Nuances meaning in tamil

  1. మీరు కొనసాగబోయే ముందు
  2. nuance meaning in English
  3. Nuance Definition & Meaning
  4. Nuance Definition & Meaning
  5. nuance meaning in English
  6. nuance meaning in English
  7. Nuance Definition & Meaning

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మీరు కొనసాగబోయే ముందు

దిగువున పేర్కొన్న ప్రయోజనాల కోసం మేము • Google సర్వీస్‌లను డెలివరీ చేయడానికి అలాగే మేనేజ్ చేయడానికి • అవుటేజ్‌లను ట్రాక్ చేయడానికి అలాగే స్పామ్, మోసం, ఇంకా దుర్వినియోగం నుండి రక్షించడానికి • మా సర్వీస్‌లు ఎలా ఉపయోగించబడుతున్నాయో అర్థం చేసుకుని, వాటి క్వాలిటీని మెరుగుపరచడానికి ప్రేక్షకుల ఎంగేజ్‌మెంట్‌ను ఇంకా సైట్ గణాంకాలను కొలవడానికి మీరు “అన్నింటినీ అంగీకరించండి”ను ఎంచుకుంటే, మేము కుక్కీలు అలాగే డేటాను వీటి కోసం కూడా ఉపయోగిస్తాము • కొత్త సర్వీస్‌లను అభివృద్ధి చేయడానికి అలాగే మెరుగుపరచడానికి • యాడ్‌లను డెలివరీ చేయడానికి అలాగే అవి ఎంత ప్రభావవంతంగా ఉన్నాయో అంచనా వేయడానికి • మీ సెట్టింగ్‌లను బట్టి, వ్యక్తిగతీకరించిన కంటెంట్‌ను చూపించడానికి • మీ సెట్టింగ్‌లను బట్టి, వ్యక్తిగతీకరించిన యాడ్‌లను చూపించడానికి వ్యక్తిగతీకరించని కంటెంట్ అనేది మీరు ప్రస్తుతం చూస్తున్న కంటెంట్, మీ యాక్టివ్ Search సెషన్‌లోని యాక్టివిటీ, అలాగే మీ లొకేషన్ వంటి అంశాలపై ఆధారపడి ఉంటుంది. వ్యక్తిగతీకరించని యాడ్‌లు అనేవి మీరు ప్రస్తుతం చూస్తున్న కంటెంట్ అలాగే మీ సాధారణ లొకేషన్‌పై ఆధారపడి ఉంటాయి. వ్యక్తిగతీకరించిన కంటెంట్ ఇంకా యాడ్‌లలో మరింత సందర్భోచితమైన ఫలితాలు, సిఫార్సులు, అలాగే మునుపటి Google సెర్చ్‌ల వంటి ఈ బ్రౌజర్‌కు సంబంధించిన గత యాక్టివిటీ ఆధారంగా, ప్రత్యేకంగా అందించబడిన యాడ్‌లు కూడా ఉండవచ్చు. సందర్భోచితంగా ఉంటే, అనుభవాన్ని వయస్సుకు తగినట్లుగా రూపొందించడానికి కూడా మేము కుక్కీలు అలాగే డేటాను ఉపయోగిస్తాము. మీ గోప్యతా సెట్టింగ్‌లను మేనేజ్ చేయడానికి సంబంధించిన వివరాలతో సహా, అదనపు సమాచారాన్ని చూడటానికి “మరిన్ని ఆప్షన్‌లు”ను ఎంచుకోండి. మీరు ఎప్పుడైనా వెబ్‌సైట్‌కు కూడా వెళ్లవచ్చు.

nuance meaning in English

What is nuance meaning in Tamil? The word or phrase nuance refers to a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude. See Other languages: Tags for the entry "nuance" What is nuance meaning in Tamil, nuance translation in Tamil, nuance definition, pronunciations and examples of nuance in Tamil.

