Atlas os

  1. [OS] 游戏党狂喜 AtlasOS v0.5.2 Win10高性能精简版
  2. The Best Custom Windows 10 ISO for Gaming
  3. Check out AtlasOS, a redesigned Windows 10 version for gamers and potato PCs
  4. Atlas OS Download and Features: Supercharge Your Windows 10 Experience
  5. Now downloading: Atlas OS W10 22H2
  6. Check out AtlasOS, a redesigned Windows 10 version for gamers and potato PCs
  7. The Best Custom Windows 10 ISO for Gaming
  8. Reddit
  9. [OS] 游戏党狂喜 AtlasOS v0.5.2 Win10高性能精简版
  10. Atlas OS Download and Features: Supercharge Your Windows 10 Experience

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[OS] 游戏党狂喜 AtlasOS v0.5.2 Win10高性能精简版

哈喽,黑域小伙伴,AtlasOS可能大家比较陌生,但对于爱玩游戏的这系统绝对让你狂喜,AtlasOS基于 Windows 10 20H2 版定制的替代操作系统,专门为游戏玩家开发,一切以游戏性能为目标,旨在帮助老硬件发挥更好的性能或为高端玩家删除一切阻碍。 其实要介绍 AtlasOS 其实一句话就能说清楚,那就是删除系统不必要的组件和微软附带的各类遥测组件,能让游戏高性能运行就行,使用起来比Win10 LTSC版本更好用,嘎嘎香! 据AtlasOS的测试: AtlasOS 剥离大量在 Windows 后台运行的进程,例如原本 Windows 10 20H2 有 185 个默认后台进程,被删减后现在只有 35 个。 内存占用率从 1.5GB 锐减到 600MB;进程延迟也从 3.09 降低到了 2.55;体积方面,安装包也从原版的 4.5 GB 精简到仅 1.49GB,可以腾出更多硬盘空间供游戏所用,可谓的全方位的短小精悍了。 精简方面: AtlasOS 移除了对游戏无用或对性能有影响的组件,比如 Windows Defender、Bitlocker、TPM 可信平台模块、存储空间管理、eMMC 驱动、RAID 配置功能、生物识别功能、语音命令,以及还原点和系统重置功能等等。 此外,AtlasOS 还做了众多的优化措施,比如自定义电源计划、禁用节能设置、精简驱动程序、禁用非必要系统服务、禁用消耗大量资源的安全措施、启动配置优化、优化进程调度等等。 AtlasOS 安装方法: AtlasOS 系统的安装方法和 Windows 10 其实没什么区别,下载到镜像之后,你可以使用 Rufus、Ventoy 等启动盘制作工具来制作出 USB 安装盘,然后就跟平常安装 Windows 一样安装它即可。 默认情况下 AtlasOS 为了精简,只有英文界面 (美式英语),不包含任何其他语言包,而且它也精简了系统更新的组件,无法通过网络更新直接下载到语言包。因此,如果你需要简体中文,则需要手工下载和安装简体中文语言包。 下载安装 AtlasOS 简体中文语言包: • 我会一起打包中文语言包,你下载后将其解压到桌面,你会得到一个名为 的文件。 • 打开管理员模式的 PowerShell 命令行,方法:鼠标右键点击桌面左下角的「Windows 开始按钮」,在右键菜单中选择「Windows PowerShell (管理员)」 在PowerShell里执行下面的两行命令: cd desktop add-appxpackage 执行完命令之后,「需要重新启动电脑」,然后再进入系统设置里面设置语言,这时就有简体中文可以选择了。不过安装中文包后依然会有些地方出现英文的情况,但并不影响日常使用。 AtlasOS 确实在游戏优化方面是有用处的。当然,优化的效果也因游戏而异,有些时候能提高十几二十帧,相当的夸张!而有些则只是 2、3 帧的区别。总体来说,性能的提升还是肉眼可见的,小伙伴可自行测试自己玩的游戏! 提取码:HyHy 您可能会喜欢这些的: • [OS] 不忘初心纯净精简版 Windows11 22H2 22621.741 • [OS] 2022重磅大型更新 Windows 11 22H2正式版22621.382 • [OS] 老电脑起飞 Tiny10 21H2仅1G的Win10系统 • [OS] 移除花哨功能 Windows 10 LTSC 2021长期企业版 • [Windows] Win11...

