
  1. Gokhru Powder Benefits
  2. Gokhru: Health benefits and side effects
  3. Gokhru
  4. Gokhru: Health Benefits, Uses, Nutritional Value & Dosage
  5. Gokhru Powder: Benefits & How To Use
  6. Top Health Benefits Of Gokhru
  7. Gokshura Benefits, Uses And Its Side Effects
  8. 8 Emerging Benefits of Gokshura
  9. Gokhru ke Fayde in Hindi

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Gokhru Powder Benefits

Benefits:Used for Body Building, Urogenital problems and as an aphrodisiac, Balances all Three Doshas, Vata, Kapha, Pitta, Improves Body Strength, Immunity, Digestion, Body Nourishment, Vision, Relieves difficulty in Urination, Pain originating from Urinary Bladder, Dyspnoea, Asthma, Piles, Cardiac Disorders, Cleanses and Detoxifies Bladder Weight Description Have you ever heard about the herb gokhru? If not gokhru, may be you know it by the names like gokshura, chota gokhru, puncture vine and even devil’s weed. The herb has a promising history of use in sexual debility. We also know gokhru as an herb that is used to deal with all types of kidney and urinary problems. Gokhru powder is an ayurvedic churna made up with the same herb. However, with increasing research on the ayurvedic powders, many other gokhru powder benefits have been revealed. So, here is the complete information about the gokhru churna uses and benefits: Scientists have examined the base of gokhru powder- the herb gokhru. It has been found that the herb is rich in active constituents like alkaloids called norharman and Harman. Apart from these two extremely healthy alkaloids, the herb also contains steroidal saponins called terrestrosins A – E, flavonoid glycosides and furostanol. All these make the herb a medicinal herb of high medicinal value. It indeed is magical when it comes to healing kidney and urinary bladder related issues. However, there are some other benefits of the same when used as gokhru po...

Gokhru: Health benefits and side effects

Written by |Updated : March 4, 2015 2:48 PM IST • • • • • Also called Gokshura, ChotaGokhru, Puncture vine, Devil s weed, Gokhru is a herb that is used to deal with kidney and urinary problems. There are 2 species recognized in India with one called BadaGokhru (Big Gokhru) and the herb described here being called ChotaGokhru (Small Gokhru). Health benefits:Gokhru has been used in India to deal with kidney and urinary problems, and also as a sexual libido enhancer. It is also considered an aphrodisiac and libido-enhancer. It was used in Ayurvedic system of medicine to treat How to use: Gokhru is available in the form of supplements prepared using the seeds and fruits of the herb; these must be consumed only under medical supervision. Also Read • • • Active ingredients: Gokhru contains active constituents of which the main ones are alkaloids called norharman and Harman. It also contains steroidal saponins called terrestrosins A E, flavonoid glycosides and furostanol. (Read: Side effects:Gokhru must be taken only in the prescribed dose for a short period of time as long term use may increase the risk of prostate disorders. It must not be used during pregnancy and when breastfeeding the child. (Read: Photo source: commons.wikimedia.org For more articles on herbal remedies, visit our herbal remedies section. For daily free health tips, sign up for our newsletter . References 1 Al-Ali M, Wahbi S, Twaij H, Al-Badr A. 2 Mohd J, Akhtar AJ, Abuzer A, Javed A, Ali M, Ennus T. 3 Kashi...


The Gokhru also called Gokhshura and a few other plants are washed, then dried in the sun to create the gokhru powder. The combination is then separated, crushed into a powder, and exposed to direct sunshine. Gokhru is excellent for bodybuilding, treating diuretic difficulties, PCOS, skin conditions, abnormalities of the prostate gland, and cardiac concerns. Both men and women can use it as an aphrodisiac to boost desire. Gokhru also enhances brain function and functions as an anti-aging agent. Gokhru comes in a variety of forms, including pills and powder. About Gokhru: ? About Gokhru: Gokhru is made from the dried fruits of the Tribulus terrestris, a perennial plant that is indigenous to Southern Europe, Southern Asia, Southern Australia, and Southern Africa. Tribulus terrestris is known by the scientific name Tribulus terrestris. The host of active constituents, alkaloids, and phytosterols make this herb a powerful diuretic and aphrodisiac remedy. Gokhru is helpful for a variety of issues in addition to urinary issues, such as low water retention capacity, hair loss, rheumatic pain, neurological issues, headache, stress, obesity, menstruation, piles, bed wetting, and eye issues. Gokhru is also known as Tribulus terrestris, a plant with a vast geographic distribution that only flourishes in arid climates where only a few other species can. In North America, it is regarded as an invasive species. Trikanta, or "puncture vine," is the name given to the fruit because it is c...