Nuance Definition & Meaning

The history of nuance starts in Latin with the noun nūbēs, meaning "cloud." Nūbēs floated into Middle French as nue, also meaning “cloud,” and nue gave rise to nuer, meaning “to make shades of color.” Nuer in turn produced nuance, which in Middle French meant “shade of color.” English borrowed nuance from French, with the meaning “a subtle distinction or variation,” in the late 18th century. That use persists today. Additionally, nuance is sometimes used in a specific musical sense, designating a subtle, expressive variation in a musical performance (such as in tempo, dynamic intensity, or Nuance: So Subtle You Might Miss It Although nuance is defined as "a subtle distinction or variation," the adjective subtle is frequently seen modifying the noun: Ms. Fyfield is remarkably thorough in her psychological profiles, giving subtle nuances to characters who are mere passers-by in this psychodrama. Marilyn Stasio, The New York Times Book Review, 27 Aug. 1989 Still, the beloved diva sustained exquisite control of her vast vocal resources, enriching line after line with gleaming tone and subtle nuance. Martin Bernheimer, The Financial Times, 15 Nov. 2016 Since the definition of nuance already connotes subtlety—we don't speak of blatant or obvious nuances—some might regard the use of subtle as a modifier here to be redundant. But the fact of its frequent use is an indication that the connotation of subtlety in nuance might itself be too subtle to be picked up by many English speak...

Nuance Definition & Meaning

The history of nuance starts in Latin with the noun nūbēs, meaning "cloud." Nūbēs floated into Middle French as nue, also meaning “cloud,” and nue gave rise to nuer, meaning “to make shades of color.” Nuer in turn produced nuance, which in Middle French meant “shade of color.” English borrowed nuance from French, with the meaning “a subtle distinction or variation,” in the late 18th century. That use persists today. Additionally, nuance is sometimes used in a specific musical sense, designating a subtle, expressive variation in a musical performance (such as in tempo, dynamic intensity, or Nuance: So Subtle You Might Miss It Although nuance is defined as "a subtle distinction or variation," the adjective subtle is frequently seen modifying the noun: Ms. Fyfield is remarkably thorough in her psychological profiles, giving subtle nuances to characters who are mere passers-by in this psychodrama. Marilyn Stasio, The New York Times Book Review, 27 Aug. 1989 Still, the beloved diva sustained exquisite control of her vast vocal resources, enriching line after line with gleaming tone and subtle nuance. Martin Bernheimer, The Financial Times, 15 Nov. 2016 Since the definition of nuance already connotes subtlety—we don't speak of blatant or obvious nuances—some might regard the use of subtle as a modifier here to be redundant. But the fact of its frequent use is an indication that the connotation of subtlety in nuance might itself be too subtle to be picked up by many English speak...

nuance meaning in English

What is nuance meaning in Tamil? The word or phrase nuance refers to a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude. See Other languages: Tags for the entry "nuance" What is nuance meaning in Tamil, nuance translation in Tamil, nuance definition, pronunciations and examples of nuance in Tamil.

nuance meaning in English

What is nuance meaning in Tamil? The word or phrase nuance refers to a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude. See Other languages: Tags for the entry "nuance" What is nuance meaning in Tamil, nuance translation in Tamil, nuance definition, pronunciations and examples of nuance in Tamil.

Nuance Definition & Meaning

The history of nuance starts in Latin with the noun nūbēs, meaning "cloud." Nūbēs floated into Middle French as nue, also meaning “cloud,” and nue gave rise to nuer, meaning “to make shades of color.” Nuer in turn produced nuance, which in Middle French meant “shade of color.” English borrowed nuance from French, with the meaning “a subtle distinction or variation,” in the late 18th century. That use persists today. Additionally, nuance is sometimes used in a specific musical sense, designating a subtle, expressive variation in a musical performance (such as in tempo, dynamic intensity, or Nuance: So Subtle You Might Miss It Although nuance is defined as "a subtle distinction or variation," the adjective subtle is frequently seen modifying the noun: Ms. Fyfield is remarkably thorough in her psychological profiles, giving subtle nuances to characters who are mere passers-by in this psychodrama. Marilyn Stasio, The New York Times Book Review, 27 Aug. 1989 Still, the beloved diva sustained exquisite control of her vast vocal resources, enriching line after line with gleaming tone and subtle nuance. Martin Bernheimer, The Financial Times, 15 Nov. 2016 Since the definition of nuance already connotes subtlety—we don't speak of blatant or obvious nuances—some might regard the use of subtle as a modifier here to be redundant. But the fact of its frequent use is an indication that the connotation of subtlety in nuance might itself be too subtle to be picked up by many English speak...