The Best Custom Windows 10 ISO for Gaming

Let us be honest – Windows 10 is nowhere near perfect for gaming and Windows 11 is Windows 10 but with a facelift and even more telemetry and components that will inevitably take away some of your FPS. There are TONS and I mean legitimately TONS of Windows components, services, and apps that you will never use or touch but which are sitting idly in the background consuming your precious CPU cycles that could be otherwise dedicated to increasing your FPS and reducing your input lag. Be it because your A custom Windows 10 ISO does not mean that magically you will now have 300FPS instead of 30 in your games. You are still It is also important to understand that depending on how custom you are going with your Windows ISO you will end up with a system with huge chunks of Windows stripped in the name of latency and FPS. Before installing any custom Windows 10 ISO do your research and figure out what components are missing and what issues are known to happen with these custom installs. Usually, this means scrolling through all of the Discord channels of the said custom Win 10 install and looking in the support chats, etc. There will be a lot of troubleshooting and figuring things out involved in the process of fully setting up your custom ISO after install so if you are not ready to do that, or are afraid/too lazy to install the ISO again in case something breaks fully then this is NOT a good idea for you. There will be one custom Windows ISO that is generally 99.9% as stable as ...

Check out AtlasOS, a redesigned Windows 10 version for gamers and potato PCs

In brief: The market of "modified" Windows versions has been around for a while. AtlasOS strives to be the "best" version of Windows 10 for gamers - or for hardware platforms which are a bit out of date to properly run a modern OS. As presented on the When compared to a "stock" Windows 10 21H1 version, the latest release of AtlasOS (0.5.2) cuts the number of running processes from 185 to around 35; RAM usage is greatly lowered as well, going from 1.5GB to 600MB. Process latency, which AtlasOS creators call a "sticky topic," also goes down from 3.09 to 2.55. Atlas removes all the "negative drawbacks of Windows" which could adversely affect gaming performance, the project's AtlasOS disables mitigations against hardware security flaws in modern Intel (and AMD) processors like Spectre and Meltdown, following the principle that "if a security mitigation measure decreases performance, it will be disabled." As they are not crucial for gaming, standard (security) features like Trusted Platform Module (TPM), BitLocker, Windows Defender, Voice Recognition, Restore Points & System Reset are all removed as well. As for the open-source nature of the Atlas Project, the main tool currently used to create the mod is The usefulness of AtlasOS, all things considered, is questionable to say the least: gamers and enthusiasts tend to purchase the most powerful hardware they can (

Atlas OS Download and Features: Supercharge Your Windows 10 Experience

Windows users always seek ways to optimize their systems for a smoother experience. Atlas OS, a modified Windows 10, offers the solution to those who desire enhanced performance, especially for gaming. This guide will explore how to download and install Atlas OS, its features, and how it can supercharge your Windows 10 experience. Table of contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • What is Atlas OS? Atlas OS is a custom Windows operating system developed by the Windows Ameliorated team, aiming to improve performance and minimize data collection. The developers have tweaked the Windows installation to disable performance-hungry security mitigations and other “heavy” processes, helping to reduce the footprint, improve system latency, and enhance gaming performance. The Atlas team does not give you a downloadable ISO. Rather, you get the official ISO from Microsoft, and then using an Atlas “playbook,” it will tweak the installation and remove the bloat. Check out the official Atlas OS site here: Windows 10 or Windows 11? Currently, Atlas OS only works with Windows 10 installations. The Atlas site shows that the Windows 11 download is “coming soon.” It will be interesting to see how well it works with Windows 11 once it is available. Key Features of Atlas OS Optimized Gaming Performance Atlas OS comes with a series of optimizations that improve gaming performance on personal computers. By disabling performance-hungry security mitigations and implementing numerous g...

Now downloading: Atlas OS W10 22H2

Atlas is an open source project that modifies Windows and removes all of the negative drawbacks that affect gaming performance. We are a great option for reducing system latency, network latency, input lag, and keeping your system private while still keeping our focus on performance. With the 22H2 update, Atlas has switched from using NTLite and distributing an ISO image to fully tweaking, stripping (removing components) and debloating a live Windows installation, with a new tool in collaboration with the Windows Ameliorated team called AME Wizard. Once installed, it results in an operating system just like Atlas before, but even better.