Gokhru: Health Benefits, Uses, Nutritional Value & Dosage

Commonly known by a plethora of names, gokhru or puncture vine is a type of herb that has been widely used in the Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani, Kashmiri and traditional Chinese medicine. It has been a definite part of the natural medicine field, for thousands of years. It is used as a [1] general tonic, rather like a cure to various health problems. In each medicinal field where gokhru is used, that is Chinese and Indian, the herb has varied uses. The plant as a whole is used in traditional medicine. Today, the ancient herb is widely recognized for its ability to restore as well increase the testosterone levels. It is used around the globe due to the amazing benefits the herb possesses. The herb is usually used in the form of [2] powder, pill or liquid extract which is obtained from drying the gokhru fruit. Read on to know about the benefits and uses of the ancient herb, that is making its place in the current day health scene. 1. Enhances libido The most talked about the benefit of the herb is its ability to treat low libido. From ancient times, gokhru has been used to enhance the libido in both [4] men and women. By treating the infertility problems in a natural way, it stimulates your body's natural hormone and aids in the production as well as the maintenance of the testosterone levels. The steroidal saponins called [5] terrestrosins A - E, flavonoid glycosides and furostanol acts to improve the sperm quality and quantity in men and promotes ovulation. 2. Reduces inflammati...

Gokhru Powder: Benefits & How To Use

What is Gokhru? Gokhru is a herbal formulation that aims to strengthen and rejuvenate the body. Also known as Gokhru powder is prepared by washing the Gokhru herbs and a few other herbs and sun-drying them. Afterwards, the mixture is grounded separately into a powdered form and subjected to direct sunlight. This is how Gokhru or Nerunji Mull churna is made. The herbs used in this process include Haritaki, Devdaru, Adrak (wet ginger), Garlic, Shunti (dry ginger), and Punarnava. Types of Gokhru Powder Chota Gokhru Belonging to the Zygophyllaceae family, Chota Ghokru is the dried ripe seed of the Tribulus Terrestris or Ghorku plant. This herb grows throughout India with yellowish fruits. Bada Gokhru The dried ripe seeds of the Pedalium Murex plant, also known as Gokhru or Gokhshura, are called Bada Gokhru. They belong to the Pedaliaceae or the sesame family and grows in dry, humid regions. The Bada and Chota Gokhru share their name due to their similar appearances, flower colours, and medicinal uses. While Chota Gokhru is used for kidney disorders and urinary problems, Bada Gokhru can be used as an aphrodisiac. Also read: Ashwagandhadi churna- Benefits, uses, price, and more Gokhru Powder Benefits Are you wondering what are Gokhru benefits or Gokhru ke fayde? Read on to know more. Improves Libido and Sexual Health Gokhru powder helps improve the sexual health of men because of its powerful spermatogenic properties. It helps treat low As per a Helps in Urinary Related Problems...

Top Health Benefits Of Gokhru

Top Health Benefits Of Gokhru – Tribulus terrestris, commonly known by several names worldwide, has been used in a plethora of various Ayurvedic medicines for centuries now. Its health benefits range from treating kidney problems to sexual problems in both men & women. Therefore if you are not aware of this effective herb, then here we have brought you the list of the top health benefits of Gokhru herb. This wonder herb is not only an important part of Indian Ayurveda but is famous among Unani, Chinese medicines as well. Apart from an effective cure to a number of health problems, it can also be used as a general tonic for maintaining overall health. The whole plant which is found in Australia, India, Africa, Southern Asia, and Southern Europe is of great use. Gokshura or Gokhru is an herbaceous tap-rooted perennial plant which grows in summer in colder climates. Nutritional Value of Gokhru Herb Regular intake of Gokhru herb do wonder on the overall health and this is because of the excellent nutritional value it is enriched with. Here we have compiled the important nutritional value of Gokhru per 100 gm servings. • 9 grams carbohydrates. • 3 grams protein. • 40 Kcal of total energy. • 52 grams of Fats. • 2 grams Vitamin C. • 59 grams of Calcium. • 92 micrograms in total Flavonoids. The list of Health benefits of Gokhru ( Tribulus terrestris) for both men and women Other names with which you can identify Gokhru herb includes Gokshura, Chhota Gokhru, Puncturevine, Devil’s w...

Gokshura Benefits, Uses And Its Side Effects

Gokshura is ideal for body building, combating diuretic issues, PCOS, skin ailments, prostate gland disorders and heart problems. It is also used as an aphrodisiac to increase the libido in both men and women. Additionally, gokshura also acts as anti aging agent and improves brain functioning. You can consume gokshura in different form such as powder and tablets. Gokshura Gokshura is also known as Tribulus terrestris which is widely distributed in the world and only grows in dry climate where only a few plants can survive. It is considered an invasive species in North America. Gokshura is an herbaceous taprooted perennial plant which grows in summer in colder climates. This plant can also thrive in poor soil conditions and desert climates. It can also be found in Australia, Africa, Southern Asia and Southern Europe. The stem of gokshura plant grows around 10 centimetres in diameter and usually forms flat patches. The stem branch is usually hairy and the leaves are pinnately compound. The leaflets are around 3 mm long. Gokshura powder and tablets is beneficial for body building and the minerals present in this herb can improve body composition and muscle strength. These days everyone is concerned about their body image and a constant pressure to look good can make people go to extreme lengths to shape their body the way they want it to be. A lot of men who want to make their body much more muscular opt for steroid injections and supplements which pump up their body in an un...

8 Emerging Benefits of Gokshura

Gokshura is a popular medicinal plant in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. In Western countries, gokshura is better known as the popular dietary supplement Tribulus terrestris. People take it to boost their libido and testosterone, among many other uses. However, research on the health effects of this plant is still emerging, and more studies are needed on its many potential effects. This article explores the claims about gokshura and lists 8 of its emerging health benefits. Gokshura is a small leafy plant that is a member of the caltrop family. It grows in areas that have warm temperatures, such as southern Asia, southern Europe, Africa, and Northern Australia ( In traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, people have long used its roots and fruit to treat a wide variety of health conditions. These include urinary tract disorders, kidney disease, inflammation, chronic coughing, asthma, and erectile dysfunction ( In Western countries, gokshura is more commonly known as Tribulus terrestris. Companies market it as a natural testosterone booster. You can buy gokshura in various forms, such as powder, capsules, or tablets. Stores more commonly sell it under the name Tribulus terrestris. Summary Gokshura is a small leafy plant commonly known as Tribulus terrestris in Western countries. In traditional medicine, people used gokshura to treat various disorders, such as urinary tract disorders, kidney disease, and erectile dysfunction. There are many studies on gokshura...

Gokhru ke Fayde in Hindi

Contents • 1 गोखरू का परिचय (Introduction of Gokhru) • 2 गोखरू क्या है? (What is Gokhru in Hindi?) • 3 अन्य भाषाओं में गोखरू के नाम (Name of Gokshur in Different Languages?) • 4 गोखरू के फायदे (Benefits and Uses of Gokshura in Hindi) • 4.1 सिरदर्द में गोखरू काढ़ा के फायदे (Gokshura kadha benefits to get relief from Headache in Hindi) • 4.2 गोखरू चूर्ण के फायदे – दमा से दिलाये राहत गोखर (Pedalium murex or Gokshura Benefits in Asthma in Hindi) • 4.3 हाजमा बढ़ाये गोखरू का काढ़ा (Gokhru Kadha Beneficial in Digestion in Hindi) • 4.4 दस्त रोकने में फायदेमंद गोखरू (Gokhru or Gokshura to Fight Diarrhoea in Hindi) • 4.5 मूत्रकृच्छ्र या पेशाब संबंधी बीमारी में गोखरू के फायदे(Benefits of Gokhru Kadha in Dysuria in Hindi) • 4.6 पथरी या अश्मरी में गोखरू के फायदे (Gokshura Benefits in Kidney Stone in Hindi) • 4.7 गर्भाशय शूल या यूटेरस के दर्द में गोखरू के फायदे (Benefits of Gokshura in Uteralgia in Hindi) • 4.8 आमवात या रूमाटाइड के दर्द से दिलाये आराम गोखरू का उपयोग (Uses of Gokhru or Gokshura to Treat Rheumatism in Hindi) • 4.9 चर्मरोग में गोखरू के फायदे (Gokhru or Gokshura Benefits for Skin Disease in Hindi) • 4.10 लो स्पर्म काउन्ट में फायदेमंद गोखरू (Gokshura or Gokhru Benefits to Boost Low Sperm Count in Hindi) • 4.11 ज्वर या बुखार में गोखरू के फायदे (Benefits of Gokhru kadha for Fever in Hindi) • 4.12 रक्तपित्त ((कान-नाक से खून बहना) में गोखरू के फायदे (Gokhru kadha Beneficial in Haemoptysis ya Raktpitta in Hindi) • 5 Summary of Gokshura benefits in Hindi by Acharya Balkrishna Ji (P...