
Level: Beginner Cobra is most often done as part of a Sun Salutation. It's the alternative to Upward Facing Dog ( Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana) in the Vinyasa sequence for beginners. But it is also a powerful backbend in its own right, so it's worth taking some time to work on this pose in isolation.

Meaning of Stretch (Stretch) in English, What is the meaning of Stretch in English Dictionary. Pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, sentence usage and definition of Stretch .

Stretching, as it relates to physical health and fitness, is the process of placing particular parts of the body into a position that will lengthen, or elongate, the muscles and associated soft tissues. Upon undertaking a regular stretching program a number of changes begin to occur within the body and specifically within the muscles themselves.

After that, he works a In the beginning, Rohan works at the rate such that he can finish a piece of work in 32 hrs, but he only works at this rate for 26 hrs. Change Language