Check out AtlasOS, a redesigned Windows 10 version for gamers and potato PCs

In brief: The market of "modified" Windows versions has been around for a while. AtlasOS strives to be the "best" version of Windows 10 for gamers - or for hardware platforms which are a bit out of date to properly run a modern OS. As presented on the When compared to a "stock" Windows 10 21H1 version, the latest release of AtlasOS (0.5.2) cuts the number of running processes from 185 to around 35; RAM usage is greatly lowered as well, going from 1.5GB to 600MB. Process latency, which AtlasOS creators call a "sticky topic," also goes down from 3.09 to 2.55. Atlas removes all the "negative drawbacks of Windows" which could adversely affect gaming performance, the project's AtlasOS disables mitigations against hardware security flaws in modern Intel (and AMD) processors like Spectre and Meltdown, following the principle that "if a security mitigation measure decreases performance, it will be disabled." As they are not crucial for gaming, standard (security) features like Trusted Platform Module (TPM), BitLocker, Windows Defender, Voice Recognition, Restore Points & System Reset are all removed as well. As for the open-source nature of the Atlas Project, the main tool currently used to create the mod is The usefulness of AtlasOS, all things considered, is questionable to say the least: gamers and enthusiasts tend to purchase the most powerful hardware they can (

The Best Custom Windows 10 ISO for Gaming

Let us be honest – Windows 10 is nowhere near perfect for gaming and Windows 11 is Windows 10 but with a facelift and even more telemetry and components that will inevitably take away some of your FPS. There are TONS and I mean legitimately TONS of Windows components, services, and apps that you will never use or touch but which are sitting idly in the background consuming your precious CPU cycles that could be otherwise dedicated to increasing your FPS and reducing your input lag. Be it because your A custom Windows 10 ISO does not mean that magically you will now have 300FPS instead of 30 in your games. You are still It is also important to understand that depending on how custom you are going with your Windows ISO you will end up with a system with huge chunks of Windows stripped in the name of latency and FPS. Before installing any custom Windows 10 ISO do your research and figure out what components are missing and what issues are known to happen with these custom installs. Usually, this means scrolling through all of the Discord channels of the said custom Win 10 install and looking in the support chats, etc. There will be a lot of troubleshooting and figuring things out involved in the process of fully setting up your custom ISO after install so if you are not ready to do that, or are afraid/too lazy to install the ISO again in case something breaks fully then this is NOT a good idea for you. There will be one custom Windows ISO that is generally 99.9% as stable as ...


Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. For more information, please see our Well, as the title suggests, there are several questions in this single post, so that whatever topic you'd have an answer to, it would be welcomely grouped here. ♦ How does AME compare to some other Win builds, in term of privacy efficiency, performance/latency/... , (missing) functionality ? Wondering, since some threads led me to even question the interest of getting into such lvl of concession we make by removing so much stuff... → → Otherwise, I'll have to dig again into these alternatives, providing a + thorough & fundamental approach, unlike for instance the non open source custom ISOs I mention in title, & without as many inconvenients in (broken) features. Just a different set of headache :D :/ → → → Can't tell confidently how they'd compare to AME in the criterias of that ♦ . ♦ My main struggle was regarding installation of HEVCVideoExtension_1.0.50361.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.Appx , it seems impossible without the winStore, & I need it for video editing purposes; however, no clue how to...

[OS] 游戏党狂喜 AtlasOS v0.5.2 Win10高性能精简版

哈喽,黑域小伙伴,AtlasOS可能大家比较陌生,但对于爱玩游戏的这系统绝对让你狂喜,AtlasOS基于 Windows 10 20H2 版定制的替代操作系统,专门为游戏玩家开发,一切以游戏性能为目标,旨在帮助老硬件发挥更好的性能或为高端玩家删除一切阻碍。 其实要介绍 AtlasOS 其实一句话就能说清楚,那就是删除系统不必要的组件和微软附带的各类遥测组件,能让游戏高性能运行就行,使用起来比Win10 LTSC版本更好用,嘎嘎香! 据AtlasOS的测试: AtlasOS 剥离大量在 Windows 后台运行的进程,例如原本 Windows 10 20H2 有 185 个默认后台进程,被删减后现在只有 35 个。 内存占用率从 1.5GB 锐减到 600MB;进程延迟也从 3.09 降低到了 2.55;体积方面,安装包也从原版的 4.5 GB 精简到仅 1.49GB,可以腾出更多硬盘空间供游戏所用,可谓的全方位的短小精悍了。 精简方面: AtlasOS 移除了对游戏无用或对性能有影响的组件,比如 Windows Defender、Bitlocker、TPM 可信平台模块、存储空间管理、eMMC 驱动、RAID 配置功能、生物识别功能、语音命令,以及还原点和系统重置功能等等。 此外,AtlasOS 还做了众多的优化措施,比如自定义电源计划、禁用节能设置、精简驱动程序、禁用非必要系统服务、禁用消耗大量资源的安全措施、启动配置优化、优化进程调度等等。 AtlasOS 安装方法: AtlasOS 系统的安装方法和 Windows 10 其实没什么区别,下载到镜像之后,你可以使用 Rufus、Ventoy 等启动盘制作工具来制作出 USB 安装盘,然后就跟平常安装 Windows 一样安装它即可。 默认情况下 AtlasOS 为了精简,只有英文界面 (美式英语),不包含任何其他语言包,而且它也精简了系统更新的组件,无法通过网络更新直接下载到语言包。因此,如果你需要简体中文,则需要手工下载和安装简体中文语言包。 下载安装 AtlasOS 简体中文语言包: • 我会一起打包中文语言包,你下载后将其解压到桌面,你会得到一个名为 的文件。 • 打开管理员模式的 PowerShell 命令行,方法:鼠标右键点击桌面左下角的「Windows 开始按钮」,在右键菜单中选择「Windows PowerShell (管理员)」 在PowerShell里执行下面的两行命令: cd desktop add-appxpackage 执行完命令之后,「需要重新启动电脑」,然后再进入系统设置里面设置语言,这时就有简体中文可以选择了。不过安装中文包后依然会有些地方出现英文的情况,但并不影响日常使用。 AtlasOS 确实在游戏优化方面是有用处的。当然,优化的效果也因游戏而异,有些时候能提高十几二十帧,相当的夸张!而有些则只是 2、3 帧的区别。总体来说,性能的提升还是肉眼可见的,小伙伴可自行测试自己玩的游戏! 提取码:HyHy 您可能会喜欢这些的: • [OS] 不忘初心纯净精简版 Windows11 22H2 22621.741 • [OS] 2022重磅大型更新 Windows 11 22H2正式版22621.382 • [OS] 老电脑起飞 Tiny10 21H2仅1G的Win10系统 • [OS] 移除花哨功能 Windows 10 LTSC 2021长期企业版 • [Windows] Win11...

Atlas OS Download and Features: Supercharge Your Windows 10 Experience

Windows users always seek ways to optimize their systems for a smoother experience. Atlas OS, a modified Windows 10, offers the solution to those who desire enhanced performance, especially for gaming. This guide will explore how to download and install Atlas OS, its features, and how it can supercharge your Windows 10 experience. Table of contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • What is Atlas OS? Atlas OS is a custom Windows operating system developed by the Windows Ameliorated team, aiming to improve performance and minimize data collection. The developers have tweaked the Windows installation to disable performance-hungry security mitigations and other “heavy” processes, helping to reduce the footprint, improve system latency, and enhance gaming performance. The Atlas team does not give you a downloadable ISO. Rather, you get the official ISO from Microsoft, and then using an Atlas “playbook,” it will tweak the installation and remove the bloat. Check out the official Atlas OS site here: Windows 10 or Windows 11? Currently, Atlas OS only works with Windows 10 installations. The Atlas site shows that the Windows 11 download is “coming soon.” It will be interesting to see how well it works with Windows 11 once it is available. Key Features of Atlas OS Optimized Gaming Performance Atlas OS comes with a series of optimizations that improve gaming performance on personal computers. By disabling performance-hungry security mitigations and implementing numerous g...