
Repetitive DNA is one of the main components of plant genomes, reaching about 50–90% of genomic abundance ( Bennett et al., 1982; Kubis et al., 1998; Heslop-Harrison, 2000 ), and is composed by dispersed (e.g., transposable elements) and tandem (e.g., satellite DNA) sequences, with variable abundance.

Table of Contents Maskot/Getty Images Hardware consists of the physical components of a computer. Software tells those parts what to do and how to do it. Simply put, without software, your.

Poor people suffer from chronic hunger because of their very low income and in turn inability to buy food even for survival. Seasonal hunger is related to cycles of food growing and harvesting. This is prevalent in rural areas because of the seasonal nature of agricultural activities and in urban areas because of the casual labour, e.g., there.

Seasonal hunger is related to cycles of food growing and harvesting. This is prevalent in rural areas because of the seasonal nature of agricultural activities , and in urban areas because of the casual labour (e.g., there is less work for casual construction labour during the rainy season).

Though the two relates to increase the aquatic production, they are different in the sense that one is related to growing fish products in fresh water and the other pertains to seawater. While aquaculture is related to freshwater, mariculture is identified with seawater.

A non-democratic government is one that does not meet all the criteria for being democratic. There are three aspects to democracy. In order to be democratic, a government has to have all three of.

What is the difference between democratic and non-democratic government? How do different systems of government compare? How does government work in a non-democratic nation? (case study North Korea) What are the key differences between the Westminster parliament and the US Congress?

Capture fishing is the most traditional method of fishing, where fish are caught in the wild using nets, traps, and hooks. On the other hand, mariculture and aquaculture involve farming fish and other aquatic animals in controlled environments, but there are differences between these two methods.

Khadar is new alluvial soil. Bangar is less fertile and therefore, not suitable for agriculture. Khadar soil is very fertile and therefore, very suitable for agriculture. Suggest Corrections 2 Similar questions Q. difference between convergent and divergent rays. Q. Distinguish between converging and diverging lenses. Q.

A really obvious difference is in the outer shell of the cell. In addition to a cell membrane, plants have cell walls made out of tough compounds called cellulose and lignin, which makes them rigid and tough — useful for keeping trees from collapsing into gelatinous piles of plant tissue.

Both aquaculture and Mariculture are related to cultivating aquatic products under controlled conditions. Though the two relates to increase the aquatic production, they are different in the sense that one is related to growing fish products in fresh water and the other pertains to seawater.

Answer 9 people found it helpful skprincktr Differentiate between democratic and non democratic government : (A) A democratic government is elected by the people while a non-democratic government is not elected by the people. (B) Under democracy people are given basic rights while under non-democratic conditions people are not given basic rights.