (Pitaya)? Dragon fruit, also called pitaya or pitahaya, is a tropical fruit coming from the dragon fruit tree, which is actually a type of large cactus. There are three varieties of dragon fruit: • Pink skin with white flesh (white dragon fruit) • Pink skin with red flesh (red dragon fruit) • Yellow skin with white flesh ( All of these varieties have tiny black seeds interspersed throughout the flesh and a very similar taste. Most U.S. dragon fruit used to come from Latin America or Asia and is fairly expensive. However, as America’s Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit Dragon fruit is loaded with nutrients and has many impressive • Beneficial antioxidants like vitamin C. • 7 grams of fiber per cup along with prebiotics for a healthy gut and digestive health. • Plant compounds like polyphenols and c...