
1. I hit this when trying to compile python, numpy, scipy, matplotlib in my own VIRTUAL_ENV. Before installing matplotlib you have to build and install: pygobject pycairo pygtk. And then do it with matplotlib: Before building matplotlib check with 'python ./ build --help' if 'gtkagg' backend is enabled.

It is about 3 pages long (400 words, appx). I want to create a set of PowerPoint slides, with most of the words from the Word file in boxes in charts. If it were possible, one way to do this would be to convert all the words in Word into Text Boxes - the contents of each separate heading in the Word document becoming a separate Text Box.

For each slide title, format the line as Heading 1 in Word or just type in Notepad. For each line of bulleted text, format the text as Heading 2 in Word or insert a tab in Notepad For each line of indented bulleted text, format the text as Heading 3 in Word or insert 2 tabs in Notepad Save the file as a .docx or .txt file.