It takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations meaning in hindi

  1. “it takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations” – the fierce pursuit
  2. The problem with being kind – Colorless Kenopsia
  3. The best poems from ‘Milk and Honey’ by Rupi Kaur – Books and Disney
  5. What is the meaning of it takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations?
  6. All Things Considered – It takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations

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“it takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations” – the fierce pursuit

as many of you know, i recently decided to take a step away from facebook and twitter. i’m genuinely ashamed at how hard it has been to give it up. it takes a lot to wake up and not immediately check facebook to see what went on in the eight hours i was asleep. with that said, i am sticking with it. facebook was usually where i posted the links to my old blog posts, but i have decided to start fresh. this new blog, the fierce pursuit, is going to be my way of keeping whoever may be curious updated on my life. writing has always been the best way that i can express myself and i will surely need a stress reliever this semester, so here we are. “it takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations.”– rupi kaur as motivation to write a blog post once a week, i will choose a quote that really stuck out to me from the week. i may elaborate on the quote, i may not. i guess it will depend on the kind of mood that i am in. anyway, thanks for checking this out. check back next monday to see what else i have to say 🙂 have a great week, everyone. -ashtyn

The problem with being kind – Colorless Kenopsia

All my life, I’ve been taught to be kind. To live and let live, to always start with ‘please’ and finish with ‘thank you’, and to never be rude or disrespectful. It’s one of my main beliefs, to be irrevocably good to people. I was okay with that, for the longest time, before I realized that it didn’t necessary mean that people would be good to me. I live in a country where distrust is as common as hair loss advertisements, which trust me- is a lot. I know now, not to smile openly at strangers, to walk confident and aloof down the streets amongst the catcalls, to be unafraid of saying ‘No.’ I didn’t know that back then. Being soft and kind where I’m from, instantly equates to being weak and vulnerable. The men on the streets have the audacity to run after you, taunting and jeering, just because you accidentally glance in their direction. When you offer one person shelter under your umbrella from the pouring rain, other strangers feel misplaced entitlement to the same treatment, and demand so with force uncalled for. Agreeing to proofread someone’s assignment in school snowballs into doing their work for them. When you refuse, all you get is a ‘Hey, come on. You’re nice, aren’t you?’ As you might’ve guessed, I’m not speaking in metaphors. Sometimes- a lot of times, being good and kind means being unfairly targeted and exploited, and bullied. It means frustration of the worst kind; I find myself in that horrible position where I don’t know how to say I can’t do something with...

The best poems from ‘Milk and Honey’ by Rupi Kaur – Books and Disney

Milk and Honey is a poetry book written by Rupi Kaur. It’s so amazing, inspirational, deep and real. I haven’t really been one for poetry until just recently, so this was definitely a great read to help encourage me to read more poems. There are so many amazing poems in this book, but here are just a few I personally loved the most, in no particular order… “if you were born with the weakness to fall you were born with the strength to rise” “ how is it so easy for you to be kind to people he asked milk and honey dripped from my lips as i answered cause people have not been kind to me” “she was a rose in the hands of those who had no intention of keeping her” “it takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations” “your body is a museum of natural disasters can you grasp how stunning that is” “accept yourself as you were designed” “if the hurt comes so will the happiness” “love is not cruel we are cruel love is not a game we have made a game out of love” “we are all born so beautiful the greatest tragedy is being convinced we are not” image via “most importantly love like it’s the only thing you know how at the end of the day all this means nothing this page where you’re sitting your degree your job the money nothing even matters except love and human connection who you loved and how deeply you loved them how you touched the people around you and how much you gave them” (this one’s in bold because it’s my favourite lol) “i have what i have and i am happy i’ve lost ...


Hi, everyone! Here’s a starter meme designated for the battle event (but feel free to use it whenever)! This was made by the lovely Jane ( Carry On, Rainbow Rowell; Sandry’s Book, Tamora Pierce; The Titan’s Curse, Rick Riordan; The School for Good and Evil, Soman Chainani; Gotham season 4). There are a few actions provided towards the bottom, though we suggest using those to spark plotting/alongside plotting, as they’re a little less specific than the sentences. SENTENCE MEME ⟶ • “Do it. Fucking unleash. Now.” • “You have the worst survival instincts.” • “I’m no soldier. Don’t see why I should have to fight for a living just because I can throw a punch.” • “Fuck me, come on…” • “Looks like I should be asking you that question…” • “I’m not my sister’s keeper.” • “Why are you already weeping? You’re ruining my plan to push you to tears.” • “He’s going to kill you.” • “Let him try.” • “They just want power, and they want it now.” • “We all make sacrifices at wartime.” • “We can’t just stop living because we’re at war.” • “When have you ever hurt anyone but yourself?” • “Look, if you’re a target, then I’m the most at risk. I spend the most time with you.” • “[Fuck him,] he’ll do whatever he can to get to me.” • “Can’t be too picky with cannon fodder.” • “I’m not your sidekick, I’m your dread companion.” • “To think you used to be at each other’s throats.” • “We’re still at each other’s throats.” • “He’s tried to kill me three times! That I know of! It doesn’t actually matter w...

What is the meaning of it takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations?

Table of Contents • • • • • • • What is the meaning of it takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations? Free to use under the Unsplash License. After breaking up with my then boyfriend, I found comfort in words. This one really struck a chord with me. It’s easy to blame, to get angry, to take things out on others. But to remain kind, soft and understanding through such a difficult situation – That takes grace. WHO said it takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations? Rupi Kaur Quote by Rupi Kaur: “it takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations” What is the meaning of how they left always stays? I guess it means that people coming in our life is a very common thing for us but when a person gets close to you and then leave, the person leaves you in a mess of emotions and you always remember the moment the person left you alone. It feels like a joke for a few days as you are in the denial stage. READ: Is Eren Yeager morally GREY? What is the meaning of cruel world? A situation or event that is cruel is very harsh and causes people distress. struggling to survive in a cruel world with which they cannot cope. What does it mean to handle things with grace? If someone moves with grace, they move in a smooth, controlled, and attractive way. The graces are the ways of behaving and doing things which are considered polite and well-mannered. What is a sentence for cruel? 1) I overheard some cruel remarks about my husband. 2) The cruel man lashed the horse with his whip. 3) The...

All Things Considered – It takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations

I haven’t posted. I also haven’t been present. In real life, that is. There’s something about this… something that I lost when high school ended. I crave the connection of innocent thought, weaving and twisting and being artistic – My art is suffering. (I’m suffering?) I draw (do) the same thing, day in, day out, never straying from what I know. I feel lost and adrift and I don’t like college at all. There’s so much changing, and I never really knew what it meant to feel adrift. But I am now. I’m scared. And alone. And I like being alone, but I don’t like being lonely. I was never lonely, before. My heart aches and I need something but I don’t know what. Don’t worry about me, I’m not taking any unplanned vacations. But I need to start flapping my wings because I’ve been falling for so long. -ATC I’m an incendiary bitch. This we know. But how petty can I be? Petty enough to make a poem about it? Well, yes. So, in honor of my favorite Conservative O, who wants me to calm down so desperately that he has commented it on my latest post ~5 times now, here is a poem. Maybe it will calm you down; it certainly seems like you need it. When comments on my posts cease to impress, Although aware of minty temper, true Your anger is invoked through mine address, So here I write to you a poem too My language foul I see makes you obsessed, Why then, caro amico, Are you even on WordPress? For censorship abounds, yes this is true And comments made may never find their mark But why is it ok f...

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