
Each image in the sequence is called a frame. Sampling images is possible because the human eye cannot resolve small details, i.e. when looking at a sampled image from a distance we don’t see the pixels anymore. The same is true for images in motion.

The sales process is a series of steps that move a sales rep from product and market research through the close of the sale — and beyond. The number of steps in the sales process may change depending on a rep’s industry, product, and prospect, but include four key stages: research, prospecting, sales call and close, and relationship-building.

2. Aim the hose at the base of the fire. Hold the lower handle lever (the carrying handle) with one hand and grab the hose or nozzle with the other hand. Point the hose directly at the base of the fire, because you have to put out the fuel that’s burning. [3] Do not aim the hose at the flames.

As it turns out, this is a physics question, not a philosophical one. You, like all living things, are an open system, meaning that you exchange both matter and energy with your environment. For instance, you take in chemical energy in the form of food, and do work on your surroundings in the form of moving, talking, walking, and breathing.