Ch 7 science class 10

  1. Chapter 7 Control And Coordination
  2. Control and Coordination
  3. NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control And Coordination
  4. NCERT Book Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control and Coordination

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Chapter 7 Control And Coordination

Chapter 7 Control And Coordination || Science || PPT || Class 10 • Nishit Gajjar • chapter, we looked at life processes involved in the maintenance functions in living organisms. There, we had started with a notion we all have, that if we see something moving, it is alive. Some of these movements are in fact the result of growth, as in plants. A seed germinates and grows, and we can see that the seedling moves over the course of a few days, it pushes soil aside and comes out. But if its growth were to be stopped, these movements would not happen. Some movements, as in many animals and some plants, are not connected with growth. A cat running, children playing on swings, buffaloes chewing cud – these are not movements caused by growth. Why do we associate such visible movements with life? A possible answer is that we think of movement as a response to a change in the environment of the organism. The cat may be running because it has seen a mouse. • we also think of movement as an attempt by living organisms to use changes in their environment to their advantage. Plants grow out into the sunshine. Children try to get pleasure and fun out of swinging. Buffaloes chew cud to help break up tough food so as to be able to digest it better. When bright light is focused on our eyes or when we touch a hot object, we detect the change and respond to it with movement in order to protect ourselves. If we think a bit more about this, it becomes apparent that all this movement, in respons...

Control and Coordination

Teachoo is your one - stop solution for everything related to science as you can find all the concepts, NCERT questions along with extra questions that we call Teachoo questions as they are prepared by our experts. Chapter 7 of Class 10, Control and Coordination, you are going to learn about the nervous system of humans and animals along with how the brain works in a human body and also about the reflexive stimulus of plants. You are going to start by learning about various reactions that a human body produces and which parts of the brain are responsible for different kinds of reactions. Then you will learn about the physical structure of the brain which will teach you about the tissues that a brain is made up of and how these tissues are protected from any damage . After humans , you are going to learn about the stimulus reactions of plants and their movements due to growth . And lastly , you are going to learn about the various hormones that are produced in the human body through various glands and which glands are responsible for secretion of various hormones .

NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control And Coordination

NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control And Coordination are part of NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control And Coordination Short Answer Type Questions 1.Label the parts (a), (b), (c) and (d) and show the direction of flow of electrical signals in the given figure. Answer. (a) Sensory neuron. (b) Spinal cord (CNS). (c) Motor neuron. (d) Effector (Muscle in arm). 2.Name the plant hormones responsible for the following: (а) Elongation of cells. (b) Growth of stem. (c) Promotion of cell division. (d) Falling of senescent leaves. Answer.(a) Auxin. (b) Gibberellin. (c) Cytokinin. (d) Abscisic acid. 3.Label the endocrine glands in the given figure. Answer.(a) Pineal gland. (b) Pituitary gland, (c) Thyroid, (d) Thymus. 4 What is a tropic movement? Explain with an example. Answer.The directional growth movements of plants due to external stimuli are called tropic movement. It can be either towards the stimulus, or away from it. For example, in case of phototropic movement, shoots respond by bending towards light while roots respond by bending away from it. 5.What will happen if intake of iodine in our diet is low? Answer.When iodine intake is low, release of thyroxin from thyroid gland will be less by which protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolisms will be affected. A person might suffer from goitre in case of iodine deficiency in the body, 6.Answer the following: (а) Which hormone is responsible for the changes noticed in females at puberty? (b) Dwarfism res...

NCERT Book Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control and Coordination

NCERT Book for Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control and Coordination is available for reading or download on this page. Students who are in Class 10 or preparing for any exam which is based on Class 10 Science can refer NCERT Book for their preparation. Digital NCERT Books Class 10 Science pdf are always handy to use when you do not have access to physical copy. Here you can read Chapter 7 of Class 10 Science NCERT Book. Also after the chapter you can get links to Class 10 Science Notes, NCERT Solutions, Important Question, Practice Papers, etc. Scroll down for Control and Coordination from NCERT Book Class 10 Science Book & important study material. NCERT Book Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control and Coordination Download NCERT Book for Class 10 Science PDF It is easy to download the NCERT Class 10 Books. Just click on the link, a new window will open containing all the NCERT Book Class 10 Science pdf files chapter-wise. Select chapter you wish to download and its done. You will have the PDF on your device to study offline. • Buy NCERT Book for Class 10 Science Online You can buy Class 10 Science NCERT Book from various online platforms and get doorstep delivery in no time. For your convenience we have curated direct link to NCERT Book Class 10 Science so that you need not to keep search for it. You can simply visit the link to go to amazon website and order online. • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science After reading the chapter, you can refer to our Class 10 NCERT Solutions...