
Advantage of Terrestrial Animals over Aquatic Animals in Obtaining Oxygen for RespirationTerrestrial animals are those that live on land, while aquatic animals are those that live in water. Both types of animals need oxygen for respiration, but terrestrial animals have an advantage over aquatic animals in obtaining oxygen.

Terrestrial organisms take up oxygen from the atmosphere whereas aquatic animals need to utilize oxygen present in the water. Air contains more O 2 as compared to water.

The Ganges River Dolphin, originally discovered in 1801, is the National aquatic animal of India. The Central Government of India declared this on the 18th of May 2010 officially. The National Ganga River Basin Authority is an ambitious project of the Government that aims to reclaim the lost glory of the Ganga River.

Aquatic Organisms. Aquatic organisms generally fall into three broad groups: plankton, nekton, and benthos. They vary in how they move and where they live. Plankton are tiny aquatic organisms that cannot move on their own. They live in the photic zone. They include phytoplankton and zooplankton.

Annelids. The phylum Annelida is made up of segmented worms such as earthworms. Segmented worms are divided into many repeating segments. There are roughly 15,000 species of annelids. Most belong to one of three classes. A species in each class is pictured in Figure below. Classes of Annelids. The majority of annelids are polychaetes.

Survival of aquatic organisms: Because algae and many species of plants take on dissolved oxygen, rising nutrient levels in water have an impact on aquatic animal life. Chemicals are carried away from fields and end up in bodies of water including ponds, rivers, and the sea. These provide nutrients for algae to grow.

Productivity is the rate at which energy is added to the bodies of a group of organisms (such as primary producers) in the form of biomass. Gross productivity is the overall rate of energy capture. Net productivity is lower, adjusted for energy used by organisms in respiration/metabolism. Energy transfer between trophic levels is inefficient. Only

Characteristics of Aquatic Ecosystems Factors such as temperature, sunlight, oxygen, and nutrients determine which organisms live in which area of the water. Three groups of aquatic organisms include: Plankton - mostly microscopic organisms that float or drift freely in the water, and can be microscopic animals

Whales and other marine mammals maintain a core body temperature similar to ours—about 37 degrees C (99 degrees F). How do they manage to do this under such extreme conditions? They have two.